Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?
I remember vividly the "it will destroy unit cohesion" lame ass argument the homophobes made before open service was allowed. Made them look awful stupid. Gay marriage and about everything gay is a non issue. Time to move on, good guys won that one. Hispanics are soon to be the new *******.
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

'Suffer little children' perhaps?
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.


People being free do decide who they want to do business with.

You're an ignorant ass, no wonder you go down on Obama all the time

Except the cases that went to court and were heard by the SCOTUS didn't have anything to do with government imposed segregation. In the Ollie's BBQ case, the bigots even tried to use their religious beliefs.
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed


"In the Barnette decision, the Jehovah's Witnesses asserted that it was against their religious beliefs to pledge allegiance to a flag; they believed that their allegiance should be pledged solely to God. Because of their deeply held religious beliefs, Jehovah's Witnesses children who declined to recite the pledge in unison with others were expelled from schools. Their parents were thrown in jail and attacked and beaten on the streets in America. In the Barnette case, the Supreme Court finally sided with the ACLU and came down squarely in support of religious freedom and the freedom of conscience of religious believers.[6]"
The ACLU and Freedom of Religion and Belief American Civil Liberties Union
That is correct, what isn't is Hobby Lobby saying we don't serve JWs.

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.


People being free do decide who they want to do business with.

You're an ignorant ass, no wonder you go down on Obama all the time

Except the cases that went to court and were heard by the SCOTUS didn't have anything to do with government imposed segregation. In the Ollie's BBQ case, the bigots even tried to use their religious beliefs.

Irrelevant to the point I made, Rosa Parks
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed


"In the Barnette decision, the Jehovah's Witnesses asserted that it was against their religious beliefs to pledge allegiance to a flag; they believed that their allegiance should be pledged solely to God. Because of their deeply held religious beliefs, Jehovah's Witnesses children who declined to recite the pledge in unison with others were expelled from schools. Their parents were thrown in jail and attacked and beaten on the streets in America. In the Barnette case, the Supreme Court finally sided with the ACLU and came down squarely in support of religious freedom and the freedom of conscience of religious believers.[6]"
The ACLU and Freedom of Religion and Belief American Civil Liberties Union
That is correct, what isn't is Hobby Lobby saying we don't serve JWs.

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.
Yeah, it's not going to work out for you. We can't be forced to commit sacrilege, and it won't happen.

You can only force so much garbage on the masses. In the end, the masses are the majority, and the masses aren't interested in being forced to serve queers.
The masses already do. Just a few loser like yourself are still around pissing into the wind and complaining about the rain.

And the laws are clear, even if don't understand them. As with gay marriage, you lost.

Wrong again.
Extremist homo weirdos have had to circumvent law and majority vote in order to put these ridiculous, unconstitutional laws in place.
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed


"In the Barnette decision, the Jehovah's Witnesses asserted that it was against their religious beliefs to pledge allegiance to a flag; they believed that their allegiance should be pledged solely to God. Because of their deeply held religious beliefs, Jehovah's Witnesses children who declined to recite the pledge in unison with others were expelled from schools. Their parents were thrown in jail and attacked and beaten on the streets in America. In the Barnette case, the Supreme Court finally sided with the ACLU and came down squarely in support of religious freedom and the freedom of conscience of religious believers.[6]"
The ACLU and Freedom of Religion and Belief American Civil Liberties Union
That is correct, what isn't is Hobby Lobby saying we don't serve JWs.

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.

Do what I damn well please as long as I don't harm anyone? Damned straight I want that. And I'd do business with the gays, I do actually, all the time.

You realize you just admitted that I'm the liberal and you're not....
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed


"In the Barnette decision, the Jehovah's Witnesses asserted that it was against their religious beliefs to pledge allegiance to a flag; they believed that their allegiance should be pledged solely to God. Because of their deeply held religious beliefs, Jehovah's Witnesses children who declined to recite the pledge in unison with others were expelled from schools. Their parents were thrown in jail and attacked and beaten on the streets in America. In the Barnette case, the Supreme Court finally sided with the ACLU and came down squarely in support of religious freedom and the freedom of conscience of religious believers.[6]"
The ACLU and Freedom of Religion and Belief American Civil Liberties Union
That is correct, what isn't is Hobby Lobby saying we don't serve JWs.

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.

That sounds like the Homo Mantra.
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed

That is correct, what isn't is Hobby Lobby saying we don't serve JWs.

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.

