Legalize it!

You win. This is the stupidest thing ever posted on the internet!

Note: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson smoked cannabis regularly.

In fact smoking it was of its least used purposes when TJ and GW grew it, they mostly used it for clothes and cordage and paper etc and dubya thinks they invented gov to outlaw such activity :D

Oh, I agree: most of it was for other purposes (offhand, most sailcloth was hemp until the 20th century), but they did smoke it. (Washington used it to relieve the pain of ill-fitting false teeth.) In a letter to a friend, Washington even laments being away from home and not returning in time to separate male and female plants. (Note: the only reason to do so is if he smoked it!)

Well smoking was one way for medicinal delivery but it was also used in tincture and other extract mixtures, including raw consumption of leaves flowers and seeds.
When you eat it raw you get far more medicinal value and none of the 'high'.
To get 'high' you need to apply heat, as with smoking or brownies etc.
When consumed raw or in concentrates it becomes a curative for cancer and many other thought to be incurable ailments.
It's your analysis of government authority that is way off. You act like government has no purpose to regulate an orderly society and our Constitution prohibited the federal government from doing so. Such things as making laws for the general welfare don't exist in your mind, because you believe you have a constitutional right to grow drugs, hence the plant defense. There are plants that are very dangerous and it's the job of government not to allow the general public to own them. I mentioned the ability to make WMD biological weapons from plants, but what about an invasive species. Does your plant theory only apply to plants that make drugs and why is it limited to plants? If you think people have the universal freedom to property rights, then all chemicals, animals, bacteria and viruses should be included. I guess people have the right to own nuclear weapons too.

A government that behaves the way you claim our government should and is suppose to behave isn't functioning. Your concept of government is anarchy, where it's prohibited from making common sense laws and gives unlimited freedom to it's citizens. According to you, the Constitution didn't give Congress the authority to make any law regulating human behavior, because you won't read what the Founders said. The Founders had enough sense to know people needed government or they wouldn't have bothered to form one. They knew laws were needed to regulate human behavior. Try reading what they said, before and after each part of the Constitution by doing some actual research and not lazily taking a viewpoint based on talking points from some extremist site. Here is our Constitution and Bill of Rights based on what formed it and the minutes of the meetings where it was worded. The link also contains the historical evidence prior to and after writing each item in the Constitution.

Founders' Constitution

If you people want pot legalized, why can't you use reason? You aren't going to convince people that our government doesn't have the authority to prohibit the possession of a plant. Pot is unique in that it can easily be grown, but drugs like coca and opiates aren't. You aren't going to get rid of a black market by legalizing those drugs. Drugs like meth also are too dangerous to be legal. It would be smart to decriminalize with treatment these street drugs, but it isn't smart to legalize them. Pot should be legalized, except for exports, so it's value will drop to it's production value. If someone wants to smoke pot, they should be allowed to grow all they want and only have a sales tax when sold. They can put the pot in tobacco shops and keep it from the general public. The fact is, they should do the same thing with cigarettes, including only having a sales tax. There should be excise taxes on these or liquor. If governments want revenue then progressive taxation on income is the method to raise it.

We aren't going to solve drug problems with legalization. Opium poppies can be grown in the US, but producing opium is too labor intensive for it to be produced here. It isn't like a heroin addict will grow his own drug for consumption. The same thing applies to crack, but I doubt we could sufficiently grow coca outside of Hawaii. Legalizing those drugs isn't going to stop the drug cartels or make the drugs cheap. Those drugs will be around as long as countries are allowed to produce them and they can only be stopped at the source of production.

It would be easy for the world to rid itself of crack, because the plantations producing it are easy to find. A coca bush takes about a year and a half to two years to grow. Only new growth leaves are picked and the bush will grow to tree size and live forty years or more. The point is the bush/tree can be easily cut down. Opium poppies are a different story and once an area is planted, it takes a sustained effort to remove that perennial plant. It's pie in the sky thinking to believe legalizing these or harmful drugs like meth will solve the problems associated with them. It's stupid too to claim efforts to stop such drugs aren't working, so we should stop trying. It may suit your libertarian fancy to think your methods would work, but legalizing those types of drugs would just make a bad situation much worse.

