Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

It's been 40 years and Roe v Wade has not been overturned.....in fact, most conservative legislators don't even want to touch the subject. It is good that most states have established laws that keep it from being taken advantage of, but conservative legislators have tried and failed to pass stupid legislation such as to make an egg a person....that will probably never happen.
You have a point...a whole lotta rotten eggs have made it thru to be born. They're now called LIBTARDS...and you're one of them.
I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

Again, doublewide, Jim Crow was government. Damn you people are stupid, and you have a fat ass too

Are you fat? Fat people seem to like calling others fat....makes them feel redeemed.......maybe you just need to go on a diet.

And, please point out where I said Jim Crow wasn't government. Damn, you're the one that is stupid and it's really hard to reason with stupid racist people like you.
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?
I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

And that hurts coming from a Jew hater, Adolph

Wow.....and now you are really reaching..........you'll have to reach farther.....not only are you racist, you are whacko. I don't hate Jews, idiot.
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

The child was treated..though in reality, the child wasn't being seen for *treatment*.

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason. It's part and parcel of ETHICAL BEHAVIOR.

Not that you'd understand that.

Well put. I hope you agree Koshergirl that blaming the kids for the parents is morally reprehensible. But it's clearly not in the interest of the kids to be treated by someone unable to separate their personal feelings from their professionalism. I'd have serious doubts about her being in my practice if I were her partner, but the kids were better off
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.
I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

Again, doublewide, Jim Crow was government. Damn you people are stupid, and you have a fat ass too

Are you fat? Fat people seem to like calling others fat....makes them feel redeemed.......maybe you just need to go on a diet.

And, please point out where I said Jim Crow wasn't government. Damn, you're the one that is stupid and it's really hard to reason with stupid racist people like you.

You mean like people who live in trailers like to say other people live in trailers? And no, you don't hate Jews as long as they don't try to defend themselves
Its also spectacularly irrelevant to this thread. Which is why Kaz is trying to steer the conversation there.

I'm specifically mocking you morons for comparing gays to the struggle of blacks. That is how out of touch today's Democratic party is. You think not having a boscotti with your morning coffee is like living in Nazi Germany, you have no sense of proportion. You are soft, weak and pathetic
Ah, I agree the discrimination against blacks went to the right to vote, own property, go to college ... none of which apply to gays.

But what is the basis for your differentiating the discriminatory effect of refusing to sell an advertised service to a gay person compared to a black person?

Directly, the refusal to sell an advertised service to blacks was actually government, businesses didn't like those laws. The Montgomery bus company strongly opposed forcing their most reliable customer base to the back and getting boycotted, it cost them a lot of money. They cared about one color, green. Liberals are comparing that to one baker making their own personal choice with hundreds who don't give a shit who they sleep with.

And bigger, they are clearly making the implication being gay today is like being black in the 50s and that's just wrong and out of touch for people who suffered actual discrimination.

The discrimination based solely on animus is the same.

Race is not the only protected class under PA laws.

The hostile one is you, sweetie

Aren't you the one calling people fat and Jew haters......me thinks you are a typical conservative hypocrite.
The real point is that although Roe v Wade has not been overturned de jure, it is being largely overturned de facto, on the State level, by a variety of States that are regulating it to within an inch of its life, and thereby creating a nearly abortion-free environment.

If it was we wouldn't have these nutty conservative legislators coming up with insane radical suggestions every time we turn around. Abortion needs to be available for women who are at risk, for women that get pregnant due to a rape and especially for young girls that get pregnant due to rape/incest. Selective abortion needs to be available the first trimester, and most states have that in place....conservatives are trying to do away with it altogether and that will never happen. Getting rid of Planned Parenthood only causes more abortions necessary and that is what conservatives seem to be striving for.

If you really want a "nearly abortion-free environment" conservatives should be all in favor of educating women and providing contraceptives instead of fighting over whether the insurance should not pay for them.
Nobody ever said that your average Conservative was overly-bright...

Just bright enough, usually, to outwit Liberals, with some notable and glorious exceptions...

One need look no further than the States in which it is now becoming nearly impossible to obtain an abortion, in order to discern the truth in my 40+ years after-the-fact tidbit..

But, the ultimate goal here is merely to point-out that unpopular decisions are oftentimes fought for decades or generations afterwards, and, from time to time, that fighting ends-up yielding effective outcomes, as can be seen in some of those States in which abortion is now becoming damned-near impossible...

And, translating that decades-long or multi-generational fighting spirit, and directing against something like recent Gay Mafia advances, well, as I said earlier, I've already made the case that unpopular judicial activism can be circumvented from time to time, and, it's a good bet that we'll see something similar on the Gay front, in the coming years and decades.

As I said earlier, I think this fight may be just beginning, but, that answer lies in the future, not the now.

And that's where I pack-up my crystal ball and clam up.
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.

Wonder if she could forge a relationship with the dad who molested his child?
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

The child was treated..though in reality, the child wasn't being seen for *treatment*.