Do what I damn well please as long as I don't harm anyone? Damned straight I want that. And I'd do business with the gays, I do actually, all the time.

You realize you just admitted that I'm the liberal and you're not....
Regulated Capitalism is neither liberal nor illiberal, it's necessary.
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.


People being free do decide who they want to do business with.

You're an ignorant ass, no wonder you go down on Obama all the time

Except the cases that went to court and were heard by the SCOTUS didn't have anything to do with government imposed segregation. In the Ollie's BBQ case, the bigots even tried to use their religious beliefs.

Irrelevant to the point I made, Rosa Parks

Of course it's relevant. The laws that were challenged all the way to the SCOTUS had nothing to do with government imposed segregation....just like gay PA law cases. (Which have all won in the courts). I know you think that's irrelevant too, but it's still a fact.

Also a fact...no need to get your Libertarian undies in a bunch. There are no protections for gays in Michigan. Doctors can let the queers bleed out...
Yeah, it's not going to work out for you. We can't be forced to commit sacrilege, and it won't happen.

You can only force so much garbage on the masses. In the end, the masses are the majority, and the masses aren't interested in being forced to serve queers.
The masses already do. Just a few loser like yourself are still around pissing into the wind and complaining about the rain.

And the laws are clear, even if don't understand them. As with gay marriage, you lost.

Wrong again.
Extremist homo weirdos have had to circumvent law and majority vote in order to put these ridiculous, unconstitutional laws in place.

Which laws are unconstitutional? PA laws have been challenged to the SCOTUS. The bigots lost.
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.

That sounds like the Homo Mantra.

Then chalk me up as a homo because it's not government's job to tell anyone not harming anyone what to do

No he said that you think you should be able to do whatever you want EVEN if in doing so, you are harming others.

You read it that he said "as long as you aren't harming others".
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!

Wait for it....
More than likely. Its what these degenerates do. Either accept our degeneracy or we sue you for everything u have.
Accept degeneracy? WTF? Degenerates is a term tossed about by the intolerant to give them some weird cover for being bigots. Fortunately, such bigots are generally older and will soon be dead, great day in the morning. The younger bigots are fewer in number and will stand out as anachronisms and knuckle draggers worthy of the Flat Earth Society.
Seriously. How are you going to let the homos know not to come into your STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery?

You are going to need some kind of sign.

No back door men allowed

This is leftist loons saying that if bakers don't bring cakes to queers, they're going to be forced out of business.
That is correct. Either bake for all or bake for none, your choice.

Says the authoritarian one size fits all leftist. I'm a liberal, to each his own. I want to live in a free country, you want to live in a country where things are free. COmpletely different
What you want is to live as a child would, allowed to do whatever you damn well please even when it negatively impacts others. You want Rights, but not Responsibilities.

Do what I damn well please as long as I don't harm anyone? Damned straight I want that. And I'd do business with the gays, I do actually, all the time.

You realize you just admitted that I'm the liberal and you're not....
Regulated Capitalism is neither liberal nor illiberal, it's necessary.

OMG, you might have to walk across the street to another bakery or see another doctor in an office. No one can live life like that, it's Stalinist Russia.

Once again, you don't know what a liberal is
Homosexuals are NOT a race. Stop the insanity of trying to compare the two

Are the words I am using too big for you? I'm sorry.

You clowns are using the exact same arguments as the racists did and do. No difference. Just substitute "homosexuals" for "negroes", and there is virtually no difference in the flavor or substance of your bogus arguments.

You and the racists come from the exact same place. That's why you are defending your bigotry in a topic started by a white supremacist.

Birds of a feather.

Government passing laws forcing gays to sit in the back of the bus, use their own drinking fountain and bathrooms, etc.


People being free do decide who they want to do business with.

You're an ignorant ass, no wonder you go down on Obama all the time

Except the cases that went to court and were heard by the SCOTUS didn't have anything to do with government imposed segregation. In the Ollie's BBQ case, the bigots even tried to use their religious beliefs.

Irrelevant to the point I made, Rosa Parks

Of course it's relevant. The laws that were challenged all the way to the SCOTUS had nothing to do with government imposed segregation....just like gay PA law cases. (Which have all won in the courts). I know you think that's irrelevant too, but it's still a fact.

Also a fact...no need to get your Libertarian undies in a bunch. There are no protections for gays in Michigan. Doctors can let the queers bleed out...
I didn't say it's not relevant, I said it's not relevant to my post that you responded to. It's not

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