Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

Click, onto ignore he goes.

Here's the way it works..these loons can't make their argument, so they pretend they're arguing for something else.

Forcing florists and bakers to serve at queer weddings is NOT the same as the rights civil rights leaders (and Republicans and Christians) fought and died to establish for blacks. It's an insult to the people who DIED for those freedoms to pretend it is.

Queers aren't trying to get equal rights..which they already have. What they are seeking is UNIVERSAL endorsement and support of their lifestyle, and they seek to PUNISH those who withhold that endorsement.

Get over it, homos. You can't force people to like you, and in America, you can't force people to serve you. You'll just find that all the bakers and florists go underground (and all the doctors) and there your dumb asses will be..without cakes, without flowers, and without doctors.
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a sandwich from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Sad and stupid but I'm learning to expect that from you. Please note: I have little tolerance for idiots like you
Another illustrative allegory to show what you look and sound like.

Even though it goes a mile over your pointy heads, everyone else gets it.

I know you think you appear smart using that term..but trust me, you're using it inappropriately and the fact that you keep repeating it proves you're a know-nothing ignoramus.

Onto ignore you go. My fifth grade son is better at debate. Three years ago he made an argument to me on the merits of Chinese communism. In three sentences, he established his argument and won it. Without ever making a false comparison, or calling anyone names when he couldn't think of anything else to say.

You should pay a third grader to tutor you.
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a slice of cake from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Another tired left wing diatribe comparing gays to blacks. You should learn some history about what blacks went through. Boy would you feel stupid comparing that to a gay had to see a different doctor in the same office
It is precisely because blacks forged the civil rights struggle, and took the brunt of the punishment by your bigoted forebearers that you present day bigots are not able to put up as much resistance to gay civil rights. You don't have law enforcement and government on your side the way your bigoted ancestors did. You can't have lynching parties the way your bigoted ancestors did.

You can't have STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries the way your bigoted ancestors could have WHITE ONLY bakeries. And boy, it is really pissing you guys off!
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a sandwich from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Sad and stupid but I'm learning to expect that from you. Please note: I have little tolerance for idiots like you
Another illustrative allegory to show what you look and sound like.

Even though it goes a mile over your pointy heads, everyone else gets it.

I know you think you appear smart using that term..but trust me, you're using it inappropriately and the fact that you keep repeating it proves you're a know-nothing ignoramus.

Onto ignore you go. My fifth grade son is better at debate. Three years ago he made an argument to me on the merits of Chinese communism. In three sentences, he established his argument and won it. Without ever making a false comparison, or calling anyone names when he couldn't think of anything else to say.

You should pay a third grader to tutor you.
As long as you pointy heads keep making the same fallacious arguments, I will keep making the same logical responses.
It has nothing to do with PA.

Per the law, it does. These bakers who discriminated against same sex couples getting married violated state PA laws. And are subject to sanctions according to the law. There is no 'they consider it sacrilegious' exemption in the law.

You made that up.

They are required to treat their customers fairly and equally. How is that a 'special right' for gays?

They didn't "discriminate against same sex couples getting married", what a load of horse shit. They did nothing to prevent anyone from getting married, and they did nothing to prevent anyone from obtaining gay cake from another baker.

They exerted their protected right to not participate in what they consider a sacrilegious ceremony. Nobody should be forced to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
Racists had WHITE ONLY bakeries. Anti-gay bigots are really pissed they can't have STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Feel free to quote this post. ;)
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.


People being free do decide who they want to do business with.

You're an ignorant ass, no wonder you go down on Obama all the time
Racists had WHITE ONLY bakeries. Anti-gay bigots are really pissed they can't have STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Feel free to quote this post. ;)

Yes, government forced all bakeries to not deal with blacks

And that's the same as allowing one baker to not want to deal with gays when the rest don't give a shit.

That's intelligence to you
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.

We just saw koshergrl demanding gays use their own bakeries, dipshit. She wants STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Birds of a feather.

...and in America, you can't force people to serve you.

Oh but they can, and they are. Baking a cake is not serving God, it's serving a profit, and we have rules about such things. So sad, for you...

And that's not for you to determine.