I think your high on yourself and your perception of your own edu because your analysis of my views and the ultimate purpose of gov and where gov authority begins and ends are all incorrect. Maybe you spent to much time in the class room rather than in real life practice in the court room?
Do you have any court experience?
Do you have any experience working with gov?
Do you have any experience being discriminated against to the point of life in prison for violating illegitimate laws that are based in anything but serving and protecting the people?
Maybe you are just a fascist or some such thing I dont know, but I do know that i dont have enough rope to pull you back into relevance and reality.
Oh and I'm unaffiliated, not 'libertarian' or any other ridicules theater club label you can think of to suit your realities needs.
Breed you should not ;) kidding

You are claiming to have no political ideology and you think that makes sense? Your position of various issues determines your political ideology. Take a 20 question quiz and see how you score!

VoteMatch Quiz

I have enough intelligence, education and experience of all kinds to run circles around a fool like you. Do I have to quote the Constitution to prove you wrong? Have you cited Supreme Court case history to prove your case, or did you mention a Judge saying something? Just doing that shows me you don't know much about the law, so why pretend like you do?

"Do you have any court experience?
Do you have any experience working with gov?
Do you have any experience being discriminated against to the point of life in prison for violating illegitimate laws that are based in anything but serving and protecting the people?"
So in other words your answer to those questions are all:
and no
and then your admitting yes to this one:
"Maybe you spent to much time in the class room rather than in real life practice"

Well at least your honest.
Stupid as shit about gov courts and this issue, but honest.
In fact smoking it was of its least used purposes when TJ and GW grew it, they mostly used it for clothes and cordage and paper etc and dubya thinks they invented gov to outlaw such activity :D

Oh, I agree: most of it was for other purposes (offhand, most sailcloth was hemp until the 20th century), but they did smoke it. (Washington used it to relieve the pain of ill-fitting false teeth.) In a letter to a friend, Washington even laments being away from home and not returning in time to separate male and female plants. (Note: the only reason to do so is if he smoked it!)

Well smoking was one way for medicinal delivery but it was also used in tincture and other extract mixtures, including raw consumption of leaves flowers and seeds.
When you eat it raw you get far more medicinal value and none of the 'high'.
To get 'high' you need to apply heat, as with smoking or brownies etc.
When consumed raw or in concentrates it becomes a curative for cancer and many other thought to be incurable ailments.

Pot is not a miracle drug and it's only use in cancer is to prevent nausea and anorexia in AIDS patients. You've made glaucoma prevention a religion. Pot has some medicinal value, because it mimics similar chemistry in the body. If you ever manage to get away from planet Uranus, fill up your ship with all those Republicans you've lived with.

Marijuana was found, in the early 1970s, to reduce pressure in the eyes, though how the cannabinoids in marijuana produce this effect remains unknown.

Source: Glaucoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cannabis used medically has several well-documented beneficial effects. Among these are: the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating glaucoma), as well as general analgesic effects (pain reliever).b[›]

Less confirmed individual studies also have been conducted indicating cannabis to be beneficial to a gamut of conditions running from multiple sclerosis to depression. Synthesized cannabinoids are also sold as prescription drugs, including Marinol (dronabinol in the United States and Germany) and Cesamet (nabilone in Canada, Mexico, the United States and the United Kingdom).b[›]

Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved smoked cannabis for any condition or disease in the United States, largely because the FDA claims good quality scientific evidence for its use from U.S. studies is lacking.[49] Eighteen states and the District of Colombia have legalized cannabis for medical use.[50][51] The United States Supreme Court has ruled in United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Coop and Gonzales v. Raich that it is the federal government that has the right to regulate and criminalize cannabis, even for medical purposes. Canada, Spain, The Netherlands and Austria have legalized some form of cannabis for medicinal use.[52]

Source: Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess no one told SCOTUS it was a plant.

The drugs mentioned in the link are for nausea and chronic pain management, such as condition caused by fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. The later has never been approved in the US. The only legal synthetic cannabinoid in the US is Marinol which is used for nausea associated with chemotherapy and anorexia in AIDS patients.

