Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

you don't like rules, but that can't be helped.

Yes, that's so true about liberals, we don't like rules. If we're not hurting anyone, we should be able to dance naked in our back yard and throw candy corns in the air and try to catch them in our mouths, it's up to us. You would know nothing about that. You are obsessed with government running around with guns peeking in windows and eavesdropping on conversations stepping in and stopping anyone who dares to think differently than you do or do anything you don't approve of or force them to do what you don't approve of them not doing
More drama queen than all of Castro Street.

You keep making the point, if it's drama queen, put on a dress and lipstick, Honey

And if you going to run around naked, make sure the kids next door can't see. It's illegal if they can.

The grownups are over the "gay" thing. Your turn.
Hell, Skippy, it's a good bet that this rumble has just started, and that it may last for years, or decades, provided the give-and-take of Liberal and Conservative power-fluctuations in this country.

If there is to be a next round, it will probably be on the Constitutional Law level, seeking to re-interpret or re-task various elements of the Constitution, for the purpose.

All it will take is one bold ruling by a more Conservative -leaning Supreme Court, and it all shakes apart at the speed of light.

Don't believe that that struggle has just begun?

Look at the Abortion issue, and Roe-v-Wade, and the great lessening of its impact on a State-by-State level, some 40+ years after the decision.

You're fighting 3,000 years of deeply entrenched Judeo-Christian tradition.

Feel free to continue believing that you've won, and that it's all over.

That'll make the opening gambit of the next round all that much easier to execute.

En garde.

So what does it look like if you should "win"? Gays and lesbians go back in the closet? You blather on but you don't pose a solution, just a lot of pure bullshit bravado rhetoric that is totally meaningless in the real world.
The solution?

Gays go back into the closet.

It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that, does it?

OK, so you want to put them back in the closet, which means in order to legitimize themselves in society they need to marry straights. You do understand that, correct?

Answer that question and I will enlighten you further to the ramifications. But if you have children or grandchildren entering the stage of life when they marry, gays and lesbians will just have to fake it because they're NOT going to disenfranchise themselves because of idiots like you.

But if they asked the florist to specially prepare flowers meant to be used in a ceremony that was considered by the florist to be sacrilegious, yes.

See, asking someone to marry you isn't a sacrament.

Marriage is. And as such, being forced to design/provide/deliver materials to be used in a ceremony that is a vile sacrilege of one of the most holy rituals Christians participate in...is a violation of our right to religious freedom.
What part of getting married at a public courthouse is Holy? And why is the proposal any less of a sin than the wedding?

It's not holy at all when faggots do it.

However the ceremony is considered a sacrament to Christians, and is why the consider it a sacrilege when faggots celebrate it in their special wag.

Bad news on that, most Christians don't care

I think they do care, but it isn't something you can really do much about.

Except to refuse to participate in the travesty the faggots have made of our sacred ceremonies.
Marriage hasn't been sacred, ever. Your faith may tell you that but they were also the ones raping all the children so there you go...

It's a sacrament.

noun sac·ra·ment \ˈsa-krə-mənt\
: an important Christian ceremony (such as baptism or marriage)
the Sacrament : the bread and wine that are eaten and drunk during the Christian ceremony of Communion

Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality."

Sacrament - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
See the fact that YOU jeer at it and don't consider it holy doesn't oblige US to commit sacrilege. And you can't force us to.

And you won't force us to.
you don't like rules, but that can't be helped.

Yes, that's so true about liberals, we don't like rules. If we're not hurting anyone, we should be able to dance naked in our back yard and throw candy corns in the air and try to catch them in our mouths, it's up to us. You would know nothing about that. You are obsessed with government running around with guns peeking in windows and eavesdropping on conversations stepping in and stopping anyone who dares to think differently than you do or do anything you don't approve of or force them to do what you don't approve of them not doing
More drama queen than all of Castro Street.

You keep making the point, if it's drama queen, put on a dress and lipstick, Honey

And if you going to run around naked, make sure the kids next door can't see. It's illegal if they can.


He's not even that organized.

He's just a weird little fruit loop.
Why does government have any legitimate right to force anyone to do business with another?
Because we allow the business to exist in the first place

We "allow" it to exist? Once again you make clear you are an authoritarian leftist, there is zero liberal about you
That is correct. In this society you can start a business because we allow you to. And learn how to quote properly, that isn't it.

Hold on their. Your going to quick to reed that write. Of course that was proper, its your word and the word I was emphasizing.

And you're point is only write to an authoritarian leftist
No, it's not proper. When you quote and there is more to a sentence before or after what you quoted, you have to acknowledge it.

