Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

Again, doublewide, Jim Crow was government. Damn you people are stupid, and you have a fat ass too

Are you fat? Fat people seem to like calling others fat....makes them feel redeemed.......maybe you just need to go on a diet.

And, please point out where I said Jim Crow wasn't government. Damn, you're the one that is stupid and it's really hard to reason with stupid racist people like you.

You mean like people who live in trailers like to say other people live in trailers? And no, you don't hate Jews as long as they don't try to defend themselves

Did you also say that to someone? You really have it bad, fat and living in a trailer....my, my. And, if I'm arguing with a Jew, I'm not disagreeing with the person because he/she is Jewish, I'm disagreeing with them because I don't agree with what they are saying. Wow, you are stupider that I thought you were.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

Again, doublewide, Jim Crow was government. Damn you people are stupid, and you have a fat ass too

Are you fat? Fat people seem to like calling others fat....makes them feel redeemed.......maybe you just need to go on a diet.

And, please point out where I said Jim Crow wasn't government. Damn, you're the one that is stupid and it's really hard to reason with stupid racist people like you.

You mean like people who live in trailers like to say other people live in trailers? And no, you don't hate Jews as long as they don't try to defend themselves

Did you also say that to someone? You really have it bad, fat and living in a trailer....my, my. And, if I'm arguing with a Jew, I'm not disagreeing with the person because he/she is Jewish, I'm disagreeing with them because I don't agree with what they are saying. Wow, you are stupider that I thought you were.

Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

I already told you this and you ignored it. There will be no lawsuit as no law was broken. In Michigan a doctor does not have to treat a gay person or the children of gay people. There are zero protections for gays in Michigan. Find a queer on the street? Let 'em bleed.

And yes, she did say why she wasn't treating them. She told them in her "apology" letter that she was not treating their child because they are gay.
I didn't know about that second item. But that's all the more reason there WILL be a lawsuit. You gay people don't leave anyone in peace who has dared to act according to their conscience and opposed your agenda. Live and let live is something you demand from everyone but it's never something you practice yourselves.

And no law needs to be broken to file a lawsuit.

Uh yes, a law has to be broken for them to file a suit. They've already said they aren't filing any suit because there is no suit to file. There are no protections for gays in Michigan just like you guys want. You can't have the whites only businesses you want, but you can have your staight only businesses in Michigan. Sounds like the promised land for the "fag" haters.

They're just doing what they think Jesus would do.....WWJD......you know....:)
Nobody ever said that your average Conservative was overly-bright...
And, you think that you are above average? Bwahahaha! But, thanks for at least being honest enough to admit it.
Oh, hell, I can be dumber than a box-o-rox sometimes, but I'm content to outgun the likes of you, so, close enough...

Well, you are right about that.......and you're certainly trying to outgun me, but you ain't there yet. Maybe a little pompous, too...but smart trumps pompous.
As I've said, you are not much of a challenge, and that is certainly the case with respect to your counterpointing to date on this topic, so, I am content.

Most ignorant people think of themselves as clever and smart and content (smug) .....you certainly fit the bill. Your opinion is just that, your opinion, like your navel, but from my angle, you've got nothing.....
We'll see. The fag militia can't help itself.

You're a fraud.

1 John 4:20
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.
We're talking about the fag militia. Stay focused, ADHD.
The "fag militia"? And yet you claim you actively do not support the Westboro Church.......................suuuuuuuuure.
We'll see. The fag militia can't help itself.

You're a fraud.

1 John 4:20
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.
We're talking about the fag militia. Stay focused, ADHD.
The "fag militia"? And yet you claim you actively do not support the Westboro Church.......................suuuuuuuuure.
They think all gay people are faggots. I just think you are
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

Why on earth would it matter *what she was praying for*? To my knowledge, no court in the world has the authority to judge a person based on their prayers.
Same-Sex Couple Blames Discrimination After Pediatrician Allegedly Refuses to See Their Newborn - Yahoo


The kid got seen by doctor at SAME DOCTOR OFFICE! Not a problem,no reason to cry and throw a fit...jesus christ!

