Lerner seen getting fitted for an orange jump suit

The guy who testified that the emails were destroyed and there were no backups is the one who perjured himself.

Then there's what turns up in the emails themselves.
And what has turned up in those new found emails?

Nada, zilch, nothing, zip, zero that shows criminality and coordination between learner and the president as your dog and ponyshow actors have pontificated....

Just like this right wing media article above from op it says nothing.....

Sooner or later these clown congress critters need to put up, or shut up, and stop wasting my tax dollars on this circus costing us 30 million minimum for merely the theater's grand stand.
That's right. Our dear friend
Lerner has some 'splaining' to do.
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times
Don't worry. She'll sing like a canary to avoid 'getting married' to a bunch of 300 pound bull dyes in Federal prison.
It will be interesting to watch how far her skinny fingers can reach into the White house.

yeah with memos that start out like this

“No One Will Believe Your Hard Drive And Mine Crashed Within A Week”

Wow. 3 years of investigation, 4 rounds of hearings, and 20 million dollars. And the above is the best you can do?

what a idiot you are

apparently you missed the part where the IRS and crew

hid and outright lied about not having emails and an assortment of other evidence
This country will not elect another black as president maybe forever.

Well now, that makes a lot of sense.

Maybe we won't elect another white one after this... especially with his extremely low approval rating upon exit.

It only took the media 8 years to accomplish that.
The guy who testified that the emails were destroyed and there were no backups is the one who perjured himself.

Then there's what turns up in the emails themselves.
And what has turned up in those new found emails?

Nada, zilch, nothing, zip, zero that shows criminality and coordination between learner and the president as your dog and ponyshow actors have pontificated....

Just like this right wing media article above from op it says nothing.....

Sooner or later these clown congress critters need to put up, or shut up, and stop wasting my tax dollars on this circus costing us 30 million minimum for merely the theater's grand stand.
I would wait till they've had time to filter through 30k emails before making any rush judgments either way.
That's right. Our dear friend
Lerner has some 'splaining' to do.
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times
Don't worry. She'll sing like a canary to avoid 'getting married' to a bunch of 300 pound bull dyes in Federal prison.
It will be interesting to watch how far her skinny fingers can reach into the White house.

yeah with memos that start out like this

“No One Will Believe Your Hard Drive And Mine Crashed Within A Week”

Wow. 3 years of investigation, 4 rounds of hearings, and 20 million dollars. And the above is the best you can do?
Maybe if the Obama administration just came out with the evidence that was asked for. Instead of lying and hiding and destroying evidence. 20 million dollars would've been saved.
That's right. Our dear friend
Lerner has some 'splaining' to do.
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times
Don't worry. She'll sing like a canary to avoid 'getting married' to a bunch of 300 pound bull dyes in Federal prison.
It will be interesting to watch how far her skinny fingers can reach into the White house.

There's zero in that article that indicates that Lerner is the focus of the investigation, or if she is even suspected of any wrong doing.

But this prediction of impending doom for Lerner is somehow more credible than all the laughably inept and patently false predictions of impending doom for Lerner before?

Nice to a liberal joking about the government infringing on other citizens civil rights like it's funny.
That's right. Our dear friend
Lerner has some 'splaining' to do.
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times
Don't worry. She'll sing like a canary to avoid 'getting married' to a bunch of 300 pound bull dyes in Federal prison.
It will be interesting to watch how far her skinny fingers can reach into the White house.
Dykes my dear fellow....You know she will have a heart attack right before the trial....
I heard the investigation was conducted by someone who was legally blind.

IRS Employee Looking for Lois Lerner Emails Was Blind, Literally! | Rule of Law An IRS employee tasked with trying to restore and obtain emails on Lois Lerner's IRS computer's hard drive was legally blind. Stephen Manning, the deputy chief information officer for strategy and modernization at the IRS, submitted an affidavit in the True the Vote vs. IRS litigation regarding the persons and procedures used to attempt to recover Lois Lerner's hard drive containing emails pertaining to Tea Party targeting.

. kesgardner Did you see that the IRS sent a legally blind man to find Lois Lerner s email I cannot make this up. BACCV
Don't get your knickers in a fit too soon. The IRS claims they can't read the missing emails because they're in a format the IRS no longer uses.
This country will not elect another black as president maybe forever.

Well now, that makes a lot of sense.

Maybe we won't elect another white one after this... especially with his extremely low approval rating upon exit.

It only took the media 8 years to accomplish that.

That's right, he was just an innocent victim of the leftie liberal media.
If the media would quit kissing Obama's ass and report truthfully about him. Obama would've been impeached a long time ago.
Don't get your knickers in a fit too soon. The IRS claims they can't read the missing emails because they're in a format the IRS no longer uses.
The format is old but very common and easy to open. Any fifteen year old hacker can do it. Like someone needing to find an old eight track to play the Doobie Brothers.
Right now there are techs converting the files. Soon we will all be able to read the emails online.
Your total contempt for the rule of law is duly noted.

i do have total contempt over making a political issue out of the law.

Let's review what happened here. The Supreme Court made an idiotic ruling, and then left it to the IRS to figure out how to make it work. The IRS chose some bad criteria which they pretty much admitted was a mistake and stopped doing it.

But you guys have gone from one conspiracy theory to another trying to prove someone was guilty of something, when the real crime was trying to claim Karl Rove was a social Welfare agency and didn't have to disclose who his donors were.

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