Leo Di Caprio isn’t the only climate change hypocrite


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
We, the working men and women of the world should be happy we have folks that are so willing to sacrifice so much so we don't have too. I mean, Di Caprio could have chartered his own jet but had to go slumming and hitch a ride with some not so eco-friendly carbon burner. I wonder if Di Caprio realizes that there is little difference whether he hitches are ride or charters a plane. No, I don't think any of those mentioned in the article realizes their hypocrisy.

Here is another example from the linked article.


President Obama — The Golf-Nut-in-Chief, 54, called reducing greenhouse gases a “powerful rebuke’’ to ISIS (or as he calls the terror-mongering group, ISIL), before flying aboard Air Force One to the United Nations climate summit outside Paris last year, joining many jet-setting representatives from 195 countries who agreed to lower emissions. According to the most recent estimates, it costs more than $200,000 for an hour of Air Force One flight time. Some or most of that is borne by taxpayers, including to pay for the first family’s vacation jaunts to Hawaii and the prez’s 2013 taping of “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’’ in California. The France trip alone was estimated to leave nearly 100 tons of carbon-dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. After his presidency ends on Jan. 20, 2017, Obama is set to move with his family from the White House into a Washington, DC, leased mansion that measures 8,200 square feet and boasts nine bedrooms and 8½ bathrooms, Politico reports. I hope the Obamas remember to switch off the lights when changing rooms.

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