Lesbians whining because doc refused to be baby's doctor

"... the American Medical Association says physicians cannot refuse to care for patients based on sexual orientation, but doctors can refuse treatment if it's incompatible with their personal, religious or moral beliefs."

In other words, tough titty.
In other words the doc was dead wrong and based her decision of the sexual orientation of the parents of the patient.
She was dead wrong to not see the child. Jesus fraternized with sinners often and didn't push them away, so she might have prayed but she didn't listen to the answer.

Jesus also said let the children come unto me. How many of those children belonged to impious sinners? It didn't matter to Jesus.

This stinks in every way. While I defend her legal right to religious conscience, her conscience was off course.

So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.

Ask 100 people and 99 of them will say they never heard of this Dr.
"... the American Medical Association says physicians cannot refuse to care for patients based on sexual orientation, but doctors can refuse treatment if it's incompatible with their personal, religious or moral beliefs."

In other words, tough titty.
In other words the doc was dead wrong and based her decision of the sexual orientation of the parents of the patient.
She was dead wrong to not see the child. Jesus fraternized with sinners often and didn't push them away, so she might have prayed but she didn't listen to the answer.

Jesus also said let the children come unto me. How many of those children belonged to impious sinners? It didn't matter to Jesus.

This stinks in every way. While I defend her legal right to religious conscience, her conscience was off course.

So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
In other words the doc was dead wrong and based her decision of the sexual orientation of the parents of the patient.
She was dead wrong to not see the child. Jesus fraternized with sinners often and didn't push them away, so she might have prayed but she didn't listen to the answer.

Jesus also said let the children come unto me. How many of those children belonged to impious sinners? It didn't matter to Jesus.

This stinks in every way. While I defend her legal right to religious conscience, her conscience was off course.

So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
She was dead wrong to not see the child. Jesus fraternized with sinners often and didn't push them away, so she might have prayed but she didn't listen to the answer.

Jesus also said let the children come unto me. How many of those children belonged to impious sinners? It didn't matter to Jesus.

This stinks in every way. While I defend her legal right to religious conscience, her conscience was off course.

So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
She was dead wrong to not see the child. Jesus fraternized with sinners often and didn't push them away, so she might have prayed but she didn't listen to the answer.

Jesus also said let the children come unto me. How many of those children belonged to impious sinners? It didn't matter to Jesus.

This stinks in every way. While I defend her legal right to religious conscience, her conscience was off course.

So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
He's such a creepy weirdo. How would you like to receive a fax from him?

I know I wouldn't.
So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.

I bet there are Christian people lining up at the office to see if she can be their kids' primary.
So I guess you're saying the doctor should be forced to see the child.

If I were the parents, I wouldn't want that person anywhere near my kid.

That's just me.


That's not the point. I know you want to argue the world where you want it to be, not where it is. Do you really want doctors to be able to refuse to treat someone? Shall we go back to segregated hospitals? Oh sure, nowadays it wouldn't be blacks and whites...maybe Muslim and everyone else? Gay and straight only hospitals?
Well, that situation would certainly coincide with Identity Politics, in which Americans are encouraged to become more divided, but that's another issue.

I do know the following: (1) I don't want a bigot who is guided by their god above science treating my kids, (2) that forcing such a person to treat my kids puts them in unacceptable danger, (3) that forcing such a person to treat my kids will only exacerbate their bigotry and make them worse.

So, what do we do.

My best guess - and that's all I have - is that a vast majority of doctors are not a bigot like this one. I like the fact that this made news. Perhaps instead of attacking and punishing the doctor, it would be an opportunity for us to go in the opposite direction and have some calm, rational, respectful public conversation on this issue. Perhaps if, instead of attacking and screaming at the doctor, we could find some areas of agreement and soften her stance or change her mind.

But, full disclosure, I admit that won't happen. Too many narcissists running around on both sides at this point for that. Calm, rational, respectful public conversation is now, sadly, a thing of the past.


It's great to be able to say "well, I just wouldn't want them treating my child". Okay, but what if they are the only game in town? The only doctor to save your child's life refuses to treat them because YOU, not the child, are "fill in the blank".

The couple were openly discriminated against, legally, and they shared that information on social media. People responded, rightfully, with anger and disgust over her actions. No government was involved, just people reacting to a disgusting human being using her faith as an excuse to discriminate.

Oh, good God. The old leftist bugaboo of apocalyptic hypothetical situations. What is this, "Little House on the Prairie"? "We must force everyone everywhere to conform, on the off-chance that there might be a handful of people living in the middle of nowhere with only one doctor for hundreds of miles, and no cars, and then the doctor turns out to hate [fill in the blank]!"

Yeah, whatever.

Well, as one of those people living out in the middle of no where with only life-flight as a valid emergency response, it's not hypothetical.

That's certainly YOUR choice, and in no way justifies you imposing your will on others to accommodate your choice and make it less inconvenient for you.

My advice to you, should you happen to discover the only doctor in your prairie town doesn't like you, is to make better choices of living environment.
That's not the point. I know you want to argue the world where you want it to be, not where it is. Do you really want doctors to be able to refuse to treat someone? Shall we go back to segregated hospitals? Oh sure, nowadays it wouldn't be blacks and whites...maybe Muslim and everyone else? Gay and straight only hospitals?
Well, that situation would certainly coincide with Identity Politics, in which Americans are encouraged to become more divided, but that's another issue.

