Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.
It's in the New Testament too.


Not by Jesus, it isn't.

And Paul condemns masturbators and homosexuals in the same breath. The bible is also clear that even thinking about sex with a woman not your wife is adultery.

So don't tell me you assholes aren't selective. I don't see you screaming from your high horses about jerking off.

If I were you, I'd be very scared. For Matthew 7:2 tells us, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Which is why in my first post in this topic, I said, "The infallible and beatified doctor picked up the first stone and threw it. At a baby."

Well pretty much everybody agrees that jerking off in public is not acceptable.

UNLESS you happen to be participating in a homo parade. Then we just have to man up and take it, because different rules apply to queers.

Have you been to gay pride lately? There's not a lot of jerking off in public.

The Folsom St. leather fair? Maybe a bit more.

More skin maybe, but not jerking off.

Ive seen some shit at the leather fairs that was clearly unacceptable for public consumption. The price of mainstreaming is mainstreaming. Keep it in Stud and the Eagle. And off the streets.

That's all I'm saying

And I'm saying jacking off in public is illegal and if anyone's doing it, they should be arrested. I don't care if you're walking around wearing a dog collar as long as all the private parts is covered.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Same bullshit. Different decade.
Polly want a cracker....squawk!!!!
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

No, but bigot's arguments are the same. You'd think there would be more disparity between the racist arguments and anti gay arguments since "gay isn't a race"...but alas they are practically identical.
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!

Wait for it....
More than likely. Its what these degenerates do. Either accept our degeneracy or we sue you for everything u have.

By degenerate, you mean the Doctor, right?

He just broke his oath.
Not by Jesus, it isn't.

And Paul condemns masturbators and homosexuals in the same breath. The bible is also clear that even thinking about sex with a woman not your wife is adultery.

So don't tell me you assholes aren't selective. I don't see you screaming from your high horses about jerking off.

If I were you, I'd be very scared. For Matthew 7:2 tells us, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Which is why in my first post in this topic, I said, "The infallible and beatified doctor picked up the first stone and threw it. At a baby."

Well pretty much everybody agrees that jerking off in public is not acceptable.

UNLESS you happen to be participating in a homo parade. Then we just have to man up and take it, because different rules apply to queers.

Have you been to gay pride lately? There's not a lot of jerking off in public.

The Folsom St. leather fair? Maybe a bit more.

More skin maybe, but not jerking off.

Ive seen some shit at the leather fairs that was clearly unacceptable for public consumption. The price of mainstreaming is mainstreaming. Keep it in Stud and the Eagle. And off the streets.

That's all I'm saying

And I'm saying jacking off in public is illegal and if anyone's doing it, they should be arrested. I don't care if you're walking around wearing a dog collar as long as all the private parts is covered.

And 10-15 years ago I saw a dude jacking off out of second story window at the Folsom Street Leather faire and the crowd cheering when he came.

I didn't see that 2 years ago. Which is an improvement. These is definitely an area where the LGBT community is working hard to self regulate their own. As being gay may have been counter culture in the 60s. But its increasingly mainstream now.

And the price of mainstreaming...is mainstreaming. And most of the LGBT community gets that in my experience.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

Which special rights would those be exactly?
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two
The criteria is not the same, but the discrimination is, and just as invalid.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Queers already have the right to get married, exactly the same as everybody else.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.

You mean like the Title II of the Civil Rights Act that has required the serving of blacks and Christians since 1964?
One special right is the homos demand immunity from criticism

omg, criticism of the lifestyle is HATE SPEECH. They'll have your ass arrested!

But listen to them talk smack some day about Christians....apparently that's NOT hate speech. I guess because it's not the *same* as racism...religion, after all, is not genetic..

Oh snap! Neither is homosexuality! Well dayum!
Anyone who whines about gay pride parades has obviously never been on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Hang out in front of The Cat's Meow for an hour, and then lecture all of us about public nudity being an exclusively gay thing.

Let me guess. You mean a homosexual can marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Yeah, and racists used to say blacks could get married just like everybody else, too. As long as it was to someone of the same race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Queerness is not a race. Please try harder.

Gays do have rights. Just like folks of any race. Which is why the courts cited racially based cases 4 times between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US when describing why the rights of gays and lesbians can't be abrogated.

I never said they didn't have rights.

They just don't have *special* rights.

They're looking for the same rights as everyone else. So the 'special rights' argument is out.


They have the same rights.

What they seek are SPECIAL rights which give them the authority to force people who have no interest in interacting with them, to serve them in a variety of intimate ways.
If you don't like the decades-old PA laws, you can always move? Need help packing?
She violated the hippocratic oath. I wouldn't trust her with my kids.

Not picking up the obvious, I'll help you. I think she thought of that when she made her choice...

Again you show you are authoritarian leftists, not liberals. What is freedom if you aren't free to stick a gun in someone's face and make them do your bidding?

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