Lesions, headaches, debilitating pain: Gay men with monkeypox share their stories

Roundtable at Lira's blog, timepoint 10 hr. Timepoint in video @ 1:05 links LGBTQ+I to undermature immune systems being vaxxed, a new form of State-sponsored terror and experimental pedophilia on children's bodies, whilst their minds get molested by the doubly-perverted twists of adult mental Illness. The 4-membered group is most informative:
Some concern that this could rip through preschools and early elementary in the fall. Kids are like puppies: all up in each other's grills. You just cannot keep them separated. Some say this is akin to hand-foot-mouth disease, which one of my children had in preschool, and sidelined her for two weeks.

Lesions. Ugh. No no no.
It's exploiting the micro tears from unnatural sex.
This is possible. The route used for sex in this example evolved as a waste-elimination apparatus, not as a reproduction apparatus. So there is also a different chemistry involved.

This following report is stupid, because it does not have information about mutations, which would offer clues to define how the virus exploits the host, and its only argument is social contact, not the science of contact. Duh:

"We're Not Going to Stigmatize It"

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