In United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001), the United States Supreme Court rejected the common-law medical necessity defense to crimes enacted under the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970, regardless of their legal status under the laws of states such as California that recognize a medical use for marijuana. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative was represented by Gerald Uelmen.


Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1 (2005), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court ruling that under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, the United States Congress may criminalize the production and use of home-grown cannabis even where states approve its use for medicinal purposes.

You are claiming to have no political ideology and you think that makes sense? Your position of various issues determines your political ideology. Take a 20 question quiz and see how you score!

VoteMatch Quiz

I have enough intelligence, education and experience of all kinds to run circles around a fool like you. Do I have to quote the Constitution to prove you wrong? Have you cited Supreme Court case history to prove your case, or did you mention a Judge saying something? Just doing that shows me you don't know much about the law, so why pretend like you do?

So much for your assumption that we all fit in neat little political boxes...

Total 53%
Social 31%
Economic 67%
Virgil Goode - Constitution Party presidential nominee; former Republican Representative

Total 50%
Social 44%
Economic 54%
Gary Johnson - Former Republican NM Governor; Libertarian nominee 2012

Total 48%
Social 38%
Economic 54%
Andre Barnett - Reform Party nominee for President

Total 48%
Social 19%
Economic 67%
Paul Ryan - Republican Representative (WI-1); Vice-Presidential nominee

Total 40%
Social 50%
Economic 33%
Rocky Anderson -Justice Party challenger for President; former mayor of Salt Lake City

Total 40%
Social 50%
Economic 33%
Jill Stein - Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor

Total 35%
Social 44%
Economic 29%
Roseanne Barr - Peace and Freedom Party nominee for President

Total 30%
Social 19%
Economic 38%
Mitt Romney - Former Republican Governor (MA)

Total 28%
Social 19%
Economic 33%
Barack Obama - Democratic Incumbent President

Total 20%
Social 13%
Economic 25%
Apr. 17, 2007 — The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

It must really suck to be so uninformed as to not know this... ^^^
You are claiming to have no political ideology and you think that makes sense? Your position of various issues determines your political ideology. Take a 20 question quiz and see how you score!

VoteMatch Quiz

I have enough intelligence, education and experience of all kinds to run circles around a fool like you. Do I have to quote the Constitution to prove you wrong? Have you cited Supreme Court case history to prove your case, or did you mention a Judge saying something? Just doing that shows me you don't know much about the law, so why pretend like you do?

So much for your assumption that we all fit in neat little political boxes...

Total 53%
Social 31%
Economic 67%
Virgil Goode - Constitution Party presidential nominee; former Republican Representative

Total 50%
Social 44%
Economic 54%
Gary Johnson - Former Republican NM Governor; Libertarian nominee 2012

Total 48%
Social 38%
Economic 54%
Andre Barnett - Reform Party nominee for President

Total 48%
Social 19%
Economic 67%
Paul Ryan - Republican Representative (WI-1); Vice-Presidential nominee

Total 40%
Social 50%
Economic 33%
Rocky Anderson -Justice Party challenger for President; former mayor of Salt Lake City

Total 40%
Social 50%
Economic 33%
Jill Stein - Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor

Total 35%
Social 44%
Economic 29%
Roseanne Barr - Peace and Freedom Party nominee for President

Total 30%
Social 19%
Economic 38%
Mitt Romney - Former Republican Governor (MA)

Total 28%
Social 19%
Economic 33%
Barack Obama - Democratic Incumbent President

Total 20%
Social 13%
Economic 25%

What was your score?
Score? I didn't see a score. It said I was a conservative Libertarian.

Ain't never heard of such a thing, but that's what it said... :dunno:
Oh, I agree: most of it was for other purposes (offhand, most sailcloth was hemp until the 20th century), but they did smoke it. (Washington used it to relieve the pain of ill-fitting false teeth.) In a letter to a friend, Washington even laments being away from home and not returning in time to separate male and female plants. (Note: the only reason to do so is if he smoked it!)

