LePen Top Vote Getter in First Round

LePen came in second place some 2% behind Macron. She has little chance of winning given that even Fillon has asked his supporters to vote for Macron.
Election présidentielle : Emmanuel Macron (23,7%) et Marine Le Pen (21,9%) qualifiés pour le second tour, selon une estimation Ipsos/Sopra Steria

The vote count is not over and we may see much change back and forth for a few more hours still.

The main FACTS so far is that the two main political parties have been defeated for the first time since WW2.

It is a public rebuke of Hollande and his Socialist party that has not even broken 20%.

The run off round pits an independent centrist against an anti-establishment, with the political establishment universally endorsing the centrist.

Given that this is an anti-establishment mood election, it might cause Le Pen to get the win.

24 hour TV coverage

Another case of people sick and tired of open border politicians and making excuses for Muslim attacks on innocent people.
I agree with you and the médias here in France is with the muslim terrorists after a attack in France they brush a picture of the terrorists like it was not their fault (victims), they where nice guy's coming from families who have nothing to say agaisnt them this is pretty disguisting.
And it is true what i am saying because i am in France, those people who don't vote for Marine don't care about the victims of the terrorist there is no other way of seeing it .
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

For a different spin on it :

Populist favorite Marine Le Pen and globalist-leaning centrist Emmanuel Macron will both advance to the second round of the French presidential election, while the ruling Socialist Party finishes an embarrassing fifth place.

At the time of this writing, Macron and Le Pen lead at 23.7% and 21.7% respectively, and the top two finishers in the first round of the election advance to the second round.

Both the traditional, mainstream political parties in France, the Les Républicains and the Parti Socialiste, were eliminated in the first round.

This is an upheaval; both of these parties have held significant power since the end of World War II.

That said, despite Macron’s status as an outsider, he is attracting more and more establishment support from globalist politicians.

Le Pen, Macron Advance: Mainstream Parties Eliminated, Ruling Socialist Party Finishes 5th
All losing candidates asked their voters to vote for Macron at the second round
True but will that actually help Macron?
Yes, the peoples will follow what it is ask but it is true i think that if there are more attacks in France Before the second round she could win and there will be debate, Macron he is not so good for the two debate that she participate so far she was soft i tought.
Maybe now she will be more hard and told him to get lost :wink_2:
OK, the exit polling shows Macron at 23.9% and Le Pen at 21.7%

But the actual count right now has Macron at 22.19% and Le Pen at 24.38%

However the city polling places close at 8 pm while the rest of the country closes at 7pm.
Emmanuel Macron is best compared to Bill and Hillary Clintons policies.

Emmanuel Macron - Wikipedia

Macron has been described by some observers as a social liberal[22][23][24][25][26] and by others as a social democrat.[27][28][29] During his time in the French Socialist Party, he supported the party's right wing,[30] whose political stance has been associated with "third way" policies advanced by Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder, and whose leading spokesman has been former prime minister Manuel Valls.[31][32][33][34]

Macron has notably advocated in favor of the free market and reducing the public-finances deficit.[35] He first publicly used the term "liberal" to describe himself in a 2015 interview with Le Monde. He added that he is "neither right nor left" and that he advocates "a collective solidarity."[36][37] During a visit to the Vendée in August 2016, he stated, "Honesty compels me to say that I am not a socialist." He explained that he was part of the "left government" because he wanted "to serve the public interest" as any minister would.[38] In his book Revolution, published in November 2016, Macron presents himself as both a "leftist" and a "liberal ... if by liberalism one means trust in man."[39] With his party En Marche!, Macron's stated aim is to transcend the left-right divide in a manner similar to François Bayrou or Jacques Chaban-Delmas, asserting that "the real divide in our country ... is between progressives and conservatives." With the launch of his independent candidacy and his use of anti-establishment rhetoric, Macron has been labelled a "populist" by some observers, notably Manuel Valls, but Macron rejects this term.[40][41]

He supports the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union,[42] criticizing the Walloon government for trying to block it. He believes that CETA should not be validated by national parliaments because "it undermines the EU".[43] Regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Macron stated in June 2016 that "the conditions [to sign the treaty] are not met", adding that "we mustn't close the door entirely" and "need a strong link with the US".[44]