"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place" - Improper.
"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place..." - Proper.

Now you know. You also have to quote in context, but it'll be years before you can understand that.
What part of getting married at a public courthouse is Holy? And why is the proposal any less of a sin than the wedding?

It's not holy at all when faggots do it.

However the ceremony is considered a sacrament to Christians, and is why the consider it a sacrilege when faggots celebrate it in their special wag.

Bad news on that, most Christians don't care

I think they do care, but it isn't something you can really do much about.

Except to refuse to participate in the travesty the faggots have made of our sacred ceremonies.
Marriage hasn't been sacred, ever. Your faith may tell you that but they were also the ones raping all the children so there you go...

It's a sacrament.

noun sac·ra·ment \ˈsa-krə-mənt\
: an important Christian ceremony (such as baptism or marriage)
the Sacrament : the bread and wine that are eaten and drunk during the Christian ceremony of Communion

Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality."

Sacrament - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
See the fact that YOU jeer at it and don't consider it holy doesn't oblige US to commit sacrilege. And you can't force us to.

And you won't force us to.

Jesus, if I see any more Christian crap on another thread.....
I'm arguing from the standpoint that the state cannot force a person to commit sacrilege or be shut down.
Well your argument died, about six decades ago. Hopefully you know that?

No, my argument is perfect, and you're about the third incarnation of the same lunatic extremist queerbo I've cycled through.
Sweetcheeks, no less than the Supreme Court said what you believe is BS, a very long time ago. Would you like to read the case?

You think I care what the supreme court *thinks*? The supreme court is wrong all the time.
I see, so you just reject reality for the hell of it? Okay, fine by me. That certainly explains your belief system.
you don't like rules, but that can't be helped.

Yes, that's so true about liberals, we don't like rules. If we're not hurting anyone, we should be able to dance naked in our back yard and throw candy corns in the air and try to catch them in our mouths, it's up to us. You would know nothing about that. You are obsessed with government running around with guns peeking in windows and eavesdropping on conversations stepping in and stopping anyone who dares to think differently than you do or do anything you don't approve of or force them to do what you don't approve of them not doing
More drama queen than all of Castro Street.

You keep making the point, if it's drama queen, put on a dress and lipstick, Honey

And if you going to run around naked, make sure the kids next door can't see. It's illegal if they can.

You're a funny little dumbshit that's for sure.
I'm arguing from the standpoint that the state cannot force a person to commit sacrilege or be shut down.
Well your argument died, about six decades ago. Hopefully you know that?

No, my argument is perfect, and you're about the third incarnation of the same lunatic extremist queerbo I've cycled through.
Sweetcheeks, no less than the Supreme Court said what you believe is BS, a very long time ago. Would you like to read the case?

You think I care what the supreme court *thinks*? The supreme court is wrong all the time.
I see, so you just reject reality for the hell of it? Okay, fine by me. That certainly explains your belief system.

I haven't rejected reality at all.

It's funny, because when you can't make your argument, you bounce immediately to "oh well you're ignorant because you don't agree with me" or "You're rejecting reality if you don't agree with me".

Neither one follows, those are perfect examples of logical fallacies. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant, nor does it mean I'm rejecting reality. Stating that the Supreme Court is wrong isn't a *rejection of reality*. Unless you maintain that the Supreme Court is always right, omnipotent, and perfect.

IS that what you're claiming?

It probably is. You're that much of an amoeba to go that way.
And you won't force us to.
We already do...

No, you really don't. And you won't.

Christians are going out of business, and refusing settlements because they will not commit sacrilege.

And you can't force them to.

Like I said, you'll just force yourself to the sidelines, where you can't get cake, flowers and doctors no matter how much you whine. They'll all be underground and out of your reach. It's already happening.
Well your argument died, about six decades ago. Hopefully you know that?

No, my argument is perfect, and you're about the third incarnation of the same lunatic extremist queerbo I've cycled through.
Sweetcheeks, no less than the Supreme Court said what you believe is BS, a very long time ago. Would you like to read the case?

You think I care what the supreme court *thinks*? The supreme court is wrong all the time.
I see, so you just reject reality for the hell of it? Okay, fine by me. That certainly explains your belief system.

I haven't rejected reality at all.

It's funny, because when you can't make your argument, you bounce immediately to "oh well you're ignorant because you don't agree with me" or "You're rejecting reality if you don't agree with me".