Well smoking was one way for medicinal delivery but it was also used in tincture and other extract mixtures, including raw consumption of leaves flowers and seeds.
When you eat it raw you get far more medicinal value and none of the 'high'.
To get 'high' you need to apply heat, as with smoking or brownies etc.
When consumed raw or in concentrates it becomes a curative for cancer and many other thought to be incurable ailments.

Pot is not a miracle drug and it's only use in cancer is to prevent nausea and anorexia in AIDS patients. You've made glaucoma prevention a religion. Pot has some medicinal value, because it mimics similar chemistry in the body. If you ever manage to get away from planet Uranus, fill up your ship with all those Republicans you've lived with.

Source: Glaucoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Source: Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess no one told SCOTUS it was a plant.

The drugs mentioned in the link are for nausea and chronic pain management, such as condition caused by fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. The later has never been approved in the US. The only legal synthetic cannabinoid in the US is Marinol which is used for nausea associated with chemotherapy and anorexia in AIDS patients.

In United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001), the United States Supreme Court rejected the common-law medical necessity defense to crimes enacted under the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970, regardless of their legal status under the laws of states such as California that recognize a medical use for marijuana. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative was represented by Gerald Uelmen.

Source: United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1 (2005), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court ruling that under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, the United States Congress may criminalize the production and use of home-grown cannabis even where states approve its use for medicinal purposes.

Source: Gonzales v. Raich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not surprised you dont have any of my cases up on your post of deception lol...
If the laws are not illegitimate and things are as you say then how would I be able to walk free out of a federal court with 100,000+ seeds and then start my gardening?

Under illegitimate US law I should be in prison for life right now for have more than 60,000 seeds, but instead I'm growing cannabis in my garden this year just like last year and the year before that etc.
Oh and Dubya one more thing, I've cured my own cancer with my own home grown cannabis and I use it for many other things as well including stabilizing blood pressure and and blood sugar just to start with and then there is inflammation etc and the list goes on...If you get cancer and still refuse cannabis then I might be able to say that you are literally dead wrong and gov has known this sense at least 1974...
Scholarly articles for 1974 cancer cannabis
Therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa on chemotherapy‐ … - Machado Rocha - Cited by 50
Cannabis demasculinizes rats but is not estrogenic - Okey - Cited by 31
Adverse effects of cannabis - Hall - Cited by 551
Search Results

Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974 ...
Jan 4, 2010 – Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974. Must-hear, brand new interview with Rick Simpson, famous for his cancer ...
22. U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research ...
Apr 30, 2010 – The 1975 article does not mention breast cancer tumors, which were featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study ...
Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74 | Alternet;_government_knew_in...
May 30, 2000 – In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana ... shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, ...
Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - - Working to Reform ...
18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, administration of marijuana's primary cannabinoid THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and ...

[ame=]The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube[/ame]
Apr. 17, 2007 — The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

It must really suck to be so uninformed as to not know this... ^^^

It must suck being stupid and not reading the thread. Of course, why bother being informed about things when you can just make it up, right?

I don't believe the lung cancer study and I was the first to mention THC mimics the natural biochemistry of the body. It's a fact that most drugs do. meth, for example, is similar to epinephrine (adrenaline) in chemical structure. All of those amphetamines have the adrenaline structure with different combinations of the hydroxyl and methyl groups, whether added or removed. If you remove the hydroxyl group from ephedrine, you make meth.

My background is Chemistry, I've worked in Pharmacology and my oldest son is a Chemist working in Pharmacology. So tell me something I don't know about making drugs or proving they have medicinal value!
Apr. 17, 2007 — The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

It must really suck to be so uninformed as to not know this... ^^^

It must suck being stupid and not reading the thread. Of course, why bother being informed about things when you can just make it up, right?

I don't believe the lung cancer study and I was the first to mention THC mimics the natural biochemistry of the body. It's a fact that most drugs do. meth, for example, is similar to epinephrine (adrenaline) in chemical structure. All of those amphetamines have the adrenaline structure with different combinations of the hydroxyl and methyl groups, whether added or removed. If you remove the hydroxyl group from ephedrine, you make meth.