In April 2017, Macron called for a “rebalancing” of Germany’s trade surplus, saying that “Germany benefits from the imbalances within the euro zone and achieves very high trade surpluses.”[45]

Foreign policy
Macron controversially described France's colonization of Algeria as a "crime against humanity" in an interview with local media.[46] He also said: "It’s truly barbarous and it’s part of a past that we need to confront by apologising to those against whom we committed these acts."[47] This position was followed by a decrease in Macron's polling.[48]

Macron was in 2012 a Young Leader with the French-American Foundation, a pro-American organisation founded in the 1970s by two US members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

He says France needs a more "balanced" policy toward Syria, including talks with Bashar Assad.[49] However on April 2017, Macron proposed possible military intervention against Assad regime.[50]

He supports the continuation of President Hollande's policies on Israel, also opposes the BDS movement, and has refused to state a position on recognition of the State of Palestine.[51]

European Union
Emmanuel Macron was described by some as europhile[52][53] and federalist[54][55] but he describes himself as "neither pro-european, eurosceptic nor a federalist in the classical sense",[56] and his party as "the only pro-european political force in France".[57] In June 2015, Macron and his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel published a platform advocating a continuation of European integration. They advocate the continuation "of structural reforms (like labor market), institutional reforms (including the area of economic governance)",[58] but also a reconciliation of 'tax and social systems (like better coordination or harmonization of the corporate taxes via, for example, minimum wages)". He also advocates the creation of a post of the EU Commissioner that would be responsible for the Eurozone and Eurozone's Parliament and a common budget.[59] In addition, Macron stated: "I'm in favor of strengthening anti-dumping measures which have to be faster and more powerful like those in the United States. We also need to establish a monitoring of foreign investments in strategic sectors at the EU level in order to protect a vital industry and to ensure our sovereignty and the European superiority."[36]...

Unlike many French Socialists, including former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Macron supports the open-door policy toward immigrants and refugees pursued by Angela Merkel in Germany.[63] Macron has expressed confidence in France's ability to absorb more immigrants and welcomes their arrival into Europe, asserting that the influx will have a positive economic impact.[64] However, he believes that Frontex (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency) is "not a sufficiently ambitious program" and has called for more investment in coast and border guards, "because anyone who enters [Europe] at Lampedusa or elsewhere is a concern for all European countries."[43] Regarding asylum policy, he believes "the [...] period of review should be considerably shortened" and that "all those whose claims fail must be deported immediately."

Security and terrorism
Macron believes that the proposed reform bill on deprivation of citizenship for French-born and naturalized citizens convicted on terrorism charges was not a "concrete solution" and believes that "the endless prolongation of the state of emergency raises legitimate questions". He advocates an increase in state funding of intelligence agencies.[65]

Macron calls for a restoration of community policing and considers that "the management of some major risks must be delegated to the associations' or the private sector".[66]

He considers that his proposal to provide each young adult a "Culture Pass" of 500 may encourage young people to discover the culture of France and deter terrorism.[67]

Macron has endorsed proposals to make it mandatory for internet companies to allow the government to access encrypted communications from customers.[68]

So Macron is an open borders socialist who is in favor of continued massive immigration from Muslim countries. He also apparently favors the continued absorption of France into the EU.
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Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

LePen came in second place some 2% behind Macron. She has little chance of winning given that even Fillon has asked his supporters to vote for Macron.

Election présidentielle : Emmanuel Macron (23,7%) et Marine Le Pen (21,9%) qualifiés pour le second tour, selon une estimation Ipsos/Sopra Steria
Yes, the opening post and those who were quick to agree with it got it wrong and reflected the wishful thinking of Trump supporters who know next to nothing about France.

Emmanuel Macron topped the poll with almost a quarter of the votes and will go on to win the presidential election because the French people understand that chauvinism as reflected in the nationalist alternative Front Nationale is a party that was founded by racists, antisemites, and haters which will bring only chaos to France by leaving the European Union, the euro currency, and NATO. All the old nationalism which brought so much suffering to our continent during the last century. The Front Nationale is a dead end and those who voted for the Republican and Socialist parties this round can be expected to support Macron who will lead France into a noble future rejecting populism.