Neither one follows, those are perfect examples of logical fallacies. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant, nor does it mean I'm rejecting reality. Stating that the Supreme Court is wrong isn't a *rejection of reality*. Unless you maintain that the Supreme Court is always right, omnipotent, and perfect.

IS that what you're claiming?

It probably is. You're that much of an amoeba to go that way.
What matters here, in this case, is how the courts have ruled and what are the rules that a business is required to follow? In this case they both agree with my argument and neither agree with yours, so who is dealing with reality, you or me?
Why does government have any legitimate right to force anyone to do business with another?
Because we allow the business to exist in the first place

We "allow" it to exist? Once again you make clear you are an authoritarian leftist, there is zero liberal about you
That is correct. In this society you can start a business because we allow you to. And learn how to quote properly, that isn't it.

Hold on their. Your going to quick to reed that write. Of course that was proper, its your word and the word I was emphasizing.

And you're point is only write to an authoritarian leftist
No, it's not proper. When you quote and there is more to a sentence before or after what you quoted, you have to acknowledge it.

"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place" - Improper.
"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place..." - Proper.

Now you know. You also have to quote in context, but it'll be years before you can understand that.

I don't have to acknowledge it because I quoted the sentence immediately preceding the quote, so it was already clear what the quote was referring to. Well, it was clear to anyone but an imbecile, which of course is why you missed it
No, my argument is perfect, and you're about the third incarnation of the same lunatic extremist queerbo I've cycled through.
Sweetcheeks, no less than the Supreme Court said what you believe is BS, a very long time ago. Would you like to read the case?

You think I care what the supreme court *thinks*? The supreme court is wrong all the time.
I see, so you just reject reality for the hell of it? Okay, fine by me. That certainly explains your belief system.

I haven't rejected reality at all.

It's funny, because when you can't make your argument, you bounce immediately to "oh well you're ignorant because you don't agree with me" or "You're rejecting reality if you don't agree with me".

Neither one follows, those are perfect examples of logical fallacies. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me ignorant, nor does it mean I'm rejecting reality. Stating that the Supreme Court is wrong isn't a *rejection of reality*. Unless you maintain that the Supreme Court is always right, omnipotent, and perfect.

IS that what you're claiming?

It probably is. You're that much of an amoeba to go that way.
What matters here, in this case, is how the courts have ruled and what are the rules that a business is required to follow? In this case they both agree with my argument and neither agree with yours, so who is dealing with reality, you or me?

That matters to you.

It doesn't matter to me. Or to any of the Christians you are targeting.
Like I said, you'll just force yourself to the sidelines, where you can't get cake, flowers and doctors no matter how much you whine. They'll all be underground and out of your reach. It's already happening.
And just where do you get this twisted shit from, Grandpa and his Paranoia version of the Bible?
Because we allow the business to exist in the first place

We "allow" it to exist? Once again you make clear you are an authoritarian leftist, there is zero liberal about you
That is correct. In this society you can start a business because we allow you to. And learn how to quote properly, that isn't it.

Hold on their. Your going to quick to reed that write. Of course that was proper, its your word and the word I was emphasizing.

And you're point is only write to an authoritarian leftist
No, it's not proper. When you quote and there is more to a sentence before or after what you quoted, you have to acknowledge it.

"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place" - Improper.
"Because we allow the business to exist in the first place..." - Proper.

Now you know. You also have to quote in context, but it'll be years before you can understand that.

I don't have to acknowledge it because I quoted the sentence immediately preceding the quote, so it was already clear what the quote was referring to. Well, it was clear to anyone but an imbecile, which of course is why you missed it
That's not how it works. Look it up, and learn something.
It's not holy at all when faggots do it.

However the ceremony is considered a sacrament to Christians, and is why the consider it a sacrilege when faggots celebrate it in their special wag.

Bad news on that, most Christians don't care

I think they do care, but it isn't something you can really do much about.

Except to refuse to participate in the travesty the faggots have made of our sacred ceremonies.
Marriage hasn't been sacred, ever. Your faith may tell you that but they were also the ones raping all the children so there you go...

It's a sacrament.

noun sac·ra·ment \ˈsa-krə-mənt\
: an important Christian ceremony (such as baptism or marriage)
the Sacrament : the bread and wine that are eaten and drunk during the Christian ceremony of Communion

Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality."

Sacrament - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
See the fact that YOU jeer at it and don't consider it holy doesn't oblige US to commit sacrilege. And you can't force us to.

And you won't force us to.

Jesus, if I see any more Christian crap on another thread.....

Then what? Does it involve a rope and a chair? I'd be glad to provode more Christian crap, let me know what thread

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