My background is Chemistry, I've worked in Pharmacology and my oldest son is a Chemist working in Pharmacology. So tell me something I don't know about making drugs or proving they have medicinal value!

You don't believe it, in denial of the scientific methods that have PROVED it.

Some fucking chemist YOU are...
Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

It must really suck to be so uninformed as to not know this... ^^^

It must suck being stupid and not reading the thread. Of course, why bother being informed about things when you can just make it up, right?

I don't believe the lung cancer study and I was the first to mention THC mimics the natural biochemistry of the body. It's a fact that most drugs do. meth, for example, is similar to epinephrine (adrenaline) in chemical structure. All of those amphetamines have the adrenaline structure with different combinations of the hydroxyl and methyl groups, whether added or removed. If you remove the hydroxyl group from ephedrine, you make meth.

My background is Chemistry, I've worked in Pharmacology and my oldest son is a Chemist working in Pharmacology. So tell me something I don't know about making drugs or proving they have medicinal value!

You don't believe it, in denial of the scientific methods that have PROVED it.

Some fucking chemist YOU are...

PROVED it, my ass. Try to imPROVE your reading skills! This is the last paragraph of your link:

Preet says much work is needed to clarify the pathway by which THC functions, and cautions that some animal studies have shown that THC can stimulate some cancers. "THC offers some promise, but we have a long way to go before we know what its potential is," she said.

Source: Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

Your link is dated Apr. 17, 2007 or over 5 years, 10 months ago. Have you heard anything lately? Is there some kind of giant conspiracy in the world to not give pot it's due and fuck over cancer victims in the process? Don't you think we give people with cancer much more potent drugs than pot? Why would anyone deny pot to people with a terminal illness or any drug that would help them? Pot may be that important to you, to live in a fantasy world, but it isn't to me. You people have made pot your religion and can't deal with the simple truth.
Pro pots come up with dozens of studies that prove marijuana is a miracle "drug" that should be taken by all people at all times, like vitamins. I've known enough drug addicts to know that they ALL think that their drug of choice is the best thing to ever happen to them.

Except, these cures aren't really used! Nothing is really cutting lung cancer tumor growth. At best, the very best that legitimate studies come up with is that if someone is sufficiently high, their symptoms will be masked by drug use. At the same time, the medical findings that pot causes strokes, heart attacks, cannabis psychosis and permanently damage the developing brains of children are all dismissed as phony, flawed, and the result of anti pot reefer madness.

The reality is pot use is growing, spreading. Our doctors and technical workers are coming from India, our chemists, scientists, nuclear physicists and engineers are coming from China. Growth in drug use is companioned by a downgrade in education. We used to be first. A few more years of drugs and we'll be joining Portugal.

I really don't care that America is rapidly developing an international reputation as a nation made up of lazy drug users. I do mind sharing space with these zombies who have turned pot infested neighborhoods into a Walking Dead set.

All pot addicts can say is "it's not true". Keep saying it. You need to say it. It is all that justifies the unjustifiable.
Oh and Dubya one more thing, I've cured my own cancer with my own home grown cannabis and I use it for many other things as well including stabilizing blood pressure and and blood sugar just to start with and then there is inflammation etc and the list goes on...If you get cancer and still refuse cannabis then I might be able to say that you are literally dead wrong and gov has known this sense at least 1974...
Scholarly articles for 1974 cancer cannabis
Therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa on chemotherapy‐ … - Machado Rocha - Cited by 50
Cannabis demasculinizes rats but is not estrogenic - Okey - Cited by 31
Adverse effects of cannabis - Hall - Cited by 551
Search Results

Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974 ...
Jan 4, 2010 – Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974. Must-hear, brand new interview with Rick Simpson, famous for his cancer ...
22. U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research ...
Apr 30, 2010 – The 1975 article does not mention breast cancer tumors, which were featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study ...
Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74 | Alternet;_government_knew_in...
May 30, 2000 – In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana ... shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, ...
Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - - Working to Reform ...
18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, administration of marijuana's primary cannabinoid THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and ...