If the Americans had the same system as France -- one man one vote -- Trump would not be a president today.
Marine Le Pen - Wikipedia

Opposed to free trade and autarky, she advocates protectionism as a median way. In her view, if one considers the economy to be a raging river, then free trade is like allowing the torrent to rush along unchecked; autarky equates to the erection of a dam whereas protectionism is to install a sluice gate. "Protectionism is not autarky! ... Our position is not extreme – as our opponents would have it believed – but one which favours the middle way".[40]

In 2010, she vigorously criticized the pension plan drawn up by Nicolas Sarkozy and his liberal-conservative government.[215][216]

She paid tribute to the economist Maurice Allais, who died on 9 October 2010.[217] A French laureate of the Nobel Prize in Economics (1988), Allais had expressed concerns about the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, the single European currency, free trade and globalization and the 2004 European Constitution.[218][219]....

She has expressed support for the French public utilities, the civil servants, and the general public interest.[221][222] She thus opposes the programmed privatization of the French Post Office (La Poste) : in her view, "the privatization, with the aim of only making profitable, will result in the removal of post offices in the rural areas where the relinquishment of the state is already high". In October 2009, she claimed that three post offices had already disappeared each day in France since 1 January 2009.[223][224] She said that the liberalization of the French public utilities had been ratified by the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin during the Barcelona summit on 15 and 16 March 2002.[225][226] She had also warned that the UMP government planned a "progressive privatization of the French Social Security system from 2011" – a condition imposed by the financial markets.[227]

During a press conference in June 2011, she advocated to reintroduce the Havana Charter and implement an "International Trade Organization" (in place of World Trade Organization), in order to reorganize the world trade exchanges.[228] Signed by 53 countries and rejected by the US in 1951, this Charter was a trade agreement that would have established an international currency known as the bancor.[229] She claimed that the "Havana Charters's proposals perfectly fit into her economic philosophy"[228] and that "its first article conciliates international trade and employment".[230]

During her speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in November 2011, she proposed "three essential solutions to stop the current world systemic crisis and turn the world towards a greater justice and greater prosperity": reintroduction of a "polymetallic standard" in the International monetary systems as a world standard of reference and exchanges in order to establish a "free monetary system" and struggle against speculation; the ratification of the modernized Havana Charter by the 1948 signatory nations and incoming emerging countries, in order to favour a "reasonable protectionism that encourages cooperation in trade among nations through the end of 'unbridled free trade'"; application of the 1933 Glass–Steagall Act, which legally separated investment banking and commercial banking, to "the banking system of each country".[229][230] In her view, these solutions will be able to bring a global support for employment thanks to the integration of "full employment" appearing as one of the main targets of the Havana Charter and for industry thanks to the authorization of state aids appearing in the Charter's article 13.[230]

In October 2011, she advocated to implement a drastic regulation of the banking sector separating by law the deposit banks from the merchant banks. She claimed that "the deposit banks should be rescued by a temporary and partial nationalization". In her view, "the balance sheet of the banks should be the object of a transparency operation".[231]

In October 2011, she suggested 7 measures to save €30 billion per year in order to preserve France's AAA credit rating.[232] The largest part of the measures are made up of avoiding fraud on welfare payments and avoidance of tax loopholes (together €18.5 bn), stopping non-useful local spending (€4bn) as well as stopping payments of France to the EU (€7bn).

A president of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF), Laurence Parisot regularly levels strong criticism at the FN's economic and social programme.[233] She replied that "the FN is not the friend of the CAC 40 and is fighting the social regression brought about by the MEDEF and inflicted on the French people by the allies of the UMP and the PS".[234] After Parisot's new criticism, she claims that "the philosophy of the FN's economic project comes down to some words: construction of a strong, protective and strategist state, reasoned protections at the boundaries, support to the small and medium enterprises, and get back the monetary sovereignty, only able to assure France's recovery".[235] She also replied that "Laurence Parisot, this is the exact opposite of her democratic and republican project, a project of hope which puts back man and nation in the center of politics".[236] After the publication of Parisot's critical book relating to the FN economic project, she suggested a "direct and public debate" with the president of the MEDEF.[237]

Agriculture and environment
In her view, "the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 will be unable to protect our farmers from speculators and savage global competition, or to compensate for the excesses of the multinationals of the food processing industry and large-scale distributors. The CAP after 2013 will remain wedged between the ultraliberal and internationalist market logic of the European Commission and a future ‘green’ CAP, in reality serving the neo-capitalists of ecological business".[238]

