Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. There are several but unlike you we prefer to call things what they actually are, like Jesus, the crazy fucking Jew versus Jesus, my Ticket to Heaven where I will live in a mansion, drive a great car, and be eternally happy praising God for the free shit?
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.

An intelligent person would never condemn another human being for being different. If you were even close to being a Christian, you would know that God made people uniquely different. Stop your rating and raving as it only serves to make you look Hitleresque.

Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Your friend paint my ass is condemning Christians all through this thread. So are you. You are the Nazis in this case. Hitler also forced Jews out of business using the exact same tactics. And those who didn't comply were thrown into jail. And lunatics like you and your buddy were right there cheering. As you are now.
I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. There are several but unlike you we prefer to call things what they actually are, like Jesus, the crazy fucking Jew versus Jesus, my Ticket to Heaven where I will live in a mansion, drive a great car, and be eternally happy praising God for the free shit?

Wow, even for you that's schizophrenic.

Meds. I'm telling you. It's time. Chop chop.
Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Really? The very fact of "condemning people who are different" doesn't make them very intelligent. You must know the definition of intelligence.
Do what I damn well please as long as I don't harm anyone? Damned straight I want that. And I'd do business with the gays, I do actually, all the time.

You realize you just admitted that I'm the liberal and you're not....
Regulated Capitalism is neither liberal nor illiberal, it's necessary.

Its also spectacularly irrelevant to this thread. Which is why Kaz is trying to steer the conversation there.

I'm specifically mocking you morons for comparing gays to the struggle of blacks. That is how out of touch today's Democratic party is. You think not having a boscotti with your morning coffee is like living in Nazi Germany, you have no sense of proportion. You are soft, weak and pathetic
Ah, I agree the discrimination against blacks went to the right to vote, own property, go to college ... none of which apply to gays.

But what is the basis for your differentiating the discriminatory effect of refusing to sell an advertised service to a gay person compared to a black person?

Directly, the refusal to sell an advertised service to blacks was actually government, businesses didn't like those laws. The Montgomery bus company strongly opposed forcing their most reliable customer base to the back and getting boycotted, it cost them a lot of money. They cared about one color, green. Liberals are comparing that to one baker making their own personal choice with hundreds who don't give a shit who they sleep with.

And bigger, they are clearly making the implication being gay today is like being black in the 50s and that's just wrong and out of touch for people who suffered actual discrimination.

The discrimination based solely on animus is the same.

Race is not the only protected class under PA laws.
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. There are several but unlike you we prefer to call things what they actually are, like Jesus, the crazy fucking Jew versus Jesus, my Ticket to Heaven where I will live in a mansion, drive a great car, and be eternally happy praising God for the free shit?

Wow, even for you that's schizophrenic.

Meds. I'm telling you. It's time. Chop chop.
Actually I am off to do things that matter, have a drink and make dinner. Flank steak tonight so the dog will keep me company, and after dealing with you for a couple of hours I'll be very happy for his much more intelligent conversion. See ya my little Christian dreamer...
I wonder if this same anti gay doctor would refuse to see the child of a single mother...
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. There are several but unlike you we prefer to call things what they actually are, like Jesus, the crazy fucking Jew versus Jesus, my Ticket to Heaven where I will live in a mansion, drive a great car, and be eternally happy praising God for the free shit?

Wow, even for you that's schizophrenic.

Meds. I'm telling you. It's time. Chop chop.
Actually I am off to do things that matter, have a drink and make dinner. Flank steak tonight so the dog will keep me company, and after dealing with you for a couple of hours I'll be very happy for his much more intelligent conversion. See ya my little Christian dreamer...

Ah, self medicating.

Well it is what it is.
Click, onto ignore he goes.

Here's the way it works..these loons can't make their argument, so they pretend they're arguing for something else.

Forcing florists and bakers to serve at queer weddings is NOT the same as the rights civil rights leaders (and Republicans and Christians) fought and died to establish for blacks. It's an insult to the people who DIED for those freedoms to pretend it is.

