LePen Top Vote Getter in First Round

If these numbers hold, that means that at least 80 percent of the French people voted for someone who has no business running a nation.
Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission has sent congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his success tonight.


Jean-Claude Juncker
vote for Le Pen you wont regret it France...just like folks don't regret votin for Trump!

Macron speech was vacuous nonsense. Other than backing the status quo he says nothing.
Majority of Americans Disapprove of Trump
April 23, 2017

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Americans “have become increasingly dissatisfied with President Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping.”

“More than half of Americans — some 54% — disapprove of the job Mr. Trump is doing as president, compared with 40% who approve, a 14-point gap.”
The French will do what the frogs always do.

Give the appearance of having got it right and then screwing the pooch in the final.

Socialist France still has legs - though they grow shorter with each terrorist romp.
Increasing welfare payments, lowering the retirement age, the government taking over whole industries, raising taxes, printing money.


Yup, a leftist.
And they keep denying Hitler was a leftist.

Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist? Hitler also banned trade unions.
Please explain that between drinking the kook-aid, OK Gomer?
We don't care about economic policies as long as she eradicates the filthy, lice-ridden Mohammedan pestilence from every inch of French soil.

Know what we mean?
Obama, Merkel and the EU elite blatantly meddled on Macron's behalf. And yet Le Pen still made it to the 2nd round.

In your face liberals!

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Melenchon refuses to endorse Macron. Says that voters must examine their own "consciences". just like Lyin Ted Cruz did with Trump
We don't care about economic policies as long as she eradicates the filthy, lice-ridden Mohammedan pestilence from every inch of French soil.

Know what we mean?
At the moment, I agree with you. Worry about the other after Europe rids itself of these angry hornets.
Melenchon refuses to endorse Macron. Says that voters must examine their own "consciences". just like Lyin Ted Cruz did with Trump
That would be LION Ted. The only real Conservative in the race.

BTW, Trump respects him enough that Ted has his ear, daily.
Another case of people sick and tired of open border politicians and making excuses for Muslim attacks on innocent people.
Well know what they say "if you're not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great indoctrination and socialist benefits" guess you gave up your socialist benefits when you voted for Don the con?
No problem with all the white boy massacres and rapes here? 75 Muslim killings her since 911, 30000 murders and 100000 rapes per year. Don't you realize how
dumb and bigoted the Muslim (who have better education and earnings than our posters here) whine sounds?

Your defense of the rape Jihadists is truly disgusting, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic with large percentages supporting honor killings and terrorist organizations; such as, AQ and Hamas. Muslims in Europe are responisible for more violent crime than non Muslims as a percentage of the population, the pedophile worshippers gang raped literally thousands of women in one night. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim and that goes double for traitors to Western Civilization, the world needs more Breiviks and less Jo Cox's, her execution for treason was an act of heroism.
Melenchon refuses to endorse Macron. Says that voters must examine their own "consciences". just like Lyin Ted Cruz did with Trump
That would be LION Ted. The only real Conservative in the race.

BTW, Trump respects him enough that Ted has his ear, daily.

President Trump spends 90 percent of his time working on the phone, so he has time to call Lyin Ted once a day as a courtesy.
All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.
The catch is that to vote for what passes for 'free trade' in France, you have to vote for wide open borders, to slide deeper into the European Union and the loss of French identity.

The more conservative candidate is in favor of more government control of the economy and less involvement in the EU and secure borders.

As long as non citizens do not benefit from any form of government provided support, you're good to go. Robust trade and peaceful interaction do not diminish the cultural identity of a nation, they support it. After all, why would foreign nations trade with you if your culture didn't produce something of value?
Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU) was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.

All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.
A just, free, and equal society needs more than a free unregulated capitalist market system.

Great, as long as that society doesn't infringe on my rights because of something you claim you need, we're golden. Taking my wealth or requiring my labor is not just and it certainly isn't free. In our society, we're born equal in the eyes of the law. After that, it's up to you. Get a helmet.

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