Let me count the ways.

Biden is a scourge that keeps on giving. He is without a doubt responsible for
The Border disaster
The Ukraine screwup
The energy mess
The impending Recession, which is already here, but he won't admit it.
Astronomical Food prices

On a more personal note, My home insurance just increased by 17%
My auto insurance just increased 20%
My Rent just increased more than double the amount for any of the past 16 years
The best kicker of all is the fact that I can attempt to make payments after my investment account and net worth has also decreased by 20%

I hope that all you dumb ass liberals are happy, because I sure ain’t. Go to hell and take Biden with you.
Biden has nothing to do with global inflation.

Truth. There is no associated cost increase for landlords that would necessitate such an increase in rents.

No, there are some associated costs. Landlords are not shielded from inflation. But most of it for the last ten years has been supply and demand.

I was working all summer to find an asphalt guy for my driveway. It was one after another jerking me around IF they called you back and IF they decided to come out and look at the job. The only people willing to work today are those that make incredible profits, so we have no choice but to pay those prices to tradesmen and construction people. Again, supply and demand.

My cousin has his own remodeling business. He's at retirement age now but told me he never made so much money in his life. He could quote damn near any price he wants and people will hire him on the spot for the mere reason he's willing to do the job. Like when I was looking for an asphalt guy, you can't find anybody willing to work these days. They have more than plenty of work already.
No, there are some associated costs. Landlords are not shielded from inflation. But most of it for the last ten years has been supply and demand.

I was working all summer to find an asphalt guy for my driveway. It was one after another jerking me around IF they called you back and IF they decided to come out and look at the job. The only people willing to work today are those that make incredible profits, so we have no choice but to pay those prices to tradesmen and construction people. Again, supply and demand.

My cousin has his own remodeling business. He's at retirement age now but told me he never made so much money in his life. He could quote damn near any price he wants and people will hire him on the spot for the mere reason he's willing to do the job. Like when I was looking for an asphalt guy, you can't find anybody willing to work these days. They have more than plenty of work already.
So…the “everyone else is doing it” excuse.
It is important to hold dolts like this to defend their 'opinions,' which the rest of us know are just their programming by their masters.

Notice that this one tries to ignore the disaster he created with his vote.

View attachment 700606

What a condescending piece of shit you are! You voted for Trump twice and you have the audacity to question the intelligence others.

It is absolutely asinine of you to question the intelligence of others after you voted for Trump. Something only a complete idiot would do twice
No, merely pointing out is our business works like any other. Costs get passed down to the consumer. Supply and demand dictates the prices as well.
Nonsense. Ongoing maintenance should already be baked in.
You dictate the price. You charge what your competitors charge. IOW whatever you can get away with. Unless you’ve materially updated each unit, the rent should not increase so appreciably.
Nonsense. Ongoing maintenance should already be baked in.
You dictate the price. You charge what your competitors charge. IOW whatever you can get away with. Unless you’ve materially updated each unit, the rent should not increase so appreciably.

Why not? We didn't make real estate investments as a social obligation. It's like any other investment. You make as much as you can. If my competitors are charging 750 a month for rent and I can find somebody that's willing to pay me 900 for mine, then that's who I'm going to rent to and there's not a thing wrong with that.
Why not? We didn't make real estate investments as a social obligation. It's like any other investment. You make as much as you can. If my competitors are charging 750 a month for rent and I can find somebody that's willing to pay me 900 for mine, then that's who I'm going to rent to and there's not a thing wrong with that.
Douchebag landlords create the housing crisis.
Douchebag landlords create the housing crisis.

That makes no sense whatsoever. Landlords are not responsible for the housing crisis anymore than the builder of homes are. For the last ten years or so, people decided they'd rather rent than buy. It could be because housing is too expensive, it could be they don't want to deal with the trouble of home ownership, it could be their profession requires them to move to different states often. But for whatever reason, supply is down because demand is up, however it's not up to landlords to limit their income because of it. Like I said, we don't invest in rental property as a social obligation.

Nobody is blaming what plumbers make for the cost of housing. Nobody is blaming the carpenters or electricians. They made investments in themselves by learning their trade, and they're going to make as much money on it as they can.

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