Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

I would suggest you read my posting again, Joe. The smart, the dumb, and the imbecilic, I am convinced, are about equally distributed around this world we inhabit.

You can believe that if you want. Americans are particularly stupid, backwards and superstitious...

There may have been institutions that did not prevent Trump, as you note, but preventing Trump isn't what they are supposed to do; they are supposed to prevent Hitler.

You know how Hitler happened. There was a big fucking pussy named Franz von Papen who thought he wouldn't be so bad.

Kind of like all the big pussies in this country who KNOW Trump is evil and wrong, but for whatever reason won't take a stand.

Shit, Trump had to pretty much commit crimes in the open to get a half-ass impeachment started.
Putin is proud of all of you easily emotionally manipulated Trumpette sheep. You do his bidding well.

You continue to prove you don't have a brain even the size of a pea inside your head.

Putin's ultimate goal, our enemies' ultimate goal, is to divide and tear apart this nation.


The Russians LITERALLY conned Democrats / snowflakes using social media into organizing for them and marching for them!

The Russians LITERALLY paid Liberal groups Antifa, BLM, & the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence.

Hillary LITERALLY bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy, information illegally used to target Trump & his team.

Democrats LITERALLY sent reps to Ukraine and collected 'dirt' on Manafort and used it against him and Trump.

Are you REALLY so STUPID that you cannot comprehend that illegally destroying (in violation of existing laws governing the destruction of classified material) thousands of SUBPOENAED official documents that had not been submitted for archival - as per the FOIA & Federal Records Act - constitutes LIERALLY thousands of criminal counts of Illegal Destruction of Classified documents, violations of the FOIA & FRA, and Obstruction, that Hillary should have been I dicted and sentenced to prison instead of being on the ballot?!

Democrats LITERALLY committed every crime they have accused Trump of doing for r years, and partisan idiots like you have been supporting them and defending them despite the overwhelming evidence of their crimes.

Jonathon Gruber was right - Socialist Democrats are dumb as dirt, the Democratic party counts on morons like you to get away with what they do, & you have helped the Democrats divide this nation far more than Putin ever hoped to when they started interfering in 2014!


You are the one who has demonstrated no brains. You act like a wind up doll who is wound up every day by Trump. I* sere no evidence of any brain activity except to repeat the same crazy lies over and over.

Putin backed Trump because he knew Trump would divide this country. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers.


The Russians hacked the DNC servers and launched a successful phishing attack against Podesta. Manafort gave a associate with ties to Russian Intelligence internal polling data and campaign strategy. Russians bought social media ads supporting Trump. Even after the election Russian social media bots put out pro-Trump propaganda.

Steele's report was based on information that was not provided by the Russians. It was based on his contacts in Russia. Steele was a former intelligence agent who worked for the good guys. Several aspects of the report were proven true. The report correctly stated that Russia was interfering in our elections. The US investigation into Russian interference was not known publicly. Also the report correctly reported that a employee of the Russian Embassy in Washington was a spy. He was forced back to Moscow for being a spy.

The fact is that Hillary Clinton had every right to delete personal e-mails. There was no obstruction no matter how much you wish it to be so. Comey's decision was the correct one and the IG did not fault the decision.

Trump is the one who has obstructed. He refuses to accept the constitutionally granted checks and balances on a President. You are the partisan idiot who parrots the same line over and over. Trump has had 2 AGs and even a political hack like Barr cannot find any crimes. You are the one who is as dumb as dirt. You accept any conspiracy theory as fact. You are crazy.
You believe Russia hacked our election and colluded with Donny, but there is no evidence

You mean other than the evidence that the Mueller Investigation found?

That the FBI found?

In fact not only did Mueller find that Russia hacked our election but he found that the Trump campaign knew and WELCOMED it...and in fact used it intentionally. They took advantage of it and used it in their strategy
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Joe Biden threatened to withhold US funding unless the Ukraine got serious about fighting its corruption.

The US was not alone in these actions.

Your version has been debunked a gazillion times & now you defend a US President using US funds to Bribe a foreign leader to help him dig up dirt on one of his political opponents.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.

