Legit Wisconsin audit finds their election was safe and secure

Legit Wisconsin audit finds their election was safe and secure​


Not a Q-Kook style fraudit mind ya. These were nonpartisan professionals who actually knew what they're doing.

MADISON, Wis. -- A highly anticipated nonpartisan audit of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin released Friday did not identify any widespread fraud in the battleground state, which a key Republican legislative leader said shows its elections are “safe and secure.”​
The report from the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau did make dozens of recommendations on how the state might improve its elections. It also determined that dozens of voting machines it reviewed worked correctly. Some conservatives have called for reviews of all voting machines.​
The audit didn't offer any evidence that the election won by President Joe Biden was “stolen” from Donald Trump, as Trump and some fellow conservatives have falsely claimed. Biden’s roughly 21,000-vote win over Trump in Wisconsin has withstood recounts and multiple court rulings.​

I am sure the demrats and their RINO minions covered their tracks.
I've never belonged to a party. Too many disagreements with both.

And no, the Democrats have never tried what you Trumpsters are trying. You don't see Democratic presidential candidates permanently refusing to concede, left wing fraudit companies running circuses, or Secretaries of State who formerly worked to challenge election results being appointed, as happened in Texas. That is reality.

I guess we'll see if you're successful.
Never belonged lol.

Voted dem every election since I've been here.

Belong to them officially or not that is who you ALWAYS vote for
Legit Wisconsin? Why did Wisconsin Public Radio remove their report about Nipah virus last September? A virus with a 50-75% death rate? What spooked them?
Their plan is to get obedient Trumpsters in as State Secretaries of State and state election officials.

Then they can have their own "audits", refuse to certify races the GOP loses, and install their own electors.

They're telegraphing this nice and clear. Let's see if it works.
Isn't that exactly what Soros did?
You folks really don't get it. When tens of millions of people BELIEVE a thing, the fact that YOU don't accept their belief makes no difference whatever to them. BTW, that belief has led to some serious government oversight in state electoral rules, and the cheating that was done, CANNOT be repeated so easily. THAT'S the new reality.
A lot of believing going on there... How about some evidence...

For your beliefs to be true both sides would have to be in on it... So you would have to have Trump Supporters (quite a large amount of them) defraud the election to help Biden...

Beliefs are for Church, we need actual evidence that can stand up in court... If you have it why are ye waiting a year to bring it to court... Failure to do so just means it is BS...

Rudy and Sidney stood on the courts steps and said they had all the evidence, turned around walked into court and said they had no proof of mass fraud, turned up on Fox that night and said they had the proof...

The whole time they were raising $250m ina legal war chest which had small print to spend almost anywhere. Does this not look like a scam?
Not a Q-Kook style fraudit mind ya. These were nonpartisan professionals who actually knew what they're doing.

How do you know? They told people they were? Just curious....WHO proclaimed them to be 'bipartisan'?
How do you know? They told people they were? Just curious....WHO proclaimed them to be 'bipartisan'?

Yes, professional election workers are highly trained and follow a system of best practices and protocols (unlike the Q-Kooks in Maricopa County). Most of them have been doing it for years.

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