Lesbian attorney general may have just ended Christian adoption services in Michigan

Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are they violating First Amendment rights? As I read it, those adoption agencies can still function, but they will not receive government funds. While it may be a bad decision, it does not seem to be a violation of First Amendment rights in any way.

The OP article didn't state it that I saw, but apparently this decision was a settlement from a lawsuit. Here's another article about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...parents/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e6e52f20b97b

And here's a link directly to the settlement agreement: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Settlement_Agreement_with_Sig_Pages_-_FINAL_650100_7.pdf
W.PO is owned by the CIA u stupid fk.
WaPo refuses to add disclosure about $600M CIA contract
In 2013, Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million. Only 4 months later, he was awarded a $600 million contract with the CIA. So the CIA has a direct connection to the Washington Post, the paper of record in our nation's capital, but they refuse to add a disclosure to stories they write about the CIA.

No wonder your democratic dumbass.

Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.
What first amendment rights are denied when it comes to receiving tax payer money? there should be no taxpayer money given to any group that admits they want to discriminate against people based on what they belief their God says. Where did Jesus or God or even the Holy Ghost say Thou Shalt Not Let Gay People Adopt Children? Surely you know most child molesters are heterosexual. Surely you know studies have been shown that gay couples who adopt have less reported problems with their adoptions than heterosexual couples. Why are you so blindly bigoted you want to let fake christians use their goofy beliefs to discriminate against others?

Every so often I forget how much Republicans hate gay people. Then they remind us.

Can you guess which states where you could be fired from your job simply for being gay?

I get it. Republicans hate gay people. In fact, they’re the party of hate.
Not something we can really deny any longer. All you have to do is look at their policies and their statements.
This is not about hating gay people. Gay people deserve dignity and not to be screwed with. This is about the fringe of this nation controlling the massive majority of people. You better figure out human history. When things go bad, it is not nice. The dignity has morphed into an agenda where every way of living sexually will be legitimized. This is not a world of pressing a button and food appears like Star Trek. Or where poverty has been eliminated. It exists here and is much worse in parts of the world. One day just like you see in Frisco where people urinate, crap and do drugs in center city streets we will see all the sexual ways legalized to do that in the same manner. No, it is not about hate. Everyone has their ways.It is the excessive insanity that is now punishing those who who take responsibility who are reduced in numbers big time because of the progressive socialists agendas over the decades but have a slight uptick from those huge reductions because the fringe have legalized children for gay couples and other things. Sorry. Dressing boys in dresses and giving kids transgendered operations is not good.
It is odd that just ending tax payer funding for a specific group banning gays from adoptions DUE TO SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, is bad and naughty and a first amendment violation..But on the same thread, many mouth breathers talked about how muslim adoptions should be BANNED ALTOGETHER!! And not one right winger applied that same first amendment objection to that silly ass remark. Double standard, much? Taxpayer money is not supposed to favor one group over the other, or fund religious groups that have any sort of political agenda, such as banning gays, who are taxpayers and would in effect be supporting a group that wants to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM.
How are they violating First Amendment rights? As I read it, those adoption agencies can still function, but they will not receive government funds. While it may be a bad decision, it does not seem to be a violation of First Amendment rights in any way.

The OP article didn't state it that I saw, but apparently this decision was a settlement from a lawsuit. Here's another article about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...parents/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e6e52f20b97b

And here's a link directly to the settlement agreement: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Settlement_Agreement_with_Sig_Pages_-_FINAL_650100_7.pdf

They would be denying them based on their protected viewpoints.

Would they? Or would they be denying them for discriminating against a protected class, violating state law?

I've no idea how courts would view it, really. How much a person or business should be able to discriminate based on religious beliefs is one of the more controversial legal questions of recent years.

But then wouldn't the Christians be a protected class, being persecuted for their own viewpoints? And in this case by the government?

It's not controversial if you apply some common sense. If the Christian agency was the only game in town, it would be an issue, but nothing is stopping gays, muslims, or even Satanists from making their own adoption agencies to try to place unwanted or uncared for children with people who want them.

Is it simply common sense? After all, is anyone stopping a Christian agency from operating without receiving state funds? Are the agencies being persecuted at all, or simply denied funds? Is the denial based on their viewpoints, or how they act upon those viewpoints? Is the government condoning discrimination against LGBT people if they fund organizations which do so?