You cannot force people to commit sacrilege to stay in business. It's against the law.

And this is why Christians fought so fucking hard to prevent homos from changing the definition of marriage. We knew all along it would come to this...the next objective (and the primary objective) will be to shut down the churches themselves, and bar Christians from certain professions. I've been listening to faggots claim that Christians should have their children taken from them for *forcing* them to go to church, and I've heard them say that preachers should be arrested for preaching the bible because it's *hate* speech, and I've heard them say that Christians should be banned from teaching (but not Homos, by golly, who we all know LOVE children in that special way only homos can).

Anyway. Christians are never going to submit to this crap. Like I said, you'll just find yourselves getting your AIDS meds from queer docs, and all our docs and bakers and florists will go underground.
As I said, decades from now, history and society as a whole will look back on these anti-gay bigots exactly the same way history and society look back on the racists who opposed interracial marriage.

They use the exact same logical fallacies, flawed reasoning, abuses of the Bible, self-righteous judgmentalism, and come from the same place of fear and hate.

Those of us who have lived long enough recognize them quite easily. They have the exact same smell about them.

Again, government passing laws to prevent businesses from dealing with blacks to you = allowing an individual to make their own choice, and despite scouring the country you find almost no one who gives a shit
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.

We just saw koshergrl demanding gays use their own bakeries, dipshit. She wants STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Birds of a feather.


And she wants government to pass laws saying that?
Racists had WHITE ONLY bakeries. Anti-gay bigots are really pissed they can't have STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Feel free to quote this post. ;)

Yes, government forced all bakeries to not deal with blacks

Governments forced blacks to stay out of WHITE ONLY bakeries. Now koshergrl wants STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.
It has nothing to do with PA.

Per the law, it does. These bakers who discriminated against same sex couples getting married violated state PA laws. And are subject to sanctions according to the law. There is no 'they consider it sacrilegious' exemption in the law.

You made that up.

They are required to treat their customers fairly and equally. How is that a 'special right' for gays?

They didn't "discriminate against same sex couples getting married", what a load of horse shit. They did nothing to prevent anyone from getting married, and they did nothing to prevent anyone from obtaining gay cake from another baker.

The baker refused to make a cake for a same sex couple getting married because she didn't feel that same sex couples should be married.

And the baker violated the PA law in doing so.

GRESHAM, Ore. – An Oregon bakery discriminated against a same-sex couple who wanted to purchase a wedding cake, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries announced Monday.

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery will have to pay the couple up to $150,000, BOLI spokesman Charlie Burr said. The exact amount will be determined at a hearing on March 10.

Bakery risks large fine for anti-gay discrimination

You say otherwise. So what?

They exerted their protected right to not participate in what they consider a sacrilegious ceremony. Nobody should be forced to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.

There's no such exemption:
Colorado's Civil Rights Commission on Friday ordered a baker to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples, finding his religious objections to the practice did not trump the state's anti-discrimination statutes.

Colorado baker must make cakes for gay weddings panel rules - NY Daily News

You can imagine otherwise. But reality isn't subject to your imagination.
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.

We just saw koshergrl demanding gays use their own bakeries, dipshit. She wants STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Birds of a feather.


And she wants government to pass laws saying that?
She wants gays to be forced to stay out of STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.

We just saw koshergrl demanding gays use their own bakeries, dipshit. She wants STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Birds of a feather.


She just thanked two of my posts where I said people should be free to make their own choices, dipshit
He refused to make the cake because if he did, he would be participating in a sacrilegious ceremony.

And there is no law in this land that can force people to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
You realize that if the law allowed gays to be forced to stay out of STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries, those bakeries would then identify themselves with some kind of sign, you dumbasses?

SAME BULLSHIT, different decade.
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.

We just saw koshergrl demanding gays use their own bakeries, dipshit. She wants STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Birds of a feather.


And she wants government to pass laws saying that?
She wants gays to be forced to stay out of STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Where did she say by government? You still don't grasp what blacks went through and what an idiot you are to compare that to gays today. Ooohhh, I had to walk across the street to a different bakery, ooohhh, I had to see a different doctor in the same office. This is like slavery. Yeah, idiot

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