The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube

Talk about not reading...Dubya I think you only see what serves/feeds your delusion...
Published on Dec 2, 2012

William Courtney, Medical Doctor and Professor of Clinical Cannabis, tells Alyona Minkovski how a baby has been effectively treated for cancer using medicinal marijuana.

Did Cannabis Cure Baby's Inoperable Brain Tumor?

The American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine: The American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine > [HOME]

[ame=]Did Cannabis Cure Baby's Inoperable Brain Tumor? - YouTube[/ame]
Pro pots come up with dozens of studies that prove marijuana is a miracle "drug" that should be taken by all people at all times, like vitamins. I've known enough drug addicts to know that they ALL think that their drug of choice is the best thing to ever happen to them.

Except, these cures aren't really used! Nothing is really cutting lung cancer tumor growth. At best, the very best that legitimate studies come up with is that if someone is sufficiently high, their symptoms will be masked by drug use. At the same time, the medical findings that pot causes strokes, heart attacks, cannabis psychosis and permanently damage the developing brains of children are all dismissed as phony, flawed, and the result of anti pot reefer madness.

The reality is pot use is growing, spreading. Our doctors and technical workers are coming from India, our chemists, scientists, nuclear physicists and engineers are coming from China. Growth in drug use is companioned by a downgrade in education. We used to be first. A few more years of drugs and we'll be joining Portugal.

I really don't care that America is rapidly developing an international reputation as a nation made up of lazy drug users. I do mind sharing space with these zombies who have turned pot infested neighborhoods into a Walking Dead set.

All pot addicts can say is "it's not true". Keep saying it. You need to say it. It is all that justifies the unjustifiable.

This is actually funny. You deal with pot smokers every day...and you don't even know it!

Also note: far and away the best auto body man I have ever seen is a pothead. He's a stoner...but hand him a piece of flat sheetmetal, and he can turn it into a perfectly-formed fender! I found out about him from a dude with a street rod pickup. He needed a bed side he couldn't find...this dude used his other one as a template and literally MADE one from scratch; it is perfect in every detail. I have seen him repair panels others had said were not repairable. He repaired a dent in a very-difficult spot (just behind the driver's door, right at the body line) on my de Ville...and did a good enough job that he didn't need any filler. It looks like it was never touched...and the car is painted Tuxedo Black, which shows every tiny flaw!
Pro pots come up with dozens of studies that prove marijuana is a miracle "drug" that should be taken by all people at all times, like vitamins. I've known enough drug addicts to know that they ALL think that their drug of choice is the best thing to ever happen to them.

Except, these cures aren't really used! Nothing is really cutting lung cancer tumor growth. At best, the very best that legitimate studies come up with is that if someone is sufficiently high, their symptoms will be masked by drug use. At the same time, the medical findings that pot causes strokes, heart attacks, cannabis psychosis and permanently damage the developing brains of children are all dismissed as phony, flawed, and the result of anti pot reefer madness.

The reality is pot use is growing, spreading. Our doctors and technical workers are coming from India, our chemists, scientists, nuclear physicists and engineers are coming from China. Growth in drug use is companioned by a downgrade in education. We used to be first. A few more years of drugs and we'll be joining Portugal.

I really don't care that America is rapidly developing an international reputation as a nation made up of lazy drug users. I do mind sharing space with these zombies who have turned pot infested neighborhoods into a Walking Dead set.

All pot addicts can say is "it's not true". Keep saying it. You need to say it. It is all that justifies the unjustifiable.

I don't think pot use is increasing in America based on what I read and I see misinformation from zealots of both sides of the pot issue. I'm not on the bandwagon either way on the issue of legalizing pot. I think it would be better to legalize it and it may have the potential to remove people from more harmful drugs. THC is a legal drug in America and it's been tested and found not to be addicting. Those are the facts from clinical studies, just like it's a fact that THC is used to treat certain conditions and is proven effective.

