Less-strict gun rules start in Ohio today

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Good news for Ohioans, such as myself, if for no other reason that the Ohio anti-gun loon association is unhappy.
Jennifer Thorne, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, sees things differently. “There are a number of troubling provisions in the bill,” she said. “There’s nothing for us to celebrate in this bill.”

Thorne said “elected officials could have done better for Ohio. It reduces training and there is an expansion of reciprocity.”

“Everyone who is carrying a gun is a good guy up until the moment they aren’t,” she said.
Funny that they whine about the law even though it expands background checks for CCW permits.
“For the first time, Ohio is going to do real background checks,” he said. The new law empowers county sheriffs to check three national databases directly, instead of just one maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation of the Ohio attorney general’s office. The federal databases contain voluminous criminal-history records, including warrants, protection orders and lists of people who don’t qualify for a permit because of a prior arrest or dishonorable military discharge.
More good news:
The law also changes the old definition of an automatic weapon as one capable of firing 31 cartridges without reloading. The change entirely deleted reference to a specific number of shots in a magazine.

Another small change removes the penalty for a gun owner who brings a weapon onto the parking lot or parking garage of a business that has a posted sign prohibiting firearms. The old law made that a fourth-degree misdemeanor.

Less-strict gun rules start in Ohio today The Columbus Dispatch
Shouldn't an 'automatic weapon' be anything firing more than one round per squeeze of the trigger? And not anything having to do with total number of rounds per reload?
Shouldn't an 'automatic weapon' be anything firing more than one round per squeeze of the trigger? And not anything having to do with total number of rounds per reload?
Yes. The old definition made no sense -- if you had a 31+ round magazine attached to the gun, it was, under the law, an automatic weapon.
Shouldn't an 'automatic weapon' be anything firing more than one round per squeeze of the trigger? And not anything having to do with total number of rounds per reload?
Yes. The old definition made no sense -- if you had a 31+ round magazine attached to the gun, it was, under the law, an automatic weapon.

Musta had amendments on that bill people wanted more than a law that made any kind of sense. :)

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