Queers aren't trying to get equal rights..which they already have. What they are seeking is UNIVERSAL endorsement and support of their lifestyle, and they seek to PUNISH those who withhold that endorsement.

Get over it, homos. You can't force people to like you, and in America, you can't force people to serve you. You'll just find that all the bakers and florists go underground (and all the doctors) and there your dumb asses will be..without cakes, without flowers, and without doctors.

The very fact that you call them "queers" shows your hatred and vitriol. They are seeking the same rights that others receive. They don't give a crap if you endorse their lifestyle or not, and people who are in business utilizing all the benefits that taxpayers provide cannot and should not deny service to a taxpayer. If they don't like our laws in America they can always move to Somalia, where there is no government to tell them that they can't discriminate.

And, all these racist business people will be without businesses......because most people in America are not hateful like you. You make Jesus proud.
The grownups are over the "gay" thing. Your turn.
Hell, Skippy, it's a good bet that this rumble has just started, and that it may last for years, or decades, provided the give-and-take of Liberal and Conservative power-fluctuations in this country.

If there is to be a next round, it will probably be on the Constitutional Law level, seeking to re-interpret or re-task various elements of the Constitution, for the purpose.

All it will take is one bold ruling by a more Conservative -leaning Supreme Court, and it all shakes apart at the speed of light.

Don't believe that that struggle has just begun?

Look at the Abortion issue, and Roe-v-Wade, and the great lessening of its impact on a State-by-State level, some 40+ years after the decision.

You're fighting 3,000 years of deeply entrenched Judeo-Christian tradition.

Feel free to continue believing that you've won, and that it's all over.

That'll make the opening gambit of the next round all that much easier to execute.

En garde.

So what does it look like if you should "win"? Gays and lesbians go back in the closet? You blather on but you don't pose a solution, just a lot of pure bullshit bravado rhetoric that is totally meaningless in the real world.
The solution?

Gays go back into the closet.

It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that, does it?

OK, so you want to put them back in the closet, which means in order to legitimize themselves in society they need to marry straights. You do understand that, correct?

Answer that question and I will enlighten you further to the ramifications. But if you have children or grandchildren entering the stage of life when they marry, gays and lesbians will just have to fake it because they're NOT going to disenfranchise themselves because of idiots like you.
My, my, my... I don't think you care for my characterization of homosexuality as a spiritually unclean, perverse, filthy, unnatural aberration and abomination in the eyes of God, Man and Nature... and I don't think you like my pointing-out that recent gains by the Gay Mafia go against 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teachings... oh dearie me.

I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

That, and $3.50, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Oh, and, if it does come down to a Conservative -leaning Supreme Court re-interpreting the necessary Constitutional provisions and related statute, to put homosexuality back where it belongs, it won't be homosexuals disenfranchising themselves - it will be a matter of the rest of The Nation and The People correcting an egregious error - at law.

All of it legal, and all of it entirely Constitutional - proof against subsequent liberal judicial activism.

If it happens, it will happen in a legal fashion.

Nothing idiotic about that.
The grownups are over the "gay" thing. Your turn.
Hell, Skippy, it's a good bet that this rumble has just started, and that it may last for years, or decades, provided the give-and-take of Liberal and Conservative power-fluctuations in this country.

If there is to be a next round, it will probably be on the Constitutional Law level, seeking to re-interpret or re-task various elements of the Constitution, for the purpose.

All it will take is one bold ruling by a more Conservative -leaning Supreme Court, and it all shakes apart at the speed of light.

Don't believe that that struggle has just begun?

Look at the Abortion issue, and Roe-v-Wade, and the great lessening of its impact on a State-by-State level, some 40+ years after the decision.

You're fighting 3,000 years of deeply entrenched Judeo-Christian tradition.

Feel free to continue believing that you've won, and that it's all over.

