Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

One special right is the homos demand immunity from criticism

Nope. We just know that free speech runs two directions. You're free to be an anti gay bigot and we're free to call you an anti gay bigot.

And you're free to stick a gun in their face and force them to treat your kid and they're free to ... Hmm ... actually you don't think it runs two ways ...
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

One special right is the homos demand immunity from criticism

Nope. We just know that free speech runs two directions. You're free to be an anti gay bigot and we're free to call you an anti gay bigot.

I gave up any hope about you long ago, you're committed to the perversion and incapbale of reasonable discourse, in other words your typical homosexual
Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

You mean like the Title II of the Civil Rights Act that has required the serving of blacks and Christians since 1964?

Shut up, you stupid douche. No, I don't mean like Title II of the Civil
Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.
If you don't like the decades-old PA laws, you can always move? Need help packing?

No, thanks, I'll stand right here. I'm under no obligation to submit to bad law, or quietly accept the incorrect interpretation of law.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.


Wrong again!

Nobody in this discussion has ever advocated for such a thing.

What we do advocate is that homos don't have the right to invade privately owned establishments and demand the owners cater to their every whim.
One special right is the homos demand immunity from criticism

Nope. We just know that free speech runs two directions. You're free to be an anti gay bigot and we're free to call you an anti gay bigot.

And you're free to stick a gun in their face and force them to treat your kid and they're free to ... Hmm ... actually you don't think it runs two ways ...
That doctor would be required by law to treat the child if the parents were Muslim and she objected, black and she objected, Jewish and she objected, etc. Don't worry, in MI doctors don't have to treat the queers.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con
One special right is the homos demand immunity from criticism

Huh. Can you show us a court document where the 'right to freedom from criticism' is cited by anyone?

You need to learn to think outside the box. Now think hard and then get back to me
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a slice of cake from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

Then gays and lesbians already have the right to same sex marriage?

Well that was easy.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

Actually, that would be state PA laws that require that those doing business with the public not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

That's not a 'special right'. That's the same right that everyone else has.
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a sandwich from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Sad and stupid but I'm learning to expect that from you. Please note: I have little tolerance for idiots like you
Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

Then gays and lesbians already have the right to same sex marriage?

Well that was easy.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

Actually, that would be state PA laws that require that those doing business with the public not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

That's not a 'special right'. That's the same right that everyone else has.

Nope, they can opt not to bake cakes for ceremonies that they consider sacrilegious. And doctors can opt to refer patients, in non-life threatening situations, to doctors they feel will be a better match for them.
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a sandwich from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Sad and stupid but I'm learning to expect that from you. Please note: I have little tolerance for idiots like you
Oh, it has been well established you are intolerant.
Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

You mean like the Title II of the Civil Rights Act that has required the serving of blacks and Christians since 1964?

Shut up, you stupid douche. No, I don't mean like Title II of the Civil

Why not like that? Title II of the CRA requires people to serve those they might not want to or even have a religious objection to.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?

This is where you launch into one of your traditional diatribes about how chiseled your abs are, what a good writer you are, and how important you are. That should bring the faggot chorus running to your defense.

I'll wait. Statist, dottie and fake traditionally show up about 2 seconds later.
DOCTOR: I have prayed on it, and I just cannot treat this interracial baby. His parents are an offense to God.

Same bullshit, different decade.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?

This is where you launch into one of your traditional diatribes about how chiseled your abs are, what a good writer you are, and how important you are. That should bring the faggot chorus running to your defense.

I'll wait. Statist, dottie and fake traditionally show up about 2 seconds later.
You must be thinking of someone else.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?
Grow up you little fuck
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?

This is where you launch into one of your traditional diatribes about how chiseled your abs are, what a good writer you are, and how important you are. That should bring the faggot chorus running to your defense.

I'll wait. Statist, dottie and fake traditionally show up about 2 seconds later.

That one is an ass and destined for ignore, I feel it

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