LePen Top Vote Getter in First Round

Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Europe must remain White in order to preserve its heritage, culture and traditions. Diversity and multiculturalism doesn't work. The Muslim migration has proven that.

I agree multiculturalism doesn't work. However, if peoples of the same land embrace a successful and productive culture, diversity of background, be it ethnic, racial, geographic, or otherwise is not a problem and can actually be an asset.
Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist? Hitler also banned trade unions.
Please explain that between drinking the kook-aid, OK Gomer?
Hitler purged those movements to solidify public support just like the communists would have done had they taken over instead.
I agree multiculturalism doesn't work. However, if peoples of the same land embrace a successful and productive culture, diversity of background, be it ethnic, racial, geographic, or otherwise is not a problem and can actually be an asset.
I think multiculturalism that does not obscure the dominant ethnic group of a nation can work if the public sense of nationalism is a civic nationalism.

For nations that tie their nationalism to a strong ethnic and linguistic group, this does not work too well, IMO.
All they need support is the idea of free trade, free markets and free minds and they'll get exactly what they're hoping for and more.

Don't need Brussels for that.
The catch is that to vote for what passes for 'free trade' in France, you have to vote for wide open borders, to slide deeper into the European Union and the loss of French identity.

The more conservative candidate is in favor of more government control of the economy and less involvement in the EU and secure borders.

As long as non citizens do not benefit from any form of government provided support, you're good to go. Robust trade and peaceful interaction do not diminish the cultural identity of a nation, they support it. After all, why would foreign nations trade with you if your culture didn't produce something of value?

In less than 20 years 90% of the voting public will be in favor of government aid of some form due to an 80% unemployment rate from the Robotics Revolution.

Dont be too proud to admit in 2040 that Bernie was right after all.
Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Europe must remain White in order to preserve its heritage, culture and traditions. Diversity and multiculturalism doesn't work. The Muslim migration has proven that.

I agree multiculturalism doesn't work. However, if peoples of the same land embrace a successful and productive culture, diversity of background, be it ethnic, racial, geographic, or otherwise is not a problem and can actually be an asset.
The USA is the most multicultural and ethnically mixed country on the planet.
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Yup I'm dying to have WWIII which the euro was designed to prevent.

WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Europe must remain White in order to preserve its heritage, culture and traditions. Diversity and multiculturalism doesn't work. The Muslim migration has proven that.

I agree multiculturalism doesn't work. However, if peoples of the same land embrace a successful and productive culture, diversity of background, be it ethnic, racial, geographic, or otherwise is not a problem and can actually be an asset.
The USA is the most multicultural and ethnically mixed countries on the planet.

How many countries is the US?
WWII was fought to end the Axis powers attempt to instill themselves as central planners. The bureaucracies in Brussels opted for creeping progressive meddling to obtain their central planner status. Better than using military force I suppose, but if one cares about actual results over intentions, best to stop them before things get out of hand.

European countries can conduct free trade among themselves without the meddlers in Brussels. Free trade equals peace; people in charge forcing their will on others causes war.
The Common Market, forerunner of the European Union (EU), was formed to combat European nationalisms and economic competition between its member states which lead to wars. It is working and has the support of European youth who want a future characterized by cooperation and shared identity.
Europe must remain White in order to preserve its heritage, culture and traditions. Diversity and multiculturalism doesn't work. The Muslim migration has proven that.

I agree multiculturalism doesn't work. However, if peoples of the same land embrace a successful and productive culture, diversity of background, be it ethnic, racial, geographic, or otherwise is not a problem and can actually be an asset.
The USA is the most multicultural and ethnically mixed countries on the planet.

How many countries is the US?
"The USA is the most multicultural and ethnically mixed country on the planet." A bunch of nations -- E Pluribus Unum, you know.
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
This is good news as 80% will reject La Plume.
Increasing welfare payments, lowering the retirement age, the government taking over whole industries, raising taxes, printing money.


Yup, a leftist.
And they keep denying Hitler was a leftist.

Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist? Hitler also banned trade unions.
Please explain that between drinking the kook-aid, OK Gomer?
Hitler incorporated trade unions, exactly like the communists. He also executed Brown Shirts, exactly like you.
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
This is good news as 80% will reject La Plume.

Potentially. Le Pen senior gained 0.9% of the vote from the first round to the second round in 2002. But Marie Le Pen has got more votes this time around than her father ever got.
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
This is good news as 80% will reject La Plume.

Potentially. Le Pen senior gained 0.9% of the vote from the first round to the second round in 2002. But Marie Le Pen has got more votes this time around than her father ever got.
That's a good thing! Nationalism is the key to France's survival.
Looks like another Eurpoean nation tilting right to protect their citizens.
French presidential election: Le Pen, Macron projected as winners in first round

The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
This is good news as 80% will reject La Plume.

Potentially. Le Pen senior gained 0.9% of the vote from the first round to the second round in 2002. But Marie Le Pen has got more votes this time around than her father ever got.
There is a lot more xenophobic anger these days than when Le Plume's antisemitic father ran for office but not enough for the French to go loco like the Brexiteers and Trump supporters. They will vote for hope in the future with Europhile Macron.
Increasing welfare payments, lowering the retirement age, the government taking over whole industries, raising taxses, printing money.


Yup, a leftist.
And they keep denying Hitler was a leftist.

Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist? Hitler also banned trade unions.
Please explain that between drinking the kook-aid, OK Gomer?
Hitler incorporated trade unions, exactly like the communists. He also executed Brown Shirts, exactly like you.

ernst Rohan, the leader of the Brown Shirts was not happy that Hitler's "nationalism" did not include nationalistic socialism. He was a socialist and was one of the socialist, executed by Hitler. So what exactly, is your point?
Increasing welfare payments, lowering the retirement age, the government taking over whole industries, raising taxes, printing money.


Yup, a leftist.
And they keep denying Hitler was a leftist.

Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist? Hitler also banned trade unions.
Please explain that between drinking the kook-aid, OK Gomer?
Hitler incorporated trade unions, exactly like the communists. He also executed Brown Shirts, exactly like you.
Read some history, please.
The French always "tilt to the right", remember Vichy France?
The French were collaborators who even rounded-up Jews and sent them to death camps. It is not a time they want to return to under the leadership of La Plume de ma tante.

Well, it would seem a lot of people do want to return to such a time. Some saw them as collaborators, others saw them as doing their duty.

National Front (France) - Wikipedia

In 1988 Le Pen got 14.4% of the vote in the Presidential election. Only in 2007 have they been lower, and that was 10.4%.

You're looking at them getting about 4 million votes every time. This is 4 million voting age people who are essentially far right supporters or 10% of the voting population.

In the national assembly they don't do as well, but that shows what tactical voting can do for smaller parties.

This is France. A place where 20% will vote for the far right.
This is good news as 80% will reject La Plume.

Potentially. Le Pen senior gained 0.9% of the vote from the first round to the second round in 2002. But Marie Le Pen has got more votes this time around than her father ever got.
That's a good thing! Nationalism is the key to France's survival.

No, it isn't.

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