Legit Wisconsin audit finds their election was safe and secure

I don't care what happened before. If you want to go with history you will find out Biden could not have won. He missed to many benchmarks of the winning candidate. You need to accept that fraud happened, you will feel better.
History doesn't determine elections. Votes determine elections. You just refuse to accept how widespread the hate for trump is.
You are under the impression that people were all scared little shits. It was not that way, and still isn't. The media says it was. Another proven liar doing your thinking for you.

Yes, there were lots of people that did not want to go stand in a hour or two long line with 1000s of other people.

Suck it up buttercup, move on to your next state this one was a bust
History doesn't determine elections. Votes determine elections. You just refuse to accept how widespread the hate for trump is.
The media tells you that. Reality tells us different. 12 million more votes than in 2016 says a lot.
Yes, there were lots of people that did not want to go stand in a hour or two long line with 1000s of other people.

Suck it up buttercup, move on to your next state this one was a bust
Nope. WI had massive fraud. Just proven liars saying it did not happen.
It showed you how Democrats comically overplayed their hand coming up with 81 million votes.

And yet you all cannot prove a single case of fraud. Just weird.

You really should start in a more friendly state like Wyoming. They had a huge voter turnout increase and Biden gained a higher percent of votes than Trump did.

Start there, maybe you will have some luck.
And yet you all cannot prove a single case of fraud. Just weird.

You really should start in a more friendly state like Wyoming. They had a huge voter turnout increase and Biden gained a higher percent of votes than Trump did.

Start there, maybe you will have some luck.
We're dealing with people who cheered when Trump said at the rally right after the Fraudit was completed that it showed that he won.

This is a madness. Literally. A madness.
What makes you think anyone is going to listen to any government audit results? A forensic audit is needed.
Why should we believe an audit set up by those with a vested interest in the result? Bipartisan audits have shown nothing.
Not a Q-Kook style fraudit mind ya. These were nonpartisan professionals who actually knew what they're doing.

MADISON, Wis. -- A highly anticipated nonpartisan audit of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin released Friday did not identify any widespread fraud in the battleground state, which a key Republican legislative leader said shows its elections are “safe and secure.”​
The report from the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau did make dozens of recommendations on how the state might improve its elections. It also determined that dozens of voting machines it reviewed worked correctly. Some conservatives have called for reviews of all voting machines.​
The audit didn't offer any evidence that the election won by President Joe Biden was “stolen” from Donald Trump, as Trump and some fellow conservatives have falsely claimed. Biden’s roughly 21,000-vote win over Trump in Wisconsin has withstood recounts and multiple court rulings.​

From your link:

“Despite concerns with statewide elections procedures, this audit showed us that the election was largely safe and secure,” tweeted Republican state Sen. Robert Cowles, who co-chairs the Legislature's Audit Committee, which assigned the audit bureau to conduct the review.

Looks like Robert Cowles has not been inducted into the D33P STAIT.

He gets a complimentary smoking jacket, two coupons for Comet Pizza, a copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate, and a time share of the Jewish Space Laser.

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