The properties of addiction are rooted in using a drug that mimics an important biochemical function. The studies indicate the body often responds to the externally given drug as if it's producing too much of that related natural chemical. Since balance is so important for good health, the body may atrophy some of the cells that produce the natural compound. The more the person takes the drug, the more the body is thrown out of balance, because it doesn't have time to replace the cells when the drug isn't externally taken. As the person takes more of the drug, more natural chemical producing cells are destroyed. Once the body is way out of balance, it can take a long time and can be quite painful getting it back to balance.

Similar things can happen with the body altering complex biochemical production, but the point is the same. Taking the drug that mimics a natural biochemical function fools the way the body regulates it's balance.

Some drugs are known to do this and others don't. Since THC targets receptors, it's effect is short enough to not trigger an important biochemical change. The person may become psychologically addicted to the behavior, but it doesn't produce physical addiction. Once the person stops playing head games with themselves, they can go on and not even want the drug. A person can become psychologically addicted to all kinds of behavior, like a video game or cell phone, so it isn't anything like true addiction. Often a psychological addiction will stop just because it becomes boring.
Oh and Dubya one more thing, I've cured my own cancer with my own home grown cannabis and I use it for many other things as well including stabilizing blood pressure and and blood sugar just to start with and then there is inflammation etc and the list goes on...If you get cancer and still refuse cannabis then I might be able to say that you are literally dead wrong and gov has known this sense at least 1974...
Scholarly articles for 1974 cancer cannabis
Therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa on chemotherapy‐ … - Machado Rocha - Cited by 50
Cannabis demasculinizes rats but is not estrogenic - Okey - Cited by 31
Adverse effects of cannabis - Hall - Cited by 551
Search Results

Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974 ...
Jan 4, 2010 – Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974. Must-hear, brand new interview with Rick Simpson, famous for his cancer ...
22. U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research ...
Apr 30, 2010 – The 1975 article does not mention breast cancer tumors, which were featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study ...
Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74 | Alternet;_government_knew_in...
May 30, 2000 – In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana ... shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, ...
Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - - Working to Reform ...
18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, administration of marijuana's primary cannabinoid THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and ...

The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube

Talk about not reading...Dubya I think you only see what serves/feeds your delusion...
Published on Dec 2, 2012

William Courtney, Medical Doctor and Professor of Clinical Cannabis, tells Alyona Minkovski how a baby has been effectively treated for cancer using medicinal marijuana.

Did Cannabis Cure Baby's Inoperable Brain Tumor?

The American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine: The American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine > [HOME]

[ame=]Did Cannabis Cure Baby's Inoperable Brain Tumor? - YouTube[/ame]

Listen up, Idiot! Pot is a minor drug and all you post is bullshit. The point is the government or a society does have the right to regulate pot and you are stupid if you think they don't. The people who don't want pot legalized are just as much entitled to their opinion as you are. I want it legalized, but I don't have to be an asshole about it and obviously you do.
People who want to outlaw weed are control freaks and should get checked for possible mental instability.
Pro pots come up with dozens of studies that prove marijuana is a miracle "drug" that should be taken by all people at all times, like vitamins. I've known enough drug addicts to know that they ALL think that their drug of choice is the best thing to ever happen to them.

Except, these cures aren't really used! Nothing is really cutting lung cancer tumor growth. At best, the very best that legitimate studies come up with is that if someone is sufficiently high, their symptoms will be masked by drug use. At the same time, the medical findings that pot causes strokes, heart attacks, cannabis psychosis and permanently damage the developing brains of children are all dismissed as phony, flawed, and the result of anti pot reefer madness.

The reality is pot use is growing, spreading. Our doctors and technical workers are coming from India, our chemists, scientists, nuclear physicists and engineers are coming from China. Growth in drug use is companioned by a downgrade in education. We used to be first. A few more years of drugs and we'll be joining Portugal.

I really don't care that America is rapidly developing an international reputation as a nation made up of lazy drug users. I do mind sharing space with these zombies who have turned pot infested neighborhoods into a Walking Dead set.

All pot addicts can say is "it's not true". Keep saying it. You need to say it. It is all that justifies the unjustifiable.

This is actually funny. You deal with pot smokers every day...and you don't even know it!

