Lest We Forget What a Crazed Leftist Mob Did in June 2020

Trump said he was inspecting the bunker. Sorry. Your blob disagrees with your characterization that he was hiding like a little bitch.

Trump said he was inspecting the bunker. Sorry. Your blob disagrees with your characterization that he was hiding like a little bitch.

F'n derp of a troll.
They forced your blob to inspect a bunker.

the horror....the horror.
Teabaggers are STILL trying to compare the attempted insurrection on January 6th at the US capitol, to the riots in 2020?

It's like trying to compare the Hawaiian wildfire to TS Hilary in California.
"They were both windy".
FIFTY Secret Service agents were injured by Leftist thugs. But hey it's not like Secret Service agents real people, right Candy?
Can you provide a link to the voter registration records of those who attacked these agents?


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