Calling it a matter of applying common sense is an oversimplification in my opinion.

The other option is to get State funds out of it entirely. But when they are involved you are now getting into viewpoint discrimination if you deny the Christian group and not some other group which may have other requirements they follow.

Again, this isn't a sole actor issue here, A LGBT group could form an adoption agency and say they only place with LGBT couples. As long as there are other options out there, viewpoints are all considered, and no one is excluded.

If you deny all groups that discriminate against LGBT people, not just Christian ones, and you don't deny funds to Christian groups that don't discriminate in that way, are you discriminating against the people for their religious beliefs? In other words, while their belief might come from their religion, if the reasoning behind the belief is unimportant, simply that they discriminate in their adoption/foster process, are they violating their rights?

I'd prefer that adoption and foster agencies be given as much leeway as is reasonable in order to keep functioning, as that is a very important task. I've long had the impression that Christian agencies make up a large portion of such agencies. However, I still find the argument that denying state funding if such agencies violate discrimination law to be less than compelling. :dunno:

Getting state funds out entirely might be best, except for the worry that it would lead to many of the agencies having to close.
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are they violating First Amendment rights? As I read it, those adoption agencies can still function, but they will not receive government funds. While it may be a bad decision, it does not seem to be a violation of First Amendment rights in any way.

The OP article didn't state it that I saw, but apparently this decision was a settlement from a lawsuit. Here's another article about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...parents/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e6e52f20b97b

And here's a link directly to the settlement agreement: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Settlement_Agreement_with_Sig_Pages_-_FINAL_650100_7.pdf

They would be denying them based on their protected viewpoints.

Would they? Or would they be denying them for discriminating against a protected class, violating state law?

I've no idea how courts would view it, really. How much a person or business should be able to discriminate based on religious beliefs is one of the more controversial legal questions of recent years.

But then wouldn't the Christians be a protected class, being persecuted for their own viewpoints? And in this case by the government?

It's not controversial if you apply some common sense. If the Christian agency was the only game in town, it would be an issue, but nothing is stopping gays, muslims, or even Satanists from making their own adoption agencies to try to place unwanted or uncared for children with people who want them.

Is it simply common sense? After all, is anyone stopping a Christian agency from operating without receiving state funds? Are the agencies being persecuted at all, or simply denied funds? Is the denial based on their viewpoints, or how they act upon those viewpoints? Is the government condoning discrimination against LGBT people if they fund organizations which do so?

Calling it a matter of applying common sense is an oversimplification in my opinion.
Remind me how you feel when abortion agencies like planned parenthood are denied Government funding?
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are their First Amendment rights being violated? They can have what ever policies they want, but why should they be able to use taxpayer dollars to discriminate?
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are they violating First Amendment rights? As I read it, those adoption agencies can still function, but they will not receive government funds. While it may be a bad decision, it does not seem to be a violation of First Amendment rights in any way.

The OP article didn't state it that I saw, but apparently this decision was a settlement from a lawsuit. Here's another article about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...parents/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e6e52f20b97b

And here's a link directly to the settlement agreement: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Settlement_Agreement_with_Sig_Pages_-_FINAL_650100_7.pdf
W.PO is owned by the CIA u stupid fk.
WaPo refuses to add disclosure about $600M CIA contract
In 2013, Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million. Only 4 months later, he was awarded a $600 million contract with the CIA. So the CIA has a direct connection to the Washington Post, the paper of record in our nation's capital, but they refuse to add a disclosure to stories they write about the CIA.

No wonder your democratic dumbass.

LOL, why don't you post some more inforwars links and then complain some more about the Washington Post? Also, is the Michigan government owned by the CIA, as that is where the second link (to the settlement agreement) comes from?

Or you could address the actual content of the post, or even of the thread, if you like. I won't hold my breath, though. :p
I am assuming it really doesn't matter to the federal government who is running a worthwhile charity that receives federal funding, regardless of if or what religion may be involved. So take the religious part out of the equation- they are being denied taxpayer funds because there is a federal law that bans discrimination of people due to many reasons, including sexual orientation. This agency bans gay people who are taxpayers and who should have the same adoption rights as other taxpayers with similar clean backgrounds after being vetted. Period.
How are they violating First Amendment rights? As I read it, those adoption agencies can still function, but they will not receive government funds. While it may be a bad decision, it does not seem to be a violation of First Amendment rights in any way.

