Lesbian attorney general may have just ended Christian adoption services in Michigan

Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.
It's cruel-and stupid- not to give children who are in need of a home EVERY opportunity for a loving couple to adopt them . And I said, not all Christians are bigots and the rational Christians are bigots and many disagree with your ilk on homosexuality
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.
It's cruel-and stupid- not to give children who are in need of a home EVERY opportunity for a loving couple to adopt them . And I said, not all Christians are bigots and the rational Christians are bigots and many disagree with your ilk on homosexuality

No shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples, now is there? But you leftist shitheads go shopping around until you find the one that is run by Christians and so you can attack them. Shut down an adoption agency. That's what good and decent people do.
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.
It's cruel-and stupid- not to give children who are in need of a home EVERY opportunity for a loving couple to adopt them . And I said, not all Christians are bigots and the rational Christians are bigots and many disagree with your ilk on homosexuality

No shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples, now is there? But you leftist shitheads go shopping around until you find the one that is run by Christians and so you can attack them. Shut down an adoption agency. That's what good and decent people do.
Complete horseshit ! No one is looking to attack anyone That is a made up bigot talking point-the same one that you people used in the case of the baker. I don't know about I don't know about there being no shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples. But I do know that there are many more children in need of adoption, then there are people who are able and willing to adopt them. The children in these agencies need every opportunity to find a good home. Excluding people due to bigotry is putting the kids at a disadvantage. You fucking people care more about you bastardized interpretation of religious liberty, and punishing gay people than you ever cared about the children
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.
Another thing Smiley. There was a lawsuit. The bigots were forced into a settlement.That's why this is happening. Did you miss that part
Everyone gets it, Liberals are anti-Christian.
They usually can find a Left Wing judge who will bypass the constitution them.
The fact is that Freedom of Religion is a constitutional right.
You can't discriminate against them.
You can't force them to do things that are against their faith.
It's much heatlthier for children to be raised by a mother and a father.
There are plenty of families who want to adopt children.
That AG is just being a dumb left wing bigot.
Children should not be exposed to regressive human behavior.

Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.
It's cruel-and stupid- not to give children who are in need of a home EVERY opportunity for a loving couple to adopt them . And I said, not all Christians are bigots and the rational Christians are bigots and many disagree with your ilk on homosexuality

No shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples, now is there? But you leftist shitheads go shopping around until you find the one that is run by Christians and so you can attack them. Shut down an adoption agency. That's what good and decent people do.
Complete horseshit ! No one is looking to attack anyone That is a made up bigot talking point-the same one that you people used in the case of the baker. I don't know about I don't know about there being no shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples. But I do know that there are many more children in need of adoption, then there are people who are able and willing to adopt them. The children in these agencies need every opportunity to find a good home. Excluding people due to bigotry is putting the kids at a disadvantage. You fucking people care more about you bastardized interpretation of religious liberty, and punishing gay people than you ever cared about the children

That agency wasn't hurting anyone, quite the contrary. They were helping. Let me reiterate: they were trying to find homes for orphaned children. But you want to label them as bigots. As haters. You're despicable.
Because they are haters, impure idiot. What do you find so fascinating about being a white nationalist racist, boy? Did some black kid kick your ass not too long ago when you called him a racist name? Or was it some old black lady? Taxpayers dollars should not be used to fund any agency that discriminates and actually breaks federal laws about DISCRIMINATION, YOU MORON. Planned Parenthood is not tied to any religion, has no concerns about anyone's religion or sexual orientation or race, provides the only medical care to millions of women, health care- not in any way abortion related as all federal funding for abortions ARE BANNED BY LAW, YOU SENSELESS GULLIBLE RIGHT WING SHEEP.
Yet another example of the left using the constitution to promote their anti-christian pro-degenerate agenda.
You should drop the "IM" from Impuretrash. There is nothing anti Christian about wanting to adopt and provide a home for orphaned children. There is no Christians vs, Gays thing going on. Many gays are Christian and most Christians are not bigots like you

It's cruel to force these people to choose between abandoning their faith or helping orphans find a home. You fuckers just can't leave it alone, you just have to nitpick and go on the attack, paint them as haters.
It's cruel-and stupid- not to give children who are in need of a home EVERY opportunity for a loving couple to adopt them . And I said, not all Christians are bigots and the rational Christians are bigots and many disagree with your ilk on homosexuality

No shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples, now is there? But you leftist shitheads go shopping around until you find the one that is run by Christians and so you can attack them. Shut down an adoption agency. That's what good and decent people do.
Complete horseshit ! No one is looking to attack anyone That is a made up bigot talking point-the same one that you people used in the case of the baker. I don't know about I don't know about there being no shortage of adoption agencies that cater to gay couples. But I do know that there are many more children in need of adoption, then there are people who are able and willing to adopt them. The children in these agencies need every opportunity to find a good home. Excluding people due to bigotry is putting the kids at a disadvantage. You fucking people care more about you bastardized interpretation of religious liberty, and punishing gay people than you ever cared about the children

Children have no business being adopted into gay homes. None, just read your garbage, that's proof enough
Children have no business being adopted into homophobic, low IQ homes. None. Just read your drooling spew. That's proof enough.
Only hurting the children and prospective parents. But when have the left ever given two shits about a child?
Amen to this. Doesn't a child have to get passed the abortion picture first before it can even live to learn about being adopted anyway?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is it just a coincidence that abortion comes first in the dictionary before adoption?
Only hurting the children and prospective parents. But when have the left ever given two shits about a child?
How do you feel about taxpayer money going to a muslim adoption agency where they place children in conservatively muslim families?

Letting kids be adopted by Muslims is just as bad if not worse than allowing gays to adopt children. Muslims like to abuse children, sexually as well. Plus they will be raised as Muslims which is un-American and dangerous to society as a whole.

You feel like you have a good handle on how the billion+ Muslims around the world raise their children, do you?

Also, I was under the impression that religious freedom was a fundamental American concept. Do you disagree? Are there any other religious beliefs you think are un-American, or is it only Islam?

Don’t care about their false god they worship, it’s the doctrine of violence that goes along with it that is not compatible with Western values.

Do you believe it should be illegal to make a cartoon of the pedophile prophet? If no then you already know what I am talking about. When Muslims get to be the majority in any country, they impose their religion on all and eradicate any other culture into irrelevance. Playing dumb and believing we can all just coexist with these savages will just lead to our demise, just like every other non-Muslim culture they’ve destroyed as Islam spread throughout the world.
It is odd that just ending tax payer funding for a specific group banning gays from adoptions DUE TO SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, is bad and naughty and a first amendment violation..But on the same thread, many mouth breathers talked about how muslim adoptions should be BANNED ALTOGETHER!! And not one right winger applied that same first amendment objection to that silly ass remark. Double standard, much? Taxpayer money is not supposed to favor one group over the other, or fund religious groups that have any sort of political agenda, such as banning gays, who are taxpayers and would in effect be supporting a group that wants to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM.

Nope. The objection of Muslims being able to adopt isn’t about their religion, it’s about their way of life. No different than objecting to sex criminal or mentally ill person from adopting.
Michigan will be sued for violating people's 1st amendment rights.
Left Wingers are dumb bigots.

If you're receiving government funding, you can't discriminate against someone based on religious beliefs.

Private Christian adoption agencies can bigot all they want.

But you can't take tax payers money ( especially since a percentage of those tax payers are gay and lesbian) and reject someone because of their sexual orientation.
Only hurting the children and prospective parents. But when have the left ever given two shits about a child?
How do you feel about taxpayer money going to a muslim adoption agency where they place children in conservatively muslim families?

Letting kids be adopted by Muslims is just as bad if not worse than allowing gays to adopt children. Muslims like to abuse children, sexually as well. Plus they will be raised as Muslims which is un-American and dangerous to society as a whole.

You feel like you have a good handle on how the billion+ Muslims around the world raise their children, do you?

Also, I was under the impression that religious freedom was a fundamental American concept. Do you disagree? Are there any other religious beliefs you think are un-American, or is it only Islam?

Don’t care about their false god they worship, it’s the doctrine of violence that goes along with it that is not compatible with Western values.

Do you believe it should be illegal to make a cartoon of the pedophile prophet? If no then you already know what I am talking about. When Muslims get to be the majority in any country, they impose their religion on all and eradicate any other culture into irrelevance. Playing dumb and believing we can all just coexist with these savages will just lead to our demise, just like every other non-Muslim culture they’ve destroyed as Islam spread throughout the world.

