Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?
Grow up you little fuck
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?

This is where you launch into one of your traditional diatribes about how chiseled your abs are, what a good writer you are, and how important you are. That should bring the faggot chorus running to your defense.

I'll wait. Statist, dottie and fake traditionally show up about 2 seconds later.

That one is an ass and destined for ignore, I feel it

He's one of the idiots that somehow got un-ignored and now I'm paying the price.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?
Grow up you little fuck
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.

You're very close to being my second ignore, your con

Can't handle having your ass handed to you, eh?

This is where you launch into one of your traditional diatribes about how chiseled your abs are, what a good writer you are, and how important you are. That should bring the faggot chorus running to your defense.

I'll wait. Statist, dottie and fake traditionally show up about 2 seconds later.

That one is an ass and destined for ignore, I feel it

He's one of the idiots that somehow got un-ignored and now I'm paying the price.
Typical left loon, foul mouthed and stupid
Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

Then gays and lesbians already have the right to same sex marriage?

Well that was easy.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

Actually, that would be state PA laws that require that those doing business with the public not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

That's not a 'special right'. That's the same right that everyone else has.

Nope, they can opt not to bake cakes for ceremonies that they consider sacrilegious.

And where in the PA laws is this stated? Or did you just make that up, citing yourself?

Um, Kosh......you're not PA laws.

And doctors can opt to refer patients, in non-life threatening situations, to doctors they feel will be a better match for them.

Says who? The basis of the doctor's decision wasn't what was best for the patient. But 'praying on it' and then refusing to treat the baby.
Ask the person who started this thread his thoughts about interracial marriage.

This is the company you bigots are keeping.
I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

Then gays and lesbians already have the right to same sex marriage?

Well that was easy.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

Actually, that would be state PA laws that require that those doing business with the public not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

That's not a 'special right'. That's the same right that everyone else has.

Nope, they can opt not to bake cakes for ceremonies that they consider sacrilegious.

And where in the PA laws is this stated? Or did you just make that up, citing yourself?

Um, Kosh......you're not PA laws.

And doctors can opt to refer patients, in non-life threatening situations, to doctors they feel will be a better match for them.

Says who? The basis of the doctor's decision wasn't what was best for the patient. But 'praying on it' and then refusing to treat the baby.

It has nothing to do with PA. The constitution protects our right to practice our religion without discrimination.

That means if we don't want to participate in sacrilegious homo rituals, we don't have to.
As I said, decades from now, history and society as a whole will look back on these anti-gay bigots exactly the same way history and society look back on the racists who opposed interracial marriage.

They use the exact same logical fallacies, flawed reasoning, abuses of the Bible, self-righteous judgmentalism, and come from the same place of fear and hate.

Those of us who have lived long enough recognize them quite easily. They have the exact same smell about them.
An idiot doctor like that, that refuses to see a child because he doesn't like...

Uh... HATER: The Doctor... is a woman.
What difference does it make whether it is a woman or a man? There are bigot men as well as women.

Not for bigoted women. Women who discriminate for whatever reason don't deserve to be treated with compassion.

The left isn't the party that doesn't think they deserve the same pay for the same work, who barely thinks they should be able to vote and who think they are a lesser cut of meat. Nice try, but you are definitely delusional.
That one is an ass and destined for ignore, I feel it
You seem to believe I give a shit. I'm actually quite used to cowards and retards running away.
They don't run away because of your superior intellect/debating skills. They run away because they get tired of your stupidity.

She shoots....she scooooores!!!!!!!!!
Watching you two is kind of like watching that news video years back of a robot hitting itself and knocking itself into pieces.

Brainless self-destruction.
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a sandwich from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Sad and stupid but I'm learning to expect that from you. Please note: I have little tolerance for idiots like you
Another illustrative allegory to show what you look and sound like.

Even though it goes a mile over your pointy heads, everyone else gets it.
It's in the New Testament too.


Not by Jesus, it isn't.

And Paul condemns masturbators and homosexuals in the same breath.

So if I were you, I'd be very scared. For Matthew 7:2 tells us, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Jesus never mentions pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia or incest either...in fact He never mentioned murder
As I pointed out to the other bigoted retard, Paul condemns masturbators and homosexuals in the same breath. The bible is also clear that even thinking about sex with a woman not your wife is adultery.

So don't tell me you assholes aren't selective. I don't see you screaming from your high horses about people jerking off.

If I were you, I'd be very scared. For Matthew 7:2 tells us, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Sins are sins, homosexuality among them, everybody sins and the key is repenting for your sins. With that said just because Jesus didn't "mention" it doesn't mean he didn't condemn it....asshole

Not everyone is Christian. Not everyone goes by Christian law....and you all are not even following Christian law.....Jesus did say you should "love" everyone, so even if you don't like what they do, you're supposed to love them, not condemn them and call them names.

And, you calling someone asshole, I bet Jesus is really proud of you.
koshergrl, kaz, and SassyIrishLass would like STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counters and bakeries.

Same bullshit, different decade.


Once again a government gulping liberal doesn't grasp that jim crow laws were actually government. I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen. But then I'm not an authoritarian leftist like you who can't imagine government not forcing it's citizens to do your bidding
It has nothing to do with PA.

Per the law, it does. These bakers who discriminated against same sex couples getting married violated state PA laws. And are subject to sanctions according to the law. There is no 'they consider it sacrilegious' exemption in the law.

You made that up.

They are required to treat their customers fairly and equally. How is that a 'special right' for gays?
SIL: Thank God they have a STRAIGHTS ONLY lunch counter here.

GAY: I would like to order a slice of cake from the same lunch counter.

SIL: Bigot! You think you are special?

Another tired left wing diatribe comparing gays to blacks. You should learn some history about what blacks went through. Boy would you feel stupid comparing that to a gay had to see a different doctor in the same office
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

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