Lesions, headaches, debilitating pain: Gay men with monkeypox share their stories

In response, and in an attempt to inform gay and bisexual men of their risk of contracting the disease, while also warding off stigma, LGBTQ groups began issuing statements last week, stressing that monkeypox can impact "anyone, anywhere."

Not according to a monkeypox update video at youtube. Sex between men is implicated, and people are now asking if monkeypox can combine with COVID vaccine mRNA. Retroviral elements (HIV-1, etc.) can integrate into the coronavirus genome.
Co-authored by Porton Down, a British MI6 connection:
'....usually displays fatal outcomes in less than 1% of cases, although this was observed to be much higher in HIV patients.'

2017 Nigeria
'....re-emerged 39 years after the last reported case.'
In response, and in an attempt to inform gay and bisexual men of their risk of contracting the disease, while also warding off stigma, LGBTQ groups began issuing statements last week, stressing that monkeypox can impact "anyone, anywhere."


Federal Authoritarian Fascist still avoid calling the "Pride Events" that facilitated the current outbreak "Super Spreader Events".
They never really cared about the health of their constituents and prefer to protect their agenda instead.

Viruses will take advantage of a situation made deliberately controversial in Nature.
One possible scenario envisions a sleeping, pooping Egyptian fruit bat infected with Marburg hanging from a Ghanian tree under which a monkeypox-infected Funisciurus anerythrus is foraging for food.
'The only reported case of MPXV being isolated from a wild animal was from a diseased squirrel, Funisciurus anerythrus.'
SARS-CoV-2 closest relative, bat-rump-derived RaTG13 from the Tongguan copper mine, links to HIV-1 here:

Post #791
'....HIV-1 virus has this sequence: TNGTKR.'
In China, the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak occurred on 16 Ap 2003, ~ a two-week span between the two outbreaks.

Monkeypox, Ill., In., Wi. 2003
'During May and June, 2003, an outbreak of febrile illness with skin eruptions occurred among residents of the Midwestern U.S. (Multistate Outbreak of Monkeypox, Ill., In. Wi., MMWR Weekly Report 52: 537-40)....On 3 May 2003, Distributor 2 agreed to transport an ill Gambian Giant Rat (Cricetomys spp.), which had been recently imported from Ghana, from the premises of Distributor 1 to an exotic-animal veterinarian in Wisconsin.
On 23 May 2003, Wisconsin Division of Public Health (DPH) was notified of a 3-year-old girl hospitalized in central Wisconsin with cellulitis and fever after a bite from Prairie Dog 1 on 13 May. The prairie dog had been purchased at a swap meet where animals are bought and traded.'
HIV-amyl nitrate may be compared to monkeypox-amyl nitrate, for in 1964 science knew that the bacteriophage was mutated when "poppers" were used, thus potentially causing increased HIV virulence in the cell:

Aug 1964 Bacteriophages S13 and PhiX174
'....S13 (and PhiX174)....ethyl methanesulfonate and nitrous acid mutate all four bases, but to varying degrees. The mutation of guanine to adenine by nitrous acid was established by extensive tests.'

Federal Authoritarian Fascist still avoid calling the "Pride Events" that facilitated the current outbreak "Super Spreader Events".
They never really cared about the health of their constituents and prefer to protect their agenda instead.

Because they are smarter than you and know that isn't true.
As usual you're wrong, as a Gay man you would know that.
No, it's a fact. You can find that information in this thread, if you trouble yourself to actually read something once in a while. Which you will not do. Because you are basically a moron.
No, it's a fact. You can find that information in this thread, if you trouble yourself to actually read something once in a while. Which you will not do. Because you are basically a moron.

A "moron" who always runs circles around you, I'm ok with that.
Because they are smarter than you and know that isn't true.

Perhaps they know how easy it is to fool idiots and simple hacks.
But that is neither here nor there, unless of course you are a political hack that sees some value in something worthless.

Yes, that's why scientists do what they do, genius. Wow. You outsmarted them all with nothing but your dick in your hand. Amazing.

What is scientific about calling one thing a Super Spreader Event because it in mass facilitated the spread of a contagion ...
And then not calling another thing that also in mass facilitated the spread of a contagion the same thing.

That's what political hacks try to do ... Not what Scientists try to do.

Political hacks try to pretend they are smart like Scientists as well,
when they cannot even see the gaping hole in their propaganda because they aren't Scientists.

anyone can catch monkeypox.
Anyone who shares close, intimate contact with a person who is carrying the virus. You don't get this with a handshake or a sneeze. Fewer gay men would contract it if they practiced safe sex or, heaven forbid, abstinence.

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