I don't see any problem with this. In my view that doctor is headed to Hell for refusing to help an innocent child. I wouldn't want that bitch seeing my child.

She didn't *refuse to see* an innocent child, you hack. She referred a new client that she had never seen before, to a different doctor in the same building. Doctors do this all the time, it's a hallmark of socialized medicine. You make an appointment with one doctor, but if he's sick, out, has moved, or is reducing his caseload..or if he just doesn't like you, he shuffles you to another. This wasn't an ER situation where the doctor threw up her hands as the child was choking to death and said "I CAN'T TREAT THIS CHILD BECAUSE I THINK THE MOMS ARE HAGS". It was a case of "Omg I don't want this child, these women are nuts..let me see if Jane down the hall has good insurance. "
Regulated Capitalism is neither liberal nor illiberal, it's necessary.

Its also spectacularly irrelevant to this thread. Which is why Kaz is trying to steer the conversation there.

I'm specifically mocking you morons for comparing gays to the struggle of blacks. That is how out of touch today's Democratic party is. You think not having a boscotti with your morning coffee is like living in Nazi Germany, you have no sense of proportion. You are soft, weak and pathetic
Ah, I agree the discrimination against blacks went to the right to vote, own property, go to college ... none of which apply to gays.

But what is the basis for your differentiating the discriminatory effect of refusing to sell an advertised service to a gay person compared to a black person?

Directly, the refusal to sell an advertised service to blacks was actually government, businesses didn't like those laws. The Montgomery bus company strongly opposed forcing their most reliable customer base to the back and getting boycotted, it cost them a lot of money. They cared about one color, green. Liberals are comparing that to one baker making their own personal choice with hundreds who don't give a shit who they sleep with.

And bigger, they are clearly making the implication being gay today is like being black in the 50s and that's just wrong and out of touch for people who suffered actual discrimination.

The discrimination based solely on animus is the same.

Race is not the only protected class under PA laws.
Yes, but Kaz is directly avoiding the issue that the intended effect of denying a service to an individual (a child even) in intentionally aimed at dehumanizing another person whose very existence troubles the denier. To claim some victimhood for the Florist, who is no more than a boor and would be bully, is bs. As for the doc ... she's letting her own prejudices trump science, and she either knows better or is too incompetent to be practicing medicine.

I, or anyone else, can say that the discrimination in employment, housing, educ, etc pales (yes I went there) compared to that of Jim Crowe. But THAT is not the issue when we are discussing the individual discrimination of simply refusing to provide a service that is provided to others. If I want to assert that imo the Founders did not intend that the constitution prohibit individual discrimination, I can, and will do so because imo that's correct. But, first that doesn't mean discrimination is right, and we have this thing called the 14th amendment that wasn't around when the Founders were around.
Race is not the only protected class under PA laws.
Yes, but Kaz is directly avoiding the issue that the intended effect of denying a service to an individual (a child even) in intentionally aimed at dehumanizing another person whose very existence troubles the denier. To claim some victimhood for the Florist...
Stopped reading here since this is where it was clear you aren't reading my posts and therefore your point is irrelevant.
Kaz, you bitch, see post 618.


Seawytch is hostile to anyone who disagrees with her, yet she calls people who disagree with her hostile. What does that have to do with your strawman I am claiming "victimhood" for the florist? Actually, sparky, I have repeatedly said I disagree with the florist, I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason. Even stupid ones. You'd know that if you read my posts
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.
... I just don't consider it a legitimate use of government guns to force one citizen to do business with another for any reason.
What nation are you moving to then, since that's not this country? And we don't use guns, they aren't necessary, we have lawyers.

Again showing you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. Since I am a liberal, I can live here with you even though you're an idiot. You're the one who needs to leave since you can't live with anyone you disagree with
My people founded the place. It's your kind we allow to live here, and no longer should. If I were you, I'd pack my bags. We neither need you nor want you here.

You have the issue with living in the same house with someone who doesn't agree with you. There's the door, your choice. Being a liberal I'm good with that. You're an intolerant idiot, but you can stay, no problem. You can't live with someone you disagree with. Go. I don't give a shit. I'm a liberal

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