The OP article didn't state it that I saw, but apparently this decision was a settlement from a lawsuit. Here's another article about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...parents/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e6e52f20b97b

And here's a link directly to the settlement agreement: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Settlement_Agreement_with_Sig_Pages_-_FINAL_650100_7.pdf

They would be denying them based on their protected viewpoints.

Would they? Or would they be denying them for discriminating against a protected class, violating state law?

I've no idea how courts would view it, really. How much a person or business should be able to discriminate based on religious beliefs is one of the more controversial legal questions of recent years.

But then wouldn't the Christians be a protected class, being persecuted for their own viewpoints? And in this case by the government?

It's not controversial if you apply some common sense. If the Christian agency was the only game in town, it would be an issue, but nothing is stopping gays, muslims, or even Satanists from making their own adoption agencies to try to place unwanted or uncared for children with people who want them.

Is it simply common sense? After all, is anyone stopping a Christian agency from operating without receiving state funds? Are the agencies being persecuted at all, or simply denied funds? Is the denial based on their viewpoints, or how they act upon those viewpoints? Is the government condoning discrimination against LGBT people if they fund organizations which do so?

Calling it a matter of applying common sense is an oversimplification in my opinion.
Remind me how you feel when abortion agencies like planned parenthood are denied Government funding?

If they violate discrimination laws, I have no problem with it at all.

Actually, I don't really care if they are denied funding, period. I might take issue with the reason behind such a denial, but there's no reason Planned Parenthood has to get government funding.
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are their First Amendment rights being violated? They can have what ever policies they want, but why should they be able to use taxpayer dollars to discriminate?
And yet the left howls when ever planned parenthood is threatened with losing funds, double standard much?
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

How are their First Amendment rights being violated? They can have what ever policies they want, but why should they be able to use taxpayer dollars to discriminate?
And yet the left howls when ever planned parenthood is threatened with losing funds, double standard much?

If the left didn't have a double standard they'd have no standards at all
Lesbian attorney general may have just ended Christian adoption services in Michigan

LANSING, Michigan, March 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel has announced that taxpayer-funded adoption agencies with religious objections to placing children in homes of homosexual “married” couples will no longer be able to cite their faith as a legitimate reason to opt out of providing that service. The move has the effect of forcing religious adoption agencies to violate their consciences if they want state money.

Awwwwww the tax payer adoption agency brought down by scum again but the fight should keep going so these scum bag skanks never win. They want you to kill your kid instead. Planned-parenthood want you to kill that baby so they can sell those parts you idiots.
This is sort of funny. Michigan is one of the states that fought tooth and nail against same sex marriage. They were humiliated in court when a so called expert testified that children suffered by having same sex parents was exposed as a fraud and a Carleton. It was a stupid argument in the first place because gay people are going to have children in their care whether or not they are married. Apparently they have a different AG now. Good for her!

It's apparent that you and your ilk don't give a flying fuck about the children who need adoptive homes. You are quite willing to use kids as pawns in your mission to punish and marginalize gay people. You should be ashamed. n
And then you stupidly throw in some debunked horseshit about planned parenthood -like you're trolling your own thread
Last edited:
Lesbian attorney general may have just ended Christian adoption services in Michigan

LANSING, Michigan, March 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel has announced that taxpayer-funded adoption agencies with religious objections to placing children in homes of homosexual “married” couples will no longer be able to cite their faith as a legitimate reason to opt out of providing that service. The move has the effect of forcing religious adoption agencies to violate their consciences if they want state money.

Awwwwww the tax payer adoption agency brought down by scum again but the fight should keep going so these scum bag skanks never win. They want you to kill your kid instead. Planned-parenthood want you to kill that baby so they can sell those parts you idiots.
This is sort of funny. Michigan is one of the states that fought tooth and nail against same sex marriage. They were humiliated in court when a so called expert testified that children suffered by having same sex parents was exposed as a fraud and a Carleton. It was a stupid argument in the first place because gay people are going to have children in their care whether or not they are married. Apparently they have a different AG now. Good for her!

It's apparent that you and your ilk don't give a flying fuck about the children who need adoptive homes. You are quite willing to use kids as pawns in your mission to punish and marginalize gay people. You should be ashamed. n
And then you stupidly throw in some debunked horseshit about planned parenthood -like you're trolling your own thread
What the hell is so damned funny Death Angel ?
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.

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