Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.
Kaz, you bitch, see post 618.


Seawytch is hostile to anyone who disagrees with her, yet she calls people who disagree with her hostile. What does that have to do with your strawman I am claiming "victimhood" for the florist? Actually, sparky, I have repeatedly said I disagree with the florist, I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason. Even stupid ones. You'd know that if you read my posts
I have not yet seen you respond to the question as to what distinguishes the intentional discrimination in denying service in the cases of gays and blacks. Your response was blacks had it worse, which btw was in my original post in which I said that's avoiding the issue that the discrimination in both cases is intended to dehumanize the person being discriminated against.

You asserted you responded. I pointed to your last response.
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You're not clicking with what my being a liberal means. I don't care if you want me here or not or if you are here or not. If you are I'll debate you, if you are not then whatever. You should read up on us liberals since you have no idea what liberalism is
Kaz, you bitch, see post 618.


Seawytch is hostile to anyone who disagrees with her, yet she calls people who disagree with her hostile. What does that have to do with your strawman I am claiming "victimhood" for the florist? Actually, sparky, I have repeatedly said I disagree with the florist, I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason. Even stupid ones. You'd know that if you read my posts
I have not yet seen you respond to the question as to what distinguishes the intentional discrimination in denying service in the cases of gays and blacks. Your response was blacks had it worse, which btw was in my original post in which I said that's avoiding the issue that the discrimination in both cases is intended to dehumanize the person being discriminated against.

You asserted you responded. I pointed to your last response.

Did you pick the wrong number in 618? That had nothing to do with this

Asked and answered. The liberals in this thread are not making the narrow point on the transactional level you are trying to restrict my answer to. They are giving a clear implication that gays today have it like blacks in the 50s did. They are full of shit

And second, as I keep pointing out, in the 50s is was government laws that forced discrimination, and they are trying to use that to sound like the three cases they came up with where individuals discriminated.

On your narrow question, there is no difference between discriminating at a personal level because someone is black, gay, white, short, whatever. And again, that is not the narrow point they are trying to make
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?
Race is not the only protected class covered under PA laws, Kaz old boy.
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!
They have grounds to sue and I hope they do. This doc needs to start her new vocation ASAP, cleaning the toilets at her church. She didn't even have the balls to face them. Typical pussy "Christian" who makes Jesus cry.
So one day Christianity is fake ,the next they make ,according to you a mythical person cry,truly priceless,and so predictable from people like this one.
Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?

Leftists are so stupid it's funny, that never is so apparent in your "insults."

I am projecting that I don't grasp reality, which means I do grasp reality, which means I wouldn't be projecting when I say you don't. What a dimwit, LOL
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!
They have grounds to sue and I hope they do. This doc needs to start her new vocation ASAP, cleaning the toilets at her church. She didn't even have the balls to face them. Typical pussy "Christian" who makes Jesus cry.
So one day Christianity is fake ,the next they make ,according to you a mythical person cry,truly priceless,and so predictable from people like this one.
Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children, but the teachings of Jesus are clear and this doc, she's doesn't get them, like nearly all other Christians.
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?

Leftists are so stupid it's funny, that never is so apparent in your "insults."

I am projecting that I don't grasp reality, which means I do grasp reality, which means I wouldn't be projecting when I say you don't. What a dimwit, LOL
There's no insult in there, I'm simply telling you that reality works my way and not yours, so, which one of us is being realistic?
You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?

Leftists are so stupid it's funny, that never is so apparent in your "insults."

I am projecting that I don't grasp reality, which means I do grasp reality, which means I wouldn't be projecting when I say you don't. What a dimwit, LOL
There's no insult in there, I'm simply telling you that reality works my way and not yours, so, which one of us is being realistic?

You're just a government loving automaton, "reality" has nothing to do with your posts. You sucked up to your teachers, your bosses and now government. You don't have an independent thought in your head. That's what you post
You aren't a Liberal. you're nothing like one. You are an Anarchist, meaning a child who wants rights but not responsibilities. I am a liberal, and I deal in reality not your child's version of it.

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?

Leftists are so stupid it's funny, that never is so apparent in your "insults."

I am projecting that I don't grasp reality, which means I do grasp reality, which means I wouldn't be projecting when I say you don't. What a dimwit, LOL
There's no insult in there, I'm simply telling you that reality works my way and not yours, so, which one of us is being realistic?

You're just a government loving automaton, "reality" has nothing to do with your posts. You sucked up to your teachers, your bosses and now government. You don't have an independent thought in your head. That's what you post

He sucked up to them..but it didn't do him any good. The guy is a mentally ill loser. He's never succeeded at anything in his life. He likes this site because he can pretend to be someone he's not.

I.e., an intellectual, lol.
You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass
That is projection. What you want we don't have and what I want we do, for the most part, so which one of us lives in a fantasy-land?

Leftists are so stupid it's funny, that never is so apparent in your "insults."

I am projecting that I don't grasp reality, which means I do grasp reality, which means I wouldn't be projecting when I say you don't. What a dimwit, LOL
There's no insult in there, I'm simply telling you that reality works my way and not yours, so, which one of us is being realistic?

You're just a government loving automaton, "reality" has nothing to do with your posts. You sucked up to your teachers, your bosses and now government. You don't have an independent thought in your head. That's what you post

He sucked up to them..but it didn't do him any good. The guy is a mentally ill loser. He's never succeeded at anything in his life. He likes this site because he can pretend to be someone he's not.

I.e., an intellectual, lol.
Have you learned about rights or slavery yet? I posted the links, or do you have ask Grandpa first?
You sucked up to your teachers, your bosses and now government. You don't have an independent thought in your head. That's what you post
That projection is going to kill you some day...


You realize you keep going to the same punch line?
It's no punchline, it's truth, and that's why you reject it just like you reject reality. You aren't as bad as KG though, she's a total loon.
"... the American Medical Association says physicians cannot refuse to care for patients based on sexual orientation, but doctors can refuse treatment if it's incompatible with their personal, religious or moral beliefs."

In other words, tough titty.

The person who stirred the pot on this was the asshole doc who, instead of saying "Your original doctor has decided not to take on another case at this time and referred you to me..>" but instead said that the doctor had prayed about it and wouldn't be able to see the baby. It was unprofessional of that doctor, and lent itself to all this silliness.

If that doctor actually said that.

Roi did do the prenatal. She based her decision to cut off the association after she did the prenatal. I imagine because she couldn't stand the couple. Most likely they were obnoxious, and flaunting their sexuality all over the place. Maybe one of them hit on her. I've never been in a room more than 20 minutes with a lesbian in my life without being hit on...

"... the American Medical Association says physicians cannot refuse to care for patients based on sexual orientation, but doctors can refuse treatment if it's incompatible with their personal, religious or moral beliefs."

In other words, tough titty.
In other words the doc was dead wrong and based her decision of the sexual orientation of the parents of the patient.
I've never been in a room more than 20 minutes with a lesbian in my life without being hit on...

That assertion is worthless without video

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