I do know the following: (1) I don't want a bigot who is guided by their god above science treating my kids, (2) that forcing such a person to treat my kids puts them in unacceptable danger, (3) that forcing such a person to treat my kids will only exacerbate their bigotry and make them worse.

So, what do we do.

My best guess - and that's all I have - is that a vast majority of doctors are not a bigot like this one. I like the fact that this made news. Perhaps instead of attacking and punishing the doctor, it would be an opportunity for us to go in the opposite direction and have some calm, rational, respectful public conversation on this issue. Perhaps if, instead of attacking and screaming at the doctor, we could find some areas of agreement and soften her stance or change her mind.

But, full disclosure, I admit that won't happen. Too many narcissists running around on both sides at this point for that. Calm, rational, respectful public conversation is now, sadly, a thing of the past.


It's great to be able to say "well, I just wouldn't want them treating my child". Okay, but what if they are the only game in town? The only doctor to save your child's life refuses to treat them because YOU, not the child, are "fill in the blank".

The couple were openly discriminated against, legally, and they shared that information on social media. People responded, rightfully, with anger and disgust over her actions. No government was involved, just people reacting to a disgusting human being using her faith as an excuse to discriminate.

Oh, good God. The old leftist bugaboo of apocalyptic hypothetical situations. What is this, "Little House on the Prairie"? "We must force everyone everywhere to conform, on the off-chance that there might be a handful of people living in the middle of nowhere with only one doctor for hundreds of miles, and no cars, and then the doctor turns out to hate [fill in the blank]!"

Yeah, whatever.

Well, as one of those people living out in the middle of no where with only life-flight as a valid emergency response, it's not hypothetical.

That's certainly YOUR choice, and in no way justifies you imposing your will on others to accommodate your choice and make it less inconvenient for you.

My advice to you, should you happen to discover the only doctor in your prairie town doesn't like you, is to make better choices of living environment.

Or perhaps modify your behavior so professionals who meet you for the first time are not subjected to having to hear about your sex life, or think about it.


If you want to be a queer, be queer. But don't bring it into every single freaking conversation and expect people to hand you a rainbow ribbon or something. Cripes.
So you maintain that doctors must see every patient that demands it.

I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.

I bet there are Christian people lining up at the office to see if she can be their kids' primary.
Well, she'll take them only if their parents are living a lifestyle that she approves of...
I'm saying that Christianity was a shit poor excuse for her not to see a child. WWJD? is a card played a lot by people who don't actually know the gospels. Jesus didn't exclude people, in fact he ran to sinners and embraced them. Anyone saying they aren't going to treat a child because Jesus told them not to needs an introduction to the Biblical Jesus.

And I affirmed her right not to see that child or any patient, so don't be an ass and stop with the friendly fire.

And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
And no law requires her to. Her business will thrive or suffer based on the Free Market alone.

Public opinion seems to be against her deplorable actions.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
Actually the fact you think it's ok to terrorize people in their own homes only bolsters the point. You are a Left wing terrorist and if you aren't on the FBI radar already, it's only a matter of time.
I certainly made my position known, on their fax machine, and I bet I'm not alone.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
Actually the fact you think it's ok to terrorize people in their own homes only bolsters the point. You are a Left wing terrorist and if you aren't on the FBI radar already, it's only a matter of time.
I used to work for the dark lords. I've had an FBI file for decades. They are the ones who granted my security clearance.
I'll keep vigil on the news to see your name. The way you probably worded it, the FBI should be kicking in your door in the next 48 hours.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
Actually the fact you think it's ok to terrorize people in their own homes only bolsters the point. You are a Left wing terrorist and if you aren't on the FBI radar already, it's only a matter of time.
I used to work for the dark lords. I've had an FBI file for decades. They are the ones who granted my security clearance.
Holding a security clearance at one time does not make you special, though you probably think it does. I've had one too. BFD. It won't stop an entry team from kicking down your door.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
Actually the fact you think it's ok to terrorize people in their own homes only bolsters the point. You are a Left wing terrorist and if you aren't on the FBI radar already, it's only a matter of time.
I used to work for the dark lords. I've had an FBI file for decades. They are the ones who granted my security clearance.
Holding a security clearance at one time does not make you special, though you probably think it does. I've had one too. BFD. It won't stop an entry team from kicking down your door.
If you had worked for the people I did, then you'd know they don't need to. Among other things the doors are never locked. They know that as well, they just have no reason to care, no one does.

You should really lean what a threat actually is however, before you kill some innocent bastard who didn't know what an armed fruitcake you were.
No, because I don't make threats, but I did suggest that the other two docs fire her Christian ass before they themselves were out of business.
So...you did make threats. I'll keep an eye on the news. I want to see your perp walk.
Nope. Telling an organization to fire someone before their business is no longer a business isn't a threat, but you're pretty fucking nuts and think that someone walking up and down the sidewalk with a sign is a threat so you have no idea what one actually is.
Actually the fact you think it's ok to terrorize people in their own homes only bolsters the point. You are a Left wing terrorist and if you aren't on the FBI radar already, it's only a matter of time.
I used to work for the dark lords. I've had an FBI file for decades. They are the ones who granted my security clearance.
Holding a security clearance at one time does not make you special, though you probably think it does. I've had one too. BFD. It won't stop an entry team from kicking down your door.
He doesn't have a security clearance. They were watching him because they thought he was the Green River Killer, before they realized he's just a stupid wannabe.

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