Leo/Ajay: Cupid & Goblin [Urban Churches - Reforms]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA remind you of the film Newsies?



Ajay was an Algerian-American Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'vigilante' and 'democracy-crusader' who posted about values-oriented issues such as pornography and censorship in the modern age of media and traffic. Leo was a Hollywood (USA) movie superstar making iconic and intriguing films about psychology, divinity, and American aesthetics. Leo read some of Ajay's blogs on the Internet and noted his strange vigilantism-oriented 'costumes' and wanted to meet him and talk about his upcoming vigilantism-themed eco-consciousness Captain Planet film. Ajay agreed to meet with Leo, since he was currently working on a series of blogs about the environmental impact of urban church waste management policies and how it affected urbanites' views on human pollution. Leo and Ajay met at a hotel cafe in San Francisco where they talked about the role of urban churches in modern local governance optimism. Leo suggested to Ajay that he don some comic book avatar/identity to complement his democracy rhetorics work. Ajay suggested Leo do the same to complement his Captain Planet film.


Ajay decided to don the identity of a comic book missionary named Cupid (reference to the mythological god who entranced people with love-arrows designed to create contract/customs and sentiment/passion intrigue and drama). Leo decided to don the identity of a comic book super-villain named Gray Goblin (real name: Gabriel Stacy --- a jet-glider soaring urban terrorist and 'son-of-perdition'). As Cupid and Goblin, Ajay and Leo were able to think more 'passionately' about the social value of progressive politics in modern networks and in media. Cupid/Ajay and Goblin/Leo both cared about how maintenance of churches in modern U.S. cities like NY and LA and Chicago represented an American investment in infrastructure-oriented democracy. After all, didn't TrumpUSA (a consumer-oriented 'camp') promote radical thinking?


While Cupid and Goblin worked together on the upcoming Captain Planet film and its relevance to urban governance issues and matters role in TrumpUSA 'aesthetics,' film-makers and social critics were pondering how consumerism in the 21st Century was reinventing urban ethos altogether. Orwellian folklore was replaced by a new form of 'doomsday paranoia' storytelling speaking to new age fears about terrorism and a disintegration of etiquette/contracts. This proverbial 'dark city' is precisely what Cupid (Ajay) and Goblin (Leo) wanted to combat with carefully-placed media statements/messages and symbolic film/art works. Goblin wanted Cupid to serve as a diplomat of urban etiquette controversies, and Cupid wanted Goblin to talk to the press about democracy fears related to terrorism dialogue in modern media (e.g., Al Jazeera).


CUPID: Maybe TrumpUSA is a tower of hype!
GOBLIN: Well, there's ample space for reform rhetoric.
CUPID: I called myself Cupid since love governs customs today.
GOBLIN: I called myself Goblin since superstition can affect idealism.
CUPID: Maybe urban church management will be considered a high priority!
GOBLIN: TrumpUSA politicians will have to care about social reforms.
CUPID: It seems the word 'pollution' can refer to all kinds of modern maladies.
GOBLIN: Yes, with great traffic comes great tedium...
CUPID: Can love conquer filth?
GOBLIN: Remember how the Gulf War reminded us of the value of oil?
CUPID: Maybe a World War III will awaken us to the 'reality' of terrorism!
GOBLIN: It was Helen of Troy who catalyzed the great Trojan War.
CUPID: It was Marilyn Monroe who reminded us of the intrigue of celebrity/media.
GOBLIN: If love spotlights consciousness, can democracy catalyze diligence?
CUPID: The dangers of consumerism is that it promoted indulgence/sloth.
GOBLIN: That's why we should use media to talk about urban pollution!
CUPID: This upcoming Captain Planet film should address interests in journalism.
GOBLIN: Consider how many homeless people worry about pollution...
CUPID: Maybe President Trump thinks seriously about 'urban decay.'
GOBLIN: I think the Captain Planet film should feature a story about water-guns.
CUPID: Yes; water-guns remind us of consumerism and values in modern playspaces.
GOBLIN: Here's to Christian multimedia!


Serpentor: Street-Doll

You have to wonder if archaeologists in the future will look back on our era (TrumpUSA, Reaganomics/80s, etc.) and wonder about the social value of terrorism-themed comics, toys, and folklore and why it spoke to our special focus on globalization-politics intrigue.

The fictional fascist-terrorist genetically-enhanced super-emperor Serpentor, from Hasbro's G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, represents all the filth and fury of our time period regarding globalization-turbulence oriented terrorism-paranoia. Serpentor comics and toys/models obviously symbolize our era's special interest in politics-wisdom dialogue.

How will capitalism from 1980-2020 be evaluated in terms of governance-ideology (and daily hygiene)?


LEO: I just purchased a Serpentor model-toy on eBay for Christmas!
AJAY: Cool...Serpentor was one mean terrorist.
LEO: Are you a fan of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro/Marvel)?
AJAY: I actually prefer M.A.S.K., but I like G.I. Joe characters/toys/comics.
LEO: You gotta wonder if a future archaeologist will find a Serpentor toy and wonder...
AJAY: ...Yeah, he'll ask himself/herself, "Did 20th Century Americans dread governance chaos?"
LEO: Well, media/entertainment has become more graphic since the 1940s, since Hitchcock.
AJAY: Yes, as urbanization/commerce developed, people wanted more 'bravado toys.'
LEO: That's understandable; when salesmanship is valuable, toys become more 'wild.'
AJAY: I wonder how archaeologists will compare Jesus figurines to Serpentor toys!
LEO: Everything depends on 'urban hygiene.'
AJAY: Maybe Spider-Man is the new Tintin...



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