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dilloduck said:
Is that your myth?
god you really remind me of socrates, just look at the article. look at the concept of a straussian myth. frankly it sends a chill up my spin just reading it
dilloduck said:
So are we to assume your an atheist due to your ability to see reality?
my religion is a private matter between me and god, not to be worn as a badge for others to see
-=d=- said:
...and BigFoot Myths...and...and...


Instead of answering for one's beliefs, it's often easier to point out 'other' beliefs which may need 'work'.
just look at the article and decide for yourself, i didn't post it rightwingavenger did and many thanks for it
Redz said:
my religion is a private matter between me and god, not to be worn as a badge for others to see

Well my my, aren't you just a little piece of politically correct perfection!
rtwngAvngr said:
Well my my, aren't you just a little piece of politically correct perfection!
can we go back to taking about strauss?
do you think the bush administation is using straussian theory in the war on terror?
Redz said:
can we go back to taking about strauss?
do you think the bush administation is using straussian theory in the war on terror?

IF they are, what is the myth?
rtwngAvngr said:
IF they are, what is the myth?
that the evil terrorists hate america irrationally, this means there can never be a peaceful settlement, how can you negotiate with madmen, thus the war on terror will last forever and ever. that suits some people
Redz said:
that the evil terrorists hate america irrationally, this means there can never be a peaceful settlement, how can you negotiate with madmen, thus the war on terror will last forever and ever. that suits some people

Ummmm that's not a myth.
rtwngAvngr said:
Ummmm that's not a myth.
so you think terrorism stems from an irrational envy and hatred of america, not from a lot of complex issues like poverty, alienation, american policy, unemployment, racism, religion etc..
really you seem smarter than that, maybe you should try listening to the exoteric message instead
Redz said:
so you think terrorism stems from an irrational envy and hatred of america, not from a lot of complex issues like poverty, alienation, american policy, unemployment, racism, religion etc..
really you seem smarter than that, maybe you should try listening to the exoteric message instead

But those issues are due to the governing methods of the rulers there. They know it, and instead of accepting modernity and giving their people freedom, which would grow their economies, they choose to actively villify the western world, whose governance techniques are obviously superior. So they do hate us, you cannot negotiate with them, but there is an element of rationality in the leadership:they know what they're doing. They're turning a generation of youth into an anti west hate machine to deflect attention from their own piss poor leadership. Can you comprehend this?
rtwngAvngr said:
But those issues are due to the governing methods of the rulers there. They know it, and instead of accepting modernity and giving their people freedom, which would grow their economies, they choose to actively villify the western world, whose governance techniques are obviously superior. So they do hate us, you cannot negotiate with them, but there is an element of rationality in the leadership:they know what they're doing. They're turning a generation of youth into an anti west hate machine to deflect attention from their own piss poor leadership. Can you comprehend this?
yes there is a lot of anti-westernproganda going on
so there are straussians in the cabinet, do you think they are not going to impliment some form of their philosophy, can you comprehend this?
what do you think the government myths are then?
we can't defeat terrorism with violence, it has never been done to the best of my knowledge.
the only hope we have is negotiation and an attempt to reach some form of understanding, otherwise it will logically end up in a clash of civilisations, and there is no winner from this. we would have to kill all of them or they would have to kill all of us.
Redz said:
yes there is a lot of anti-westernproganda going on
so there are straussians in the cabinet, do you think they are not going to impliment some form of their philosophy, can you comprehend this?
what do you think the government myths are then?
we can't defeat terrorism with violence, it has never been done to the best of my knowledge.
the only hope we have is negotiation and an attempt to reach some form of understanding, otherwise it will logically end up in a clash of civilisations, and there is no winner from this. we would have to kill all of them or they would have to kill all of us.

Yes. It is a clash of civilizations. And they must change or die. We are a multicultural society; they insist everyone worship allah; that ain't gonna happen. When they see we mean business, they will change.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. It is a clash of civilizations. And they must change or die. We are a multicultural society; they insist everyone worship allah; that ain't gonna happen. When they see we mean business, they will change.
no no no no this is insanity
not all of them insist on everyone worshiping allah,yes there are a lot of extremists who want to impose sharia law, but there are moderate muslims too, but if you fight terror aggressivily then you will create more extremists.
your country has christian extremists too, who want the laws to reflect their beliefs
they must change? even in their own countries?
you must appeal to and work with moderate muslims now if we are to avoid this. it would ruin the world economically and one of the few places to benefit would be china. and of course the horrific idea of killing a whole race, its insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redz said:
no no no no this is insanity
not all of them insist on everyone worshiping allah,yes there are a lot of extremists who want to impose sharia law, but there are moderate muslims too, but if you fight terror aggressivily then you will create more extremists.
your country has christian extremists too, who want the laws to reflect their beliefs
they must change? even in their own countries?
you must appeal to and work with moderate muslims now if we are to avoid this. it would ruin the world economically and one of the few places to benefit would be china. and of course the horrific idea of killing a whole race, its insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well if the moderates want to live, they'd better get control of their societies away from the extremists.
Redz, don't you think that the Muslims should "tame" their religion much like Christianity has tamed itself? If they won't tame THEMselves, then we MUST tame them OURselves.
Just as an aside, did you happen to see the footage of the iranian congress shouting "death to america" as they passed their resolution to continue with their plutonium program for ALLEGEDLY non military use?
rtwngAvngr said:
Well if the moderates want to live, they'd better get control of their societies away from the extremists.
maybe we could HELP them to do that, and aggressivly fighting the war on terror in the middle east doesn't help it makes it all worse. we only have one world.
in terms of neo cons
do you think the admitted neo cons in the cabinet are using straussian philosophy?
and if so in what areas?
Redz said:
maybe we could HELP them to do that, and aggressivly fighting the war on terror in the middle east doesn't help it makes it all worse. we only have one world.
in terms of neo cons
do you think the admitted neo cons in the cabinet are using straussian philosophy?
and if so in what areas?

That's what we're doing in Iraq.

No. I don't think they're using straussian philosophy. whatever fear they are generating is based on real events and conditions, unlike the lies the liberals perpetuate.
freeandfun1 said:
Redz, don't you think that the Muslims should "tame" their religion much like Christianity has tamed itself? If they won't tame THEMselves, then we MUST tame them OURselves.
their religion will be tamed when they develop more sophisticated economies and have more access to more information, and better education.
you must not tame them, because it will start this clash of civilisations madness and turn us all into extremists, and then we are ALL FUCKED, there are no winners in this, you all know its a war you can never win
Redz said:
their religion will be tamed when they develop more sophisticated economies and have more access to more information, and better education.
you must not tame them, because it will start this clash of civilisations madness and turn us all into extremists, and then we are ALL FUCKED, there are no winners in this, you all know its a war you can never win

you seem like an intelligent person. so why don't you recognize that this is just a continuation of a clash that has been taking place for thousands of years and that will never end?

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