LePen Top Vote Getter in First Round

The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
They can never duplicate the United States.
Le Pen's massive come-from-behind victory today will be celebrated by feminists.

Preliminary Results
As of: 4:35 PM EDT

  • le-pen.png

    Le Pen
    National Front
  • macron.png

    On the Move!
  • fillon.png

    The Republicans
  • melenchon.png

    France Unbowed
  • hamon.png

  • Socialist Party

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All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.
The catch is that to vote for what passes for 'free trade' in France, you have to vote for wide open borders, to slide deeper into the European Union and the loss of French identity.

The more conservative candidate is in favor of more government control of the economy and less involvement in the EU and secure borders.
Le Pen's massive come-from-behind victory today will be celebrated by feminists.

I cant help but doubt that the media in France will run Le Pens coverage on the them of breaking the glass ceiling and putting a woman in the French Presidency.
Macron has taken the lead in the official count, with most of the Paris area yet to report. He has a big lead there in early returns
C’est l’essentiel, vraiment l’essentiel, qui est en jeu : la survie de la France.

Emmanuel Macron is best compared to Bill and Hillary Clintons policies.

Emmanuel Macron - Wikipedia

Macron has been described by some observers as a social liberal[22][23][24][25][26] and by others as a social democrat.[27][28][29] During his time in the French Socialist Party, he supported the party's right wing,[30] whose political stance has been associated with "third way" policies advanced by Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder, and whose leading spokesman has been former prime minister Manuel Valls.[31][32][33][34]

Macron has notably advocated in favor of the free market and reducing the public-finances deficit.[35] He first publicly used the term "liberal" to describe himself in a 2015 interview with Le Monde. He added that he is "neither right nor left" and that he advocates "a collective solidarity."[36][37] During a visit to the Vendée in August 2016, he stated, "Honesty compels me to say that I am not a socialist." He explained that he was part of the "left government" because he wanted "to serve the public interest" as any minister would.[38] In his book Revolution, published in November 2016, Macron presents himself as both a "leftist" and a "liberal ... if by liberalism one means trust in man."[39] With his party En Marche!, Macron's stated aim is to transcend the left-right divide in a manner similar to François Bayrou or Jacques Chaban-Delmas, asserting that "the real divide in our country ... is between progressives and conservatives." With the launch of his independent candidacy and his use of anti-establishment rhetoric, Macron has been labelled a "populist" by some observers, notably Manuel Valls, but Macron rejects this term.[40][41]

He supports the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union,[42] criticizing the Walloon government for trying to block it. He believes that CETA should not be validated by national parliaments because "it undermines the EU".[43] Regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Macron stated in June 2016 that "the conditions [to sign the treaty] are not met", adding that "we mustn't close the door entirely" and "need a strong link with the US".[44]

In April 2017, Macron called for a “rebalancing” of Germany’s trade surplus, saying that “Germany benefits from the imbalances within the euro zone and achieves very high trade surpluses.”[45]

Foreign policy
Macron controversially described France's colonization of Algeria as a "crime against humanity" in an interview with local media.[46] He also said: "It’s truly barbarous and it’s part of a past that we need to confront by apologising to those against whom we committed these acts."[47] This position was followed by a decrease in Macron's polling.[48]

Macron was in 2012 a Young Leader with the French-American Foundation, a pro-American organisation founded in the 1970s by two US members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

He says France needs a more "balanced" policy toward Syria, including talks with Bashar Assad.[49] However on April 2017, Macron proposed possible military intervention against Assad regime.[50]

He supports the continuation of President Hollande's policies on Israel, also opposes the BDS movement, and has refused to state a position on recognition of the State of Palestine.[51]

European Union
Emmanuel Macron was described by some as europhile[52][53] and federalist[54][55] but he describes himself as "neither pro-european, eurosceptic nor a federalist in the classical sense",[56] and his party as "the only pro-european political force in France".[57] In June 2015, Macron and his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel published a platform advocating a continuation of European integration. They advocate the continuation "of structural reforms (like labor market), institutional reforms (including the area of economic governance)",[58] but also a reconciliation of 'tax and social systems (like better coordination or harmonization of the corporate taxes via, for example, minimum wages)". He also advocates the creation of a post of the EU Commissioner that would be responsible for the Eurozone and Eurozone's Parliament and a common budget.[59] In addition, Macron stated: "I'm in favor of strengthening anti-dumping measures which have to be faster and more powerful like those in the United States. We also need to establish a monitoring of foreign investments in strategic sectors at the EU level in order to protect a vital industry and to ensure our sovereignty and the European superiority."[36]...

Unlike many French Socialists, including former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Macron supports the open-door policy toward immigrants and refugees pursued by Angela Merkel in Germany.[63] Macron has expressed confidence in France's ability to absorb more immigrants and welcomes their arrival into Europe, asserting that the influx will have a positive economic impact.[64] However, he believes that Frontex (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency) is "not a sufficiently ambitious program" and has called for more investment in coast and border guards, "because anyone who enters [Europe] at Lampedusa or elsewhere is a concern for all European countries."[43] Regarding asylum policy, he believes "the [...] period of review should be considerably shortened" and that "all those whose claims fail must be deported immediately."

Security and terrorism
Macron believes that the proposed reform bill on deprivation of citizenship for French-born and naturalized citizens convicted on terrorism charges was not a "concrete solution" and believes that "the endless prolongation of the state of emergency raises legitimate questions". He advocates an increase in state funding of intelligence agencies.[65]

Macron calls for a restoration of community policing and considers that "the management of some major risks must be delegated to the associations' or the private sector".[66]

He considers that his proposal to provide each young adult a "Culture Pass" of 500 may encourage young people to discover the culture of France and deter terrorism.[67]

Macron has endorsed proposals to make it mandatory for internet companies to allow the government to access encrypted communications from customers.[68]

So Macron is an open borders socialist who is in favor of continued massive immigration from Muslim countries. He also apparently favors the continued absorption of France into the EU.
Macron is the same politique then Hollande you have to know that Hollande did not represent himself again because he was very impopulaire 17% for him so the PS did the primary and Hamon win he was a frondeur/ against Hollande so Hollande did not support him Hamon he finish today at 7% because everyone in the PS follow Macron and Hamon did not have a chance of winning.
At the debate Macron seem to be close to Fillon that way he put everyone in is pocket ( a way of talking)
6 Month ago no one could believe he could be the next President of France, he come for nowhere.
Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU) was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.

All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.
A just, free, and equal society needs more than a free unregulated capitalist market system.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
They can never duplicate the United States.
Good Lord! Such an ambition would be horrendous. Heaven forbid!
Beirut was once the Paris of the Middle East. Soon Paris will be the Beirut of Europe.
Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Europe must remain White in order to preserve its heritage, culture and traditions. Diversity and multiculturalism doesn't work. The Muslim migration has proven that.
Le Pen's massive come-from-behind victory today will be celebrated by feminists.

I cant help but doubt that the media in France will run Le Pens coverage on the them of breaking the glass ceiling and putting a woman in the French Presidency.
You are right the French medias are against Marine it wont be the same coverage that had Hillary and i do not know if the French are ready for a Woman as a President ? i am.

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