Trump's own aids told him that story had been debunked.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.
So send in Pompeo ETAL to testify & tell us the truth. Why did they try to cover up the call? How fucking stupid are you people.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.
Did Biden, as Vice President, attempt to withhold aid until the Ukrainians agreed to dig-up dirt on a domestic political rival ?

No? Well... there ya go... there's the difference... that's what makes it Impeachable.

Mic drop.



Besides: "The other guy did it too" is a 5th grade recess-yard excuse; best left there. :21:

There is a difference... You want to support a Russian appointed prosecutor...

The prosecutor wasn't a political rival, he was a Russian lacky...

Biden was doing it for US & Allies National Security, Trump was planting dirt on the he running mate using US National Security as a bargaining chip..

You are looking pretty stupid picking up that mic...
LOL. Biden was doing it to enrich his son. Wake the fuck up.

Absolutely no evidence of it. But then that never stopped Trump and his supporters from making baseless accusations.
Since when do you require evidence? You believe Russia hacked our election and colluded with Donny, but there is no evidence.

Why do you believe conspiracy theories? Did Rachel inflame you?

That is the opinion of our intelligence community as well and even Pence called the evidence convincing. Russia's interference in our elections is undeniable. The Mueller report details meetings Manafort had with a business partner with ties to Russian Intelligence. He gave the associate a stream of internal polling data. In the last meeting, he provided internal polling data and the campaign strategy. He also talked about various swing states. The Trump campaign was aware of the fact that Russia wanted Trump to win and made it easier for them to do so.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.
The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office. This is where you and many other people are being led astray. I don’t care about whether or not trump gets impeached over this, the fact remains that asking for information about someone allegedly committing a crime transcends elections. But if you want to go ahead and support stopping anyone from being investigated because they happen to also be running in an election then go right ahead. But be honest with yourself about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.
The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office. This is where you and many other people are being led astray. I don’t care about whether or not trump gets impeached over this, the fact remains that asking for information about someone allegedly committing a crime transcends elections. But if you want to go ahead and support stopping anyone from being investigated because they happen to also be running in an election then go right ahead. But be honest with yourself about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.

You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation? WTF, that would be just like a liberal.
The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office. This is where you and many other people are being led astray. I don’t care about whether or not trump gets impeached over this, the fact remains that asking for information about someone allegedly committing a crime transcends elections. But if you want to go ahead and support stopping anyone from being investigated because they happen to also be running in an election then go right ahead. But be honest with yourself about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,
1.) There is no impeachment. Not even close. Not even voted on yet.

2.) The President is allowed to inquire about ongoing investigations with a country we have a treaty with for cooperation with pursuing political corruption in people like The Bidens, Obamas and Clitons.

The Investigation in to Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, and John Kerry's son all being involved in Burisma which is known to be associated with The Russian Mob, had been ongoing as late as 2014 and was recently re-opened 6 months ago after Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine to shut it down back in 2014.

3.) There is no law about asking foreign governments to look in to corruption of US officials in their country, or to ask them to provide information which falls under the umbrella of "opposition research". If there were, Obama and Clinton would be in jail for The Dirty Russian Dossier.

1.) There is a impeachment inquiry going on whether you like it or not.

2) The President is not allowed to ask a foreign country to investigate someone just for the hell of it. The President cannot do that even in the US. There is no ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden in the US. A former prosecutor in Ukraine has said that Hunter Biden broke no Ukrainian laws,

The investigation into Burisma was closed before Hunter Biden joined the board. Hunter Biden has never been investigated by Ukrainian officials so there is nothing to re-open.

3) It doesn't matter whether it is illegal or not. Asking a foreign government to investigate your political enemies is corrupt and wrong. The Dossier was not provided by the government of Russia. It was the result of information Steele obtained from his Russian contacts. There was nothing illegal about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.

You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation? WTF, that would be just like a liberal.

You have no idea what a liberal is. To open up a investigation you have to see signs of suspicious activity. Without that you cannot open a investigation. Even is the US, Barr cannot open up a investigation just to open one. What are the charges? What is the suspicious activity? Until you can answer that then you cannot open a legitimate investigation. Law enforcement officials in the US and Ukraine are not Trump's personal gestapo.
You believe Russia hacked our election and colluded with Donny, but there is no evidence

You mean other than the evidence that the Mueller Investigation found?