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason. It's part and parcel of ETHICAL BEHAVIOR.

Not that you'd understand that.

Well put. I hope you agree Koshergirl that blaming the kids for the parents is morally reprehensible. But it's clearly not in the interest of the kids to be treated by someone unable to separate their personal feelings from their professionalism. I'd have serious doubts about her being in my practice if I were her partner, but the kids were better off

Nobody blamed the kids for anything.
The doctor didn't want to deal with crazy dykes. She didn't *refuse to treat*. She referred a new client to a different doctor. It's happening every day, across the globe. Doctors aren't *forced* to accept as a patient every asshole that calls them. They are in fact obligated to refer patients to doctors that can serve them better, if they think they will be served better by another doctor...for WHATEVER reason.
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.

Again a good point, but dealing with difficult parents is part of the job. I'd still be concerned to be her partner more than anyone
I can feel the vibrations from the screaming banshees I have on ignore...

What you mean is you've read their posts but aren't smart enough to defend yourself against them, so you make some innocuous post to make them think you really have them on ignore.......bwahahaha!
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

The child was treated..though in reality, the child wasn't being seen for *treatment*.

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason. It's part and parcel of ETHICAL BEHAVIOR.

Not that you'd understand that.

Well put. I hope you agree Koshergirl that blaming the kids for the parents is morally reprehensible. But it's clearly not in the interest of the kids to be treated by someone unable to separate their personal feelings from their professionalism. I'd have serious doubts about her being in my practice if I were her partner, but the kids were better off

Nobody blamed the kids for anything.
The doctor didn't want to deal with crazy dykes. She didn't *refuse to treat*. She referred a new client to a different doctor. It's happening every day, across the globe. Doctors aren't *forced* to accept as a patient every asshole that calls them. They are in fact obligated to refer patients to doctors that can serve them better, if they think they will be served better by another doctor...for WHATEVER reason.

I'm a couple posts behind you, I just read your last one which covered that it was dealing with the parents she had an issue with. Had she met them or was she just going by that they were gay?

Whatever the reason, I have to agree she called it right given that when she didn't want to do it they didn't go to any of the other thousands of doctors they could have taken their kid to and they had to make a political issue of it
To date I have not found "It is an abomination for doctors to treat children being raised by 2 women" in the Bible. Where is that? In between Love thy neighbor and thou shall not judge?

She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.

Wonder if she could forge a relationship with the dad who molested his child?

An irony in the question, but it's a good point. If she wants to influence the kids of gays then showing them intolerance isn't the way to influence them towards straight or Christian
If you retards were half as smart as you think you are, you would declare homosexuality a religion.

But you aren't even that smart. Your poor tiny brains are incapacitated by multiple filthy sexual encounters, drugs, and whatever viral load you're sporting.

An intelligent person would never condemn another human being for being different. If you were even close to being a Christian, you would know that God made people uniquely different. Stop your rating and raving as it only serves to make you look Hitleresque.

Nonsense. Intelligent people condemn people who are different all the time.

Your friend paint my ass is condemning Christians all through this thread. So are you. You are the Nazis in this case. Hitler also forced Jews out of business using the exact same tactics. And those who didn't comply were thrown into jail. And lunatics like you and your buddy were right there cheering. As you are now.

There is no way for you to know because you are not intelligent.

"Yore stoopid!" is such an effective argument.

Oh wait, you're not arguing. You're trolling. Carry on..and click. You and the shrieking banshees may carry on.

If 'stoopid' is such an effective argument, why are you losing?
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!

Wait for it....
More than likely. Its what these degenerates do. Either accept our degeneracy or we sue you for everything u have.
Accept degeneracy? WTF? Degenerates is a term tossed about by the intolerant to give them some weird cover for being bigots. Fortunately, such bigots are generally older and will soon be dead, great day in the morning. The younger bigots are fewer in number and will stand out as anachronisms and knuckle draggers worthy of the Flat Earth Society.

Targeting and forcing Christians to participate in rituals that YOU KNOW they consider sacrilegious is degenerate.
Making a flower arraignment is not a ritual, it's her business. Targeting customers is bigoted discrimination.

Poor Koshergrl.....she thinks making a flower arrangement is a ritual. She doesn't even understand the issue...tsk, tsk.
She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.

Wonder if she could forge a relationship with the dad who molested his child?

An irony in the question, but it's a good point. If she wants to influence the kids of gays then showing them intolerance isn't the way to influence them towards straight or Christian

She didn't show the child intolerance.

She showed the child how an ethical professional behaves.
Given that Gays are only supposedly 3-5% of the population, I'll take my chances. The odds are on my side.

What you are saying is that you don't care if they marry someone else's grandkids.....so typically conservatively selfish.
There ya go... guilty as charged... I really don't give a rat's ass... next slide, please.

Fortunately most Americans are not that selfish....and I think you are delusional if you think Roe v Wade will ever be eliminated....hasn't happened in 40 years....and more and more younger conservatives are getting away from the archaic way of thinking of their ancestors.

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