Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
No need to. They never filed one.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
No need to. They never filed one.
It's coming. You Leftwats just can't help yourselves.
You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
No need to. They never filed one.
It's coming. You Leftwats just can't help yourselves.
You never read the bloody links so you never know what's actually going on. There is no suit, and there won't be.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
No need to. They never filed one.
It's coming. You Leftwats just can't help yourselves.
You never read the bloody links so you never know what's actually going on. There is no suit, and there won't be.

Most Teatards aren't able to keep up.........they just like to sling poop....that's all they've got.
One need look no further than the States in which it is now becoming nearly impossible to obtain an abortion, in order to discern the truth in my 40+ years after-the-fact tidbit..

What they are doing is making it impossible for "poor" women and "middle-class" women to get an abortion...
What they are doing is reversing Roe v Wade through administrative measures, de facto, rather than de jure. The rest is background noise for our narrow purposes here; determining whether the States are now engaged in a neutralizing of an unpopular or controversial bit of judicial activism from 40 years ago. Another example of a long-running battle spanning decades and generations, akin to what we may expect with respect to recent Gay Mafia legal gains.
Yes, no law will stop folk from being ignorant but supporting continued treatment of gay folk as 2nd class citizens is encouraging ignorance.
It is not 'encouraging ignorance' to label unclean, perverse, filthy, unnatural, abomination for what it is, and to resist its 'normalization' or 'legalization', and its infestation and infection of society, flying in the face of 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teaching and legal classification.
Nobody ever said that your average Conservative was overly-bright...
And, you think that you are above average? Bwahahaha! But, thanks for at least being honest enough to admit it.
Oh, hell, I can be dumber than a box-o-rox sometimes, but I'm content to outgun the likes of you, so, close enough...

Well, you are right about that.......and you're certainly trying to outgun me, but you ain't there yet. Maybe a little pompous, too...but smart trumps pompous.
As I've said, you are not much of a challenge, and that is certainly the case with respect to your counterpointing to date on this topic, so, I am content.
She's an idiot. I get the bakery one, but here she's punishing the children of people she objects too. I definitely don't think that's in the Bible. But forcing her to is an abomination of freedom
Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

The child was treated..though in reality, the child wasn't being seen for *treatment*.

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason. It's part and parcel of ETHICAL BEHAVIOR.

Not that you'd understand that.

Well put. I hope you agree Koshergirl that blaming the kids for the parents is morally reprehensible. But it's clearly not in the interest of the kids to be treated by someone unable to separate their personal feelings from their professionalism. I'd have serious doubts about her being in my practice if I were her partner, but the kids were better off

Nobody blamed the kids for anything.
The doctor didn't want to deal with crazy dykes. She didn't *refuse to treat*. She referred a new client to a different doctor. It's happening every day, across the globe. Doctors aren't *forced* to accept as a patient every asshole that calls them. They are in fact obligated to refer patients to doctors that can serve them better, if they think they will be served better by another doctor...for WHATEVER reason.

I'm a couple posts behind you, I just read your last one which covered that it was dealing with the parents she had an issue with. Had she met them or was she just going by that they were gay?

Whatever the reason, I have to agree she called it right given that when she didn't want to do it they didn't go to any of the other thousands of doctors they could have taken their kid to and they had to make a political issue of it

Krista and Jami Contreras of Detroit, Mich., had a history with Dr. Vesna Roi. They had attended her practice at Eastlake Pediatrics in Roseville for a prenatal checkup and had gotten along well with her. She had a holistic approach that they liked, and was soothing and friendly. Feeling comfortable, they decided to book Dr. Roi for after their baby was born so their baby girl could have her first wellness appointment. It was important to them that they feel comfortable with the doctor who would be examining their daughter, and they thought Dr. Roi was a good match for them. Little did they know, Dr. Roi wasn’t as comfortable.

Doctor Refuses to Treat Baby Because Her Parents Are Lesbians

Again I have to wonder if Dr. Roi treats single mothers...
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
I didn't know about that second item. But that's all the more reason there WILL be a lawsuit. You gay people don't leave anyone in peace who has dared to act according to their conscience and opposed your agenda. Live and let live is something you demand from everyone but it's never something you practice yourselves.

And no law needs to be broken to file a lawsuit.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.
There is no lawsuit, dummy.
Wait for it....
No need to. They never filed one.
It's coming. You Leftwats just can't help yourselves.
You never read the bloody links so you never know what's actually going on. There is no suit, and there won't be.
We'll see. The fag militia can't help itself.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
I didn't know about that second item. But that's all the more reason there WILL be a lawsuit. You gay people don't leave anyone in peace who has dared to act according to their conscience and opposed your agenda. Live and let live is something you demand from everyone but it's never something you practice yourselves.

And no law needs to be broken to file a lawsuit.

What a person claims their conscience dictates is not automatically legal.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
I didn't know about that second item. But that's all the more reason there WILL be a lawsuit. You gay people don't leave anyone in peace who has dared to act according to their conscience and opposed your agenda. Live and let live is something you demand from everyone but it's never something you practice yourselves.

And no law needs to be broken to file a lawsuit.

What a person claims their conscience dictates is not automatically legal.
It is under the First Amendment. You all on the communist Left are going to get a reality check when the Supreme Court tells you that people's constitutional rights don't go away in the workplace. Hobby Lobby was a shot across the bow, a harbinger of what's to come. I guess you statists need another hard knock on the skull and I will be delighted when it happens.
An irony in the question, but it's a good point. If she wants to influence the kids of gays then showing them intolerance isn't the way to influence them towards straight or Christian

She didn't show the child intolerance.

She showed the child how an ethical professional behaves.[/QUOTE]

So a doctor won't see the child because their parents are lesbians and the doctor assumes they will be difficult and refers them away and you think they are going to saw wow, I appreciate their professionalism? I agree in no way should the doctor be forced to see them and I agree it's in the child's best interest, but I don't agree with your personal view of the doctor.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
I didn't know about that second item. But that's all the more reason there WILL be a lawsuit. You gay people don't leave anyone in peace who has dared to act according to their conscience and opposed your agenda. Live and let live is something you demand from everyone but it's never something you practice yourselves.

And no law needs to be broken to file a lawsuit.

Uh yes, a law has to be broken for them to file a suit. They've already said they aren't filing any suit because there is no suit to file. There are no protections for gays in Michigan just like you guys want. You can't have the whites only businesses you want, but you can have your staight only businesses in Michigan. Sounds like the promised land for the "fag" haters.

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