During her first visit at the Paris International Agricultural Show on 25 February 2011,[239] Marine Le Pen denounced the CAP as an "unbearable bureaucracy" and advocated to replace it with a "French agricultural policy". She also claimed that "leaving the EU, we could allocate 15 billions of euros to our agriculture".[240][241][242]

She claims that 'internationalist organisations' such as the EU, FAO, United Nations and G-20 are directly responsible for the food crises throughout the world. She advocates France's food independence with regard to multinationals[243] and "a realignment of the farm aid politics to the third countries in order to favour their food sovereignty in particular by the reintroduction of localized food crops".[244]

She advocates the implementation of the "autarky of big spaces" and an "economy in concentric circles". In her view, it is an "ecological heresy to consume products grown at 20,000 km away and recycle waste thousands km further". She claims that we should "produce to the closest", "distribute on the spot", "consume as a priority products of its region" and then "in the nearby region" if not produced on the spot. She seeks to implement "contracts of cooperation" if necessary goods like coffee are not produced in Europe.[245]

Energy and transport

Marine Le Pen regularly denounces sharp rises in energy prices[246][247] (gas,[248] gasoline,[249][250][251] electricity[252]) which has "harmful consequences on the purchasing power of the working and middle-class families".[249][250][251] In her view, this rise mainly stems from the European liberalization of the energy sector, jointly implemented by right wing and socialist governments since 1996.[246][248][252]

She advocates an immediate reduction of 20% of the domestic tax on oil products (TIPP), a surcharge of fantastic profits of the largest gas and oil companies and a struggle against international speculation on basic products such as food and energy.[246][247][249][250][251] She considers that "a strong state has authority to be the guarantor of public utilities, being the exclusive owner of the strategic companies of public utility and the regulator of tariffs".[248]

After a fatal event occurred on 12 September 2011 in the Centraco nuclear installation located on the Marcoule Nuclear Site, she claimed that "this accident illustrated the dangerousness of this energy and the necessity to consider a progressive and well-thought-out exit from nuclear power". In her view, "the State must secure the 58 French nuclear power plants and invest in researches to process nuclear waste". She advocates to "start the energy diversification of France, in particular with an ambitious programme of research into hydrogen".[253]

She favours accompanied combined transport (ferroutage) and public transport.[245]

Marine Le Pen denounces the current corporate tax as "a crying injustice". She claims that the main groups of CAC 40 only pay 8% of corporate tax whereas the small offices/home offices, the small and medium enterprises, the craftsmen and the shopkeepers fully pay 33.33%. She advocates to implement a flexible corporate tax according to the use of profits: heavier when the profits benefit the shareholders and lighter when the profits turn towards profit sharing, salaries, employment and productive investment, enabling a relocation of activities.[254]

European Union and globalization

As MEP, she holds globalization, intergovernmental organizations, 'euro-mondialism', free trade and ultra-liberalism responsible for the decline of agriculture[255] and the fishing industry,[256] deindustrialization, offshoring and structural unemployment.[257][258][259] Advocating a 'Europe of the nations' like a loose confederation of sovereign nation states, she opposes supranationalism,[260] the euro and the eurozone,[261] the technocracy of Brussels,[262] and the EU's federalism.[263]

She opposes the establishment of a direct European tax, which is favoured by the leaders of the European Parliament and European Commission. She claims that an indirect European tax already exists, since France is a net annual contributor to the EU budget by up to 7 billion euros annually.[264]

She claims that the Treaty of Lisbon is the 'gravedigger of the independence and identity of the European nations' and the 'executioner of public utilities in the name of a cult of profitability and free competition – both mortal enemies of public interest'.[222][224] In her view, the Treaty of Lisbon is an 'exact copy' of the European Constitution which was twice rejected by referendum: first in France by 54.67% of the voters on 29 May 2005[265][266] and then in Netherlands by 61.54% of the voters on 1 June 2005.[267] She thus regretted that the Treaty of Lisbon had been imposed on the French people by parliament in order to avoid another referendum.[268][269] She also criticized its approval by the Socialist Party.[224] She denounces the Treaty's amending implemented by the EU leaders, notably Germany.[270] In her view, the revision is aimed at "solving the euro" and "forever eliminating the budgetary sovereignty of the states to institute a kind of supranational European monetary fund".[271]

Opposed to the accession of Turkey to the European Union, she prefers the option of a "privileged partnership".[272] Marine Le Pen opposes accession of Ukraine to the European Union, while supporting its association status.[273] She is currently campaigning for a referendum on France leaving the EU.[274]

Euro and eurozone
She is a strong opponent of the Euro and advocates France to leave the common currency.

