Let down by Obama, some black voters ask: Is it even worth backing Clinton?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009

Will Obama eventually be called an Uncle Tom?


Jacksonville, Fla. — During those two electric Novembers, the chance to elect a black president, and then keep him in office, seized Regenia Motley’s neighborhood.

Nightclubs were registering voters. Churches held fish fries after loading buses that ferried parishioners to the polls. A truck hoisted a big sign that said “Obama.” And residents waited in long lines at precincts across the community.

But as Motley and some friends sought shade recently under a mulberry tree and looked across the landscape of empty lots and abandoned houses that has persisted here, they wondered whether they would ever bother voting again.

“What was the point?” asked Motley, 23, a grocery store clerk. “We made history, but I don’t see change.”

Let down by Obama some black voters ask Is it even worth backing Clinton - The Washington Post
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
Democrats like their inner city voting plantations and have for far too many years...

Welfare Bondage when what Blacks really need is good education and dependable jobs.
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Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
Democrats like their inner city voting plantations and have for far too many years...
Yes but maybe this experience will teach some people that Democrats are the biggest racists on the planet and if they want to get ahead they need to start voting GOP.
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
Democrats like their inner city voting plantations and have for far too many years...
Yes but maybe this experience will teach some people that Democrats are the biggest racists on the planet and if they want to get ahead they need to start voting GOP.
Chuckle, chuckle...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

No. I laugh because you are a total asswipe and a complete partisan. Too funny.

In 2013, 21% of the voters in Virginia were black, just like in the GE of 2012, and they went for McAuliff (D) 9 to 1.

In 2016, black voters are going to be about 12-14% of the electorate, right in line with the national demographic, and the Democratic nominee is going to get 9 out of every 10 black votes, right in line with electoral history.

Democrats generally get around 90% of the black vote because black voters know that the Democratic Party does not hate them, and they know that the GOP does. You can put up Ben Carson like a poster child, but it won't change the fact that the vast majority of the GOP base is white, racist, bigoted and homophobic. And smart black voters know this.
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike. And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
Still (and one of our Black colleagues can correct me here if I'm wrong) - with the exception of that modest percentage of Blacks who are actually doing well under the present system - and focused upon the large numbers of Black Folk still tucked into inner-city neighborhoods - it seems unlikely that they'll vote Republican, either, so - what's left?

Stay at home?

Vote Democrat anyway and trust to luck?

Hopey-Changey didn't exactly work out for them very well, after all.

There's no reason to believe that Hillary - or any other White candidate being floated by the Democrats - is going to do even as much as Obama tried to do for Blacks.

Still - the other side of the aisle is anathema - toxic - to large numbers of low-to-middle-income-bracket Black Folk.

I predict that they'll continue to turn out to vote largely Democrat - it's just that there won't be anywhere near as many turning out this time, as the last two.

"Yes We Can" has turned into "No We Didn't".

And they know it.
And now Democrats are dumping blacks for illegals
Well... Hispanics HAVE displaced Blacks as the Nation's largest minority (16% Hispanic vs. 12% Black, per the Census folk).

Blacks have had their day (150 years, actually) in the sun as the Nation's leading Minority, but that's ending now, and even the Dems know it.
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
The increased suffering is part of the plan.

It's like Gaza Strip and West Bank. No jobs for the kids there....so all they do is throw rocks and get in trouble. Democrats have their own batch of rock-throwers here now.
And now Democrats are dumping blacks for illegals
The Ds know blacks will never vote R, so they are easy to discard. Now they are working feverishly to enslave Hispanics to government welfare, to get their vote for generations too.
“What was the point?” asked Motley, 23, a grocery store clerk. “We made history, but I don’t see change.”
Terrifying. The thought of Americans seeing no reason to vote is terrifying.

It still isn't a shock, though. The predictable result of conditioning people for generations to look outside of themselves to improve their lives.

I hope the article is wrong.

Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
and no wonder they arent showing up at her rallies. maybe blacks have found out what Hillary makes a speech, then compare it to thier annual income?
Blacks have suffered disproportianately under Obama, with lagging incomes and household wealth. Increased racial tension in big cities has led to more crime as police, demonized by Obama and other liberals, essentially go on strike.
And someone thinks these people will pour out to vote for Hillary? Ha!
and no wonder they arent showing up at her rallies. maybe blacks have found out what Hillary makes a speech, then compare it to thier annual income?
Hell, Hillary gets more for a speech than many people earn in a lifetime.
The brothers learned that just because there's a black guy in office doesnt mean it's going to be cupcakes and lolly pops so now they're disenchanted with the political process.
A rude awakening indeed.

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