That'll make the opening gambit of the next round all that much easier to execute.

En garde.

So what does it look like if you should "win"? Gays and lesbians go back in the closet? You blather on but you don't pose a solution, just a lot of pure bullshit bravado rhetoric that is totally meaningless in the real world.
The solution?

Gays go back into the closet.

It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that, does it?

OK, so you want to put them back in the closet, which means in order to legitimize themselves in society they need to marry straights. You do understand that, correct?

Answer that question and I will enlighten you further to the ramifications. But if you have children or grandchildren entering the stage of life when they marry, gays and lesbians will just have to fake it because they're NOT going to disenfranchise themselves because of idiots like you.
My, my, my... I don't think you care for my characterization of homosexuality as a spiritually unclean, perverse, filthy, unnatural aberration and abomination in the eyes of God, Man and Nature... and I don't think you like my pointing-out that recent gains by the Gay Mafia go against 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teachings... oh dearie me.

I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

That, and $3.50, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Oh, and, if it does come down to a Conservative -leaning Supreme Court re-interpreting the necessary Constitutional provisions and related statute, to put homosexuality back where it belongs, it won't be homosexuals disenfranchising themselves - it will be a matter of the rest of The Nation and The People correcting an egregious error - at law.

All of it legal, and all of it entirely Constitutional - proof against subsequent liberal judicial activism.

If it happens, it will happen in a legal fashion.

Nothing idiotic about that.

So how come they didn't when they had the chance?

Elane Photography LLC v. Willock SCOTUSblog
Hell, Skippy, it's a good bet that this rumble has just started, and that it may last for years, or decades, provided the give-and-take of Liberal and Conservative power-fluctuations in this country.

If there is to be a next round, it will probably be on the Constitutional Law level, seeking to re-interpret or re-task various elements of the Constitution, for the purpose.

All it will take is one bold ruling by a more Conservative -leaning Supreme Court, and it all shakes apart at the speed of light.

Don't believe that that struggle has just begun?

Look at the Abortion issue, and Roe-v-Wade, and the great lessening of its impact on a State-by-State level, some 40+ years after the decision.

You're fighting 3,000 years of deeply entrenched Judeo-Christian tradition.

Feel free to continue believing that you've won, and that it's all over.

That'll make the opening gambit of the next round all that much easier to execute.

En garde.

So what does it look like if you should "win"? Gays and lesbians go back in the closet? You blather on but you don't pose a solution, just a lot of pure bullshit bravado rhetoric that is totally meaningless in the real world.
The solution?

Gays go back into the closet.

It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that, does it?

OK, so you want to put them back in the closet, which means in order to legitimize themselves in society they need to marry straights. You do understand that, correct?

Answer that question and I will enlighten you further to the ramifications. But if you have children or grandchildren entering the stage of life when they marry, gays and lesbians will just have to fake it because they're NOT going to disenfranchise themselves because of idiots like you.
My, my, my... I don't think you care for my characterization of homosexuality as a spiritually unclean, perverse, filthy, unnatural aberration and abomination in the eyes of God, Man and Nature... and I don't think you like my pointing-out that recent gains by the Gay Mafia go against 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teachings... oh dearie me.

I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

That, and $3.50, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Oh, and, if it does come down to a Conservative -leaning Supreme Court re-interpreting the necessary Constitutional provisions and related statute, to put homosexuality back where it belongs, it won't be homosexuals disenfranchising themselves - it will be a matter of the rest of The Nation and The People correcting an egregious error - at law.

All of it legal, and all of it entirely Constitutional - proof against subsequent liberal judicial activism.

If it happens, it will happen in a legal fashion.

Nothing idiotic about that.

So how come they didn't when they had the chance?

Elane Photography LLC v. Willock SCOTUSblog

Wrong court composition?
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.

An intelligent person would never condemn another human being for being different. If you were even close to being a Christian, you would know that God made people uniquely different. Stop your rating and raving as it only serves to make you look Hitleresque.

Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Your friend paint my ass is condemning Christians all through this thread. So are you. You are the Nazis in this case. Hitler also forced Jews out of business using the exact same tactics. And those who didn't comply were thrown into jail. And lunatics like you and your buddy were right there cheering. As you are now.

There is no way for you to know because you are not intelligent.
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.

An intelligent person would never condemn another human being for being different. If you were even close to being a Christian, you would know that God made people uniquely different. Stop your rating and raving as it only serves to make you look Hitleresque.

Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Your friend paint my ass is condemning Christians all through this thread. So are you. You are the Nazis in this case. Hitler also forced Jews out of business using the exact same tactics. And those who didn't comply were thrown into jail. And lunatics like you and your buddy were right there cheering. As you are now.

There is no way for you to know because you are not intelligent.

"Yore stoopid!" is such an effective argument.

Oh wait, you're not arguing. You're trolling. Carry on..and click. You and the shrieking banshees may carry on.
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.

An intelligent person would never condemn another human being for being different. If you were even close to being a Christian, you would know that God made people uniquely different. Stop your rating and raving as it only serves to make you look Hitleresque.

Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Your friend paint my ass is condemning Christians all through this thread. So are you. You are the Nazis in this case. Hitler also forced Jews out of business using the exact same tactics. And those who didn't comply were thrown into jail. And lunatics like you and your buddy were right there cheering. As you are now.

There is no way for you to know because you are not intelligent.

"Yore stoopid!" is such an effective argument.

Oh wait, you're not arguing. You're trolling. Carry on..and click. You and the shrieking banshees may carry on.

I can see your mansion from Sarah Palin's yard.
So what does it look like if you should "win"? Gays and lesbians go back in the closet? You blather on but you don't pose a solution, just a lot of pure bullshit bravado rhetoric that is totally meaningless in the real world.
The solution?

Gays go back into the closet.

It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that, does it?

OK, so you want to put them back in the closet, which means in order to legitimize themselves in society they need to marry straights. You do understand that, correct?

Answer that question and I will enlighten you further to the ramifications. But if you have children or grandchildren entering the stage of life when they marry, gays and lesbians will just have to fake it because they're NOT going to disenfranchise themselves because of idiots like you.
My, my, my... I don't think you care for my characterization of homosexuality as a spiritually unclean, perverse, filthy, unnatural aberration and abomination in the eyes of God, Man and Nature... and I don't think you like my pointing-out that recent gains by the Gay Mafia go against 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teachings... oh dearie me.

I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

That, and $3.50, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Oh, and, if it does come down to a Conservative -leaning Supreme Court re-interpreting the necessary Constitutional provisions and related statute, to put homosexuality back where it belongs, it won't be homosexuals disenfranchising themselves - it will be a matter of the rest of The Nation and The People correcting an egregious error - at law.

All of it legal, and all of it entirely Constitutional - proof against subsequent liberal judicial activism.

If it happens, it will happen in a legal fashion.

Nothing idiotic about that.

So how come they didn't when they had the chance?

Elane Photography LLC v. Willock SCOTUSblog

Wrong court composition?

Oh I see...you think if you wait long enough, you'll get a more anti gay court? :lol:

Good luck with that.
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!

Wait for it....
More than likely. Its what these degenerates do. Either accept our degeneracy or we sue you for everything u have.
Accept degeneracy? WTF? Degenerates is a term tossed about by the intolerant to give them some weird cover for being bigots. Fortunately, such bigots are generally older and will soon be dead, great day in the morning. The younger bigots are fewer in number and will stand out as anachronisms and knuckle draggers worthy of the Flat Earth Society.

Targeting and forcing Christians to participate in rituals that YOU KNOW they consider sacrilegious is degenerate.
Making a flower arraignment is not a ritual, it's her business. Targeting customers is bigoted discrimination.

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