Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

Being a small business owner I do have a hard time agreeing with the bakery case. If I want to be a dumb ass and not sell my car, my guitar or make a cake, turn down money, then I should be allowed to be a dumb ass. No law fixes stupid dumbasses. They post here at will. But Doctors put their shingle out they treat kids, period. They do not the state needs to take away their license.

Where did she say she treats kids, period?

I think she was a pediatrician, working out of an office with others.

She referred the patient, who had a pre-scheduled appointment as a new patient, to another doctor based on her belief she couldn't foster a close enough relationship with the mothers.

It wasn't an emergency room, the kid wasn't dying in front of her. She just didn't want to add crazy litigious dykes to her patient load, because she recognizes they're a pain in the ass.

And she was absolutely right.

Wonder if she could forge a relationship with the dad who molested his child?

An irony in the question, but it's a good point. If she wants to influence the kids of gays then showing them intolerance isn't the way to influence them towards straight or Christian

She didn't show the child intolerance.

She showed the child how an ethical professional behaves.

Oh, you mean when she introduced the parents to a real doctor.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
I also think you don't like me pointing-out that Progressive 'wins' such as Roe-v-Wade are once again being revisited and largely-overturned or neutralized, one State at a time, some 40+ years after that ruling first materialized, nor do I think you like my reference to this Gay Fight just beginning, and likely to last for decades or even generations.

It's been 40 years and Roe v Wade has not been overturned.....in fact, most conservative legislators don't even want to touch the subject. It is good that most states have established laws that keep it from being taken advantage of, but conservative legislators have tried and failed to pass stupid legislation such as to make an egg a person....that will probably never happen.
You have a point...a whole lotta rotten eggs have made it thru to be born. They're now called LIBTARDS...and you're one of them.

You're confused........they are right-twats....and you are one of them....remember, right-twats don't believe in abortion even when they know the fetus doesn't have a brain, like you.
I oppose anyone being forced by government to do business with any other citizen.

Why of course, because racist business people want to be able to discriminate. It must have been dandy in the 50's.

Again, doublewide, Jim Crow was government. Damn you people are stupid, and you have a fat ass too

Are you fat? Fat people seem to like calling others fat....makes them feel redeemed.......maybe you just need to go on a diet.

And, please point out where I said Jim Crow wasn't government. Damn, you're the one that is stupid and it's really hard to reason with stupid racist people like you.

You mean like people who live in trailers like to say other people live in trailers? And no, you don't hate Jews as long as they don't try to defend themselves

Did you also say that to someone? You really have it bad, fat and living in a trailer....my, my. And, if I'm arguing with a Jew, I'm not disagreeing with the person because he/she is Jewish, I'm disagreeing with them because I don't agree with what they are saying. Wow, you are stupider that I thought you were.
Given that Gays are only supposedly 3-5% of the population, I'll take my chances. The odds are on my side.

What you are saying is that you don't care if they marry someone else's grandkids.....so typically conservatively selfish.
There ya go... guilty as charged... I really don't give a rat's ass... next slide, please.

Fortunately most Americans are not that selfish....and I think you are delusional if you think Roe v Wade will ever be eliminated....hasn't happened in 40 years....and more and more younger conservatives are getting away from the archaic way of thinking of their ancestors.
Time will tell, which one of us had insight that came closer to reality.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.

They have the right to send them to a better suited doctor for ANY REASON if they think they will receive better care.

That means facing your own prejudices and fears, and potentially doing yourself out of money to keep those prejudices and fears from affecting the care you provide.

Again, this is all about ethical behavior, and baby killers and faggots have no concept of what's involved. As we can all see in this thread.
I stand by my belief that the lezbos had a history of being difficult and anti-Christian, the doc knew about it, and was trying to save herself a show down with het up dykes in the exam room. They have no problem throwing their babies in the mix of any fight they pick.
I stand by my belief that the lezbos had a history of being difficult and anti-Christian, the doc knew about it, and was trying to save herself a show down with het up dykes in the exam room. They have no problem throwing their babies in the mix of any fight they pick.

Did God tell you to call them 'lezbos?'
One need look no further than the States in which it is now becoming nearly impossible to obtain an abortion, in order to discern the truth in my 40+ years after-the-fact tidbit..

What they are doing is making it impossible for "poor" women and "middle-class" women to get an abortion. Rich women don't have to worry because they can travel to a state where it isn't hard at all. Since I'm against elective abortion after the first tri-mester, it doesn't bother me if the ones having a hard time are those after trying to get one after the first tri-mester, but I pity the women who are poor and whose lives are at risk because some of you believe that a fetus is more important than a grown woman. And, I pity the young women who are victims of rape/incest, that they will have to go ahead and have the child, and more than likely go on welfare, and then you can whine about them getting welfare and their child can starve to death. That is really Christian.
The real point is that although Roe v Wade has not been overturned de jure, it is being largely overturned de facto, on the State level, by a variety of States that are regulating it to within an inch of its life, and thereby creating a nearly abortion-free environment.