Also note: far and away the best auto body man I have ever seen is a pothead. He's a stoner...but hand him a piece of flat sheetmetal, and he can turn it into a perfectly-formed fender! I found out about him from a dude with a street rod pickup. He needed a bed side he couldn't find...this dude used his other one as a template and literally MADE one from scratch; it is perfect in every detail. I have seen him repair panels others had said were not repairable. He repaired a dent in a very-difficult spot (just behind the driver's door, right at the body line) on my de Ville...and did a good enough job that he didn't need any filler. It looks like it was never touched...and the car is painted Tuxedo Black, which shows every tiny flaw!

I don't deal with potheads every day anymore because I am in a position where I don't have to do that anymore. But I certainly did and knew it every time. Potheads are like drunks, they always think that no one can tell. They always think they do a much better job high than they do sober. Just like drunks. It's the same mind. The same sort of rationalization. Just like a drunk, you might get a pothead in a sober moment and get some kind of performance out of them that's just luck.

The one thing I can say about potheads is that you can talk one into anything. Drunks, especially mean drunks become very suspicious of others. Potheads, at least until they descend into psychosis, can be convinced the sky is purple and falling. As a young woman, I have used that to my benefit many many times.

Or didn't you know that pot causes erectile dysfunction?

Hard evidence on cannabis use and erectile dysfunction
Marijuana and Erectile Dysfunction |

Tsk tsk, it's like pot users haven't made the connection between the rise in pot use and no other rise, except in Viagra commercials.

Shhhhh. No one is going to mention the connection. It will be our little secret.
Let's outlaw booze - it's deleterious affect are horrible. Nevermind; we've been there, and done that - turned out like shit just like the drug war.

How about the anti depressants? There was never that many depressed people until they started prescribing
that shit?

I could care less what you put down your throat, up your ass, or in your lungs :eek: As long as you don't injure others, or put them in harms way :confused: I believe in freedom - the drug war has been badly lost with a huge amount of casualities. Is anyone tired of the shit?
Isn't doing the same thing over, and over while seeking a different affect :cuckoo: ?

So you legalize drugs and believe it will get better! What happens when violent crime quadruples in the country, because you legalized meth? What happens when organized crime and the drug cartels continue to supply America and the world with crack and heroin? All you have done is assist them to do it. What makes you think doing stupid things can't make a bad situation much worse? Pot won't be a problem, because people will just grow their own, but those other drugs will be a problem and the freedom to use them can become your problem. Gangs will continue to supply neighborhoods and shoot it out for control, as their empire expands. It takes more than just saying as long as you don't hurt people. Even a normal law abiding citizen is made prone for violence by taking meth. Your solution is stupid and appears to be driven by mindless ideology.

Legalize pot, except for export. If you want to wipe out the Mexican drug cartels and most of our country's violence, go to country's like Bolivia and stop the problem at the source. There won't be any crack on our streets for drug gangs to war over. That will free up the resources to go after meth labs.
Most violent crime is a result of the illicit factor! Do you think that 80,000, people in Mexico would have been murdered if it was legal? Did you learn anything from prohibition? Making something illegal does not put a dent in it's availibility; all drugs are readily availible, and will continue to be irregardless of the punitive consequences - the more illegal something is, the more lucrative; criminally appealing it is!

The bottom line is that Americans like, and will obtain their drugs at a high personal, and societal cost. If they were legal, the cost to society would be mitigated greatly; the impetus for violent crime associated with illicit gain would be all but wiped out! Instead of branding people for life as a felon because they wanted a buzz, and feeding the penal monstocities, resources could be channeled to educate, and treat dependantcy!

Explain to me how the drug war is a net plus! Why don't you make the same argument with booze, or cigarettes? The drug war is the biggest fucking debacle we have ever instituted!
Take a look at Portugal!

We have capitulated on illegal imigration because the numbers are overwhelming. The number of Americans who desire illicit drugs are far, far greater - do the math. Why the hell would you advocate a war with mass American casualties ( all of us ) that you cannot win?
Your reasoning must have an alterior base. Do you profit from the drug war?

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