Muslims aren't anywhere near a majority in this country, so that's not an issue. If you honestly think all Muslims are savages, talking to you is pretty worthless as your prejudices are ridiculous.
Only hurting the children and prospective parents. But when have the left ever given two shits about a child?
Amen to this. Doesn't a child have to get passed the abortion picture first before it can even live to learn about being adopted anyway?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is it just a coincidence that abortion comes first in the dictionary before adoption?
Why do you think abortion has anything to do with discriminating against gay couples who want to adopt? And why do you believe anyone is killed during a legal discretionary abortion? Ever take biology, much? A human being is not alive absent a functioning brain and central nervous system. Legal, discretionary abortions can only occur before the brain and central nervous system has developed, so the only two human beings involved in a legal, discretionary abortion are the woman and her doctor. Period.
It is odd that just ending tax payer funding for a specific group banning gays from adoptions DUE TO SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, is bad and naughty and a first amendment violation..But on the same thread, many mouth breathers talked about how muslim adoptions should be BANNED ALTOGETHER!! And not one right winger applied that same first amendment objection to that silly ass remark. Double standard, much? Taxpayer money is not supposed to favor one group over the other, or fund religious groups that have any sort of political agenda, such as banning gays, who are taxpayers and would in effect be supporting a group that wants to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM.

Nope. The objection of Muslims being able to adopt isn’t about their religion, it’s about their way of life. No different than objecting to sex criminal or mentally ill person from adopting.
What do you actually know, about how Muslims live their life? There are a billion plus Muslims in the world. I know maybe 6, and I have gotten to know them because they run this small garage I take my car to for oil changes, minor work, inspections...and they are wonderful people. They refused to even charge me once when all they had to do was repair a flat, saying I was one of their best customers. Awesome people. Whoever, and however, these fine folks were brought up is just fine with me, and people like you who judge all muslims by the actions of such a tiny few, are the ones obviously brought up in a household where bias, bigotry and racism were allowed, maybe even encouraged, since you such a hateful, bigoted stooge.
It is odd that just ending tax payer funding for a specific group banning gays from adoptions DUE TO SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, is bad and naughty and a first amendment violation..But on the same thread, many mouth breathers talked about how muslim adoptions should be BANNED ALTOGETHER!! And not one right winger applied that same first amendment objection to that silly ass remark. Double standard, much? Taxpayer money is not supposed to favor one group over the other, or fund religious groups that have any sort of political agenda, such as banning gays, who are taxpayers and would in effect be supporting a group that wants to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM.

Nope. The objection of Muslims being able to adopt isn’t about their religion, it’s about their way of life. No different than objecting to sex criminal or mentally ill person from adopting.
What do you actually know, about how Muslims live their life? There are a billion plus Muslims in the world. I know maybe 6, and I have gotten to know them because they run this small garage I take my car to for oil changes, minor work, inspections...and they are wonderful people. They refused to even charge me once when all they had to do was repair a flat, saying I was one of their best customers. Awesome people. Whoever, and however, these fine folks were brought up is just fine with me, and people like you who judge all muslims by the actions of such a tiny few, are the ones obviously brought up in a household where bias, bigotry and racism were allowed, maybe even encouraged, since you such a hateful, bigoted stooge.

I know the history of Islam, how it spread and what they do to infidels. I know that every Muslim majority country is a shit hole. Yea great, you know a few “good ones” because they smile when they take your money. Will they oppose Sharia Law if Muslims are elected into office and start imposing it? Perhaps they wouldn’t, in that case they may be a non-practicing Muslim, which is the only “good” kind there are.
Every so often I forget how much Republicans hate gay people. Then they remind us.

Can you guess which states where you could be fired from your job simply for being gay?

I get it. Republicans hate gay people. In fact, they’re the party of hate.
Not something we can really deny any longer. All you have to do is look at their policies and their statements.

The irony here is that Republicans have stated they hate Sharia law yet it is people from your side thinking that Sharia law coexisting in the West is the “tolerant” thing to do. How fucking tolerant is it to throw people off buildings for being gay?

Liberals tolerate the people that physically harm gays under their laws.
Only hurting the children and prospective parents. But when have the left ever given two shits about a child?
Amen to this. Doesn't a child have to get passed the abortion picture first before it can even live to learn about being adopted anyway?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is it just a coincidence that abortion comes first in the dictionary before adoption?
Why do you think abortion has anything to do with discriminating against gay couples who want to adopt? And why do you believe anyone is killed during a legal discretionary abortion? Ever take biology, much? A human being is not alive absent a functioning brain and central nervous system. Legal, discretionary abortions can only occur before the brain and central nervous system has developed, so the only two human beings involved in a legal, discretionary abortion are the woman and her doctor. Period.
I don't remember ever once lumping abortion in there with adoption in such a way. After what you say here about abortion though, I will however say this. A beating does come to a permanent stop when an abortion takes place. In other words, a life has ended no matter how you try to paint such a picture.

God bless you always!!!


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