Lerner's E-mails Not Lost!

Summary: Still not any hint of wrongdoing, but that's not stopping the ODS cranks from pretending there is. If ODS cranks couldn't lie, they couldn't talk at all.

That would be why the MSM is ignoring you, ODS cranks. Even our nutty conservative mainstream media has limits as to how brazenly they'll lie on behalf of the GOP, and this goes beyond those limits.

I was wondering who would be unbelievably stupid enough to believe the IRS...and there you are.
According to this, they are safely stored at the National Security Agency's facility in Utah. Surprised? The real question is; will the NSA release them to the Congressional committee? Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: We know the whereabouts of the "lost" IRS emails

But Issa couldn't find Bush's 22MILLION LOST EMAILS????

Issa Blamed IBM Software For Loss Of 22 Million Bush Emails | Crooks and Liars

Homo, that is completely different technically. If you lost a backup to crappy IBM backup software, which I'm familiar with, then that is a completely different and a result of horrible management of the servers or an onsite disaster. Since thousands of other emails were recovered, it's illogical to say that no such disaster, backup problem etc. transpired. If they would have produced NO email, then they argument would have had more credibility.
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Summary: Still not any hint of wrongdoing, but that's not stopping the ODS cranks from pretending there is. If ODS cranks couldn't lie, they couldn't talk at all.

That would be why the MSM is ignoring you, ODS cranks. Even our nutty conservative mainstream media has limits as to how brazenly they'll lie on behalf of the GOP, and this goes beyond those limits.

Summary: you're in way over your head and should just scurry along and take your licks like a man if you can.
Congressman Darrell Issa pointed out the ridiculousness of the claims saying that such records could only disappear because of deliberate destruction.

“Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don’t just disappear without a trace unless that was the intention.”

It turns out that Senator Darrell Issa is right. Records like these don’t just disappear without a trace.

We know the whereabouts of the lost IRS emails and they could likely be accessed and shown to the American public within 24 hours.

Can't wait to see if this is all true.

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