She claims that the implementation of the Euro entailed a rise in prices and its abandonment would lead to an increase in purchasing power.[275] Quoting economic data from Eurostat (annual average growth, unemployment, GDP gap), she notes that "the European countries which did not enter the euro display higher performances than countries in the eurozone for ten years".[275] Interviewed in October 2011 by Adam Boulton on Sky News, she cited the UK's relative stability as an example of how France's economy need not suffer from pulling out of the euro. She noticed that "United Kingdom is not in the eurozone and does not have the least desire to be in it. UK does not tolerate this kind of taking away of its freedom".[73]

In order to recover monetary sovereignty, she advocates that France should gradually leave the euro with a new conversion rate fixed to 1 euro = 1 franc. In her view, France should jointly negotiate a "grouped departure" from the euro and eurozone. This departure should take effect on the same day and include the other European countries (such as Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium) which are suffering because of the single currency.[276] Since the present government and the whole political class had strongly criticized her economic plan, she submitted a new document detailing how a successful departure of United Kingdom, Spain and Italy from the European Monetary System (EMS) had been achieved from September 1992.[277]

She explains the tenet and the mechanism of a competitive devaluation (J curve),[277] which "will quickly have a positive effect on employment and purchasing power, stimulating industry, international trade and enabling to fight offshorings".[275] Quoting extracts from a book by the French economist Alain Cotta, she claims that a devaluation of the franc will not bring about inflation.[275]

She anticipates a "total economic federalization of the eurozone". In her view, "this option which is favoured by the European technostructure, presents all the features of a totalitarian utopia". She claims that a "monstrous superstructure, already named 'European ministry of Finance', would decide in the opaqueness our policies of education, health and security". In her view, "the federal headlong rush also supposes a massive financial transfer of our countries towards Southern and Eastern Europe, at the detriment of the most vulnerable French people".[278]

About successive bailout plans, she laments that "the contributing countries, France in particular, throw in the hole of the European debt billions which dig their deficits and come them closer to the eye of the cyclone".[278] In her view, "the hundred of billions paid do not product any result, will not settle any problem, will not rescue a eurozone already in bankruptcy and push France into the chasm of excessive debt, whereas the French debt has already exploded under the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy". Fearing that "France falls into the excessive debt", she refuses "any new assistance plan in order to bail out one after the other the countries suffering because of the single currency".[279]

She asserts that despite the expansion of the abilities of the European Financial Stability Facility, reassuring announcements and new austerity plans, Greece is sinking, social devastation is intensifying and the anger of the people bursts out.[278] In July 2011, she claimed that "after the seventeen billions of the first Greek bailout plan, the fifteen billions of the new assistance plan to Greece will make heavy our own already huge debt".[280][281] During her press conference organized on 6 September 2011 at the Pont de la Concorde in front of the National Assembly, she vigorously denounced the favourable voting by Socialist and UMP-NC MPs of second Greek bailout plan.
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Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
Paris - which has the largest Muslim population in France - will vote to boost Macron. Anyone surprised? The City of Light goes dark.
Macron appelle à voter pour un candidat qui défend l'immigration sans limite et explique qu'il n'y a pas de culture française.

Macron wants us to vote for someone who defends limitless immigration and explains that there is no French culture.
All losing candidates asked their voters to vote for Macron at the second round
True but will that actually help Macron?
Yes, the peoples will follow what it is ask but it is true i think that if there are more attacks in France Before the second round she could win and there will be debate, Macron he is not so good for the two debate that she participate so far she was soft i tought.
Maybe now she will be more hard and told him to get lost :wink_2:

The LePen that has a chance of winning in the future is Marion but Marine is more like her father - a lot of empty slogans and little else. Marion on the other hand is surprisingly articulate and could succeed where her aunt and grandfather failed.

Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Place de la république, les antifas arrachent le drapeau français et le remplacent par le drapeau soviétique

antifa are destroying the french flag and replacing it with the Soviet flag
Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU) was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.

All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.

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