If it was we wouldn't have these nutty conservative legislators coming up with insane radical suggestions every time we turn around. Abortion needs to be available for women who are at risk, for women that get pregnant due to a rape and especially for young girls that get pregnant due to rape/incest. Selective abortion needs to be available the first trimester, and most states have that in place....conservatives are trying to do away with it altogether and that will never happen. Getting rid of Planned Parenthood only causes more abortions necessary and that is what conservatives seem to be striving for.

If you really want a "nearly abortion-free environment" conservatives should be all in favor of educating women and providing contraceptives instead of fighting over whether the insurance should not pay for them.
Nobody ever said that your average Conservative was overly-bright...

Just bright enough, usually, to outwit Liberals, with some notable and glorious exceptions...

One need look no further than the States in which it is now becoming nearly impossible to obtain an abortion, in order to discern the truth in my 40+ years after-the-fact tidbit..

But, the ultimate goal here is merely to point-out that unpopular decisions are oftentimes fought for decades or generations afterwards, and, from time to time, that fighting ends-up yielding effective outcomes, as can be seen in some of those States in which abortion is now becoming damned-near impossible...

And, translating that decades-long or multi-generational fighting spirit, and directing against something like recent Gay Mafia advances, well, as I said earlier, I've already made the case that unpopular judicial activism can be circumvented from time to time, and, it's a good bet that we'll see something similar on the Gay front, in the coming years and decades.

As I said earlier, I think this fight may be just beginning, but, that answer lies in the future, not the now.

And that's where I pack-up my crystal ball and clam up.
"hard to get an abortion? LOL, back in the day when abortion was 100 % "illegal" in a state ANYONE with $$$ could obtain a "legal" abortion. "In the best health interests of the mother we had to save her." and NO doctor ever, much less a district attorney, ever questioned it. Real world as there never has been and never will be a time ever when abortion is "damned near impossible" for women with coin. Real world for those that understand reality. No law ever stopped abortion for women with $$$. Most left the state and those with serious coin picked a doctor off a long list for her "legal" abortion.
She showed the child how an ethical professional behaves.

You really are ignorant on this matter. Ethical professionals don't tell their patients they've prayed and God has told them they shouldn't treat a person.....it goes against the hippocratic oath they swore to when they decided to become a doctor.
She showed the child how an ethical professional behaves.

You really are ignorant on this matter. Ethical professionals don't tell their patients they've prayed and God has told them they shouldn't treat a person.....it goes against the hippocratic oath they swore to when they decided to become a doctor.

How would a doctor know what evil acts one of her patients has committed?
Nobody ever said that your average Conservative was overly-bright...
And, you think that you are above average? Bwahahaha! But, thanks for at least being honest enough to admit it.
Oh, hell, I can be dumber than a box-o-rox sometimes, but I'm content to outgun the likes of you, so, close enough...

Well, you are right about that.......and you're certainly trying to outgun me, but you ain't there yet. Maybe a little pompous, too...but smart trumps pompous.
I stand by my belief that the lezbos had a history of being difficult and anti-Christian, the doc knew about it, and was trying to save herself a show down with het up dykes in the exam room. They have no problem throwing their babies in the mix of any fight they pick.

Did God tell you to call them 'lezbos?'

She wants to make everyone believe she's a Christian....more like a Westboro type Christian, if you ask me.
I stand by my belief that the lezbos had a history of being difficult and anti-Christian, the doc knew about it, and was trying to save herself a show down with het up dykes in the exam room. They have no problem throwing their babies in the mix of any fight they pick.

Did God tell you to call them 'lezbos?'

She wants to make everyone believe she's a Christian....more like a Westboro type Christian, if you ask me.

I don't believe she is a Christian as evidenced by her hate speech.
Yes, no law will stop folk from being ignorant but supporting continued treatment of gay folk as 2nd class citizens is encouraging ignorance.
Doctors have the right to refer patients if they think they cannot best serve them for WHATEVER reason.

You don't even understand the issue.....yes, doctors have the right to refer patients but not because "they prayed over it and decided not to treat them". It is obvious that "praying over it" means the doctor has a problem with their lifestyle, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out, genius.

I think many of these "praying" people are actually dealing with Satan.....Jesus would never tell a doctor not to treat a baby because of its parent's lifestyle.
That's going to make the lawsuit tough, that she didn't say what she was praying about nor did she give a reason for the referral. Assumptions don't have much merit in court when cases are decided on hard evidence and established facts. The doctor was clever and nothing will come of this.

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