That the FBI found?

In fact not only did Mueller find that Russia hacked our election but he found that the Trump campaign knew and WELCOMED it...and in fact used it intentionally. They took advantage of it and used it in their strategy
Lies lies and more lies. To think a few clumsy facebook posts can impact an election, is dumb. The M report offered no evidence of Russian government interference, but you just believe. Stop watching Rachel. She is a propagandist.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.

You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation? WTF, that would be just like a liberal.

You have no idea what a liberal is. To open up a investigation you have to see signs of suspicious activity. Without that you cannot open a investigation. Even is the US, Barr cannot open up a investigation just to open one. What are the charges? What is the suspicious activity? Until you can answer that then you cannot open a legitimate investigation. Law enforcement officials in the US and Ukraine are not Trump's personal gestapo.

Suspicious activity....yes, I do know what a liberal is, they're the ones that use wording that can be interpreted to accommodate your fricken agenda...dumbass. So, blow it out your fundamental rear.
There is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry. That is a fictitious process. You cannot have an inquiry without Recommendations for Indictment that come from a Special Counsel.

Mueller provided none. After that you must hold an open vote to proceed with Impeachment process and write Articles of Impeachment based on The Recommendations for Indictment.

This is why The President and his staff do not have to comply with requests for information or subpoenas because there is no impeachment inquiry.

The Biden corruption investigation was suspended because of Joe Biden in 2014 and opened back up in April when Joe’s buddies had to flee Russia to escape justice.

The United States Is allowed To share intel with other countries. They are allowed
To inquire about investigations in other countries, and they are allowed to collaborate with other countries.

How in the Hell do you think we were able to have people like Assange, Guccifer, and El Chapo extradited to The US?

You people are pathological liars!

1.) There is no impeachment. Not even close. Not even voted on yet.

2.) The President is allowed to inquire about ongoing investigations with a country we have a treaty with for cooperation with pursuing political corruption in people like The Bidens, Obamas and Clitons.

The Investigation in to Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, and John Kerry's son all being involved in Burisma which is known to be associated with The Russian Mob, had been ongoing as late as 2014 and was recently re-opened 6 months ago after Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine to shut it down back in 2014.

3.) There is no law about asking foreign governments to look in to corruption of US officials in their country, or to ask them to provide information which falls under the umbrella of "opposition research". If there were, Obama and Clinton would be in jail for The Dirty Russian Dossier.

1.) There is a impeachment inquiry going on whether you like it or not.

2) The President is not allowed to ask a foreign country to investigate someone just for the hell of it. The President cannot do that even in the US. There is no ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden in the US. A former prosecutor in Ukraine has said that Hunter Biden broke no Ukrainian laws,

The investigation into Burisma was closed before Hunter Biden joined the board. Hunter Biden has never been investigated by Ukrainian officials so there is nothing to re-open.

3) It doesn't matter whether it is illegal or not. Asking a foreign government to investigate your political enemies is corrupt and wrong. The Dossier was not provided by the government of Russia. It was the result of information Steele obtained from his Russian contacts. There was nothing illegal about it.
You believe Russia hacked our election and colluded with Donny, but there is no evidence

You mean other than the evidence that the Mueller Investigation found?

That the FBI found?

In fact not only did Mueller find that Russia hacked our election but he found that the Trump campaign knew and WELCOMED it...and in fact used it intentionally. They took advantage of it and used it in their strategy
Lies lies and more lies. To think a few clumsy facebook posts can impact an election, is dumb. The M report offered no evidence of Russian government interference, but you just believe. Stop watching Rachel. She is a propagandist.

I read the Mueller Report jackass.

And yes...Russia hacked our election. Yes Trump knew it and welcomed it

Yes Trump enthusiastically USED their hacking in his strategy
The prosecutor was corrupt, he was a Russian appointee.
When you say Shokin was corrupt you are implying that he violated a law. Could you cite any particular law that he allegedly violated, or are you simply full of shit?
I suggest you ask the Ukrainian Parliament...the IMF...the G7...the World BanK..and that group of REPUBLICAN Senators who supported that removal.

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