Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

Yeah? They were a little short on producing facts.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

Yeah? They were a little short on producing facts.

thanks for your opinion,,,
A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

but then their opinion doesn't make it factual either.

from the article:
"I can confirm to you tonight that the US government had open source intelligence and was aware that as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation. This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky. In fact it’s before President Zelensky was even elected. This is a significant shift in the factual timeline. This is information that was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint."

where does it say it was because of hunter or he was the target? oh, that's IMPLIED later. what were those words... "may have been" - when they can prove it, report it. til then it's speculation and opinion and fucking garbage.
i'd love to see the link to a valid source saying THAT bit of shitnugget. hacked is unproven (sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself) and trump knowing would mean mueller missed it cause it certainly wasn't in his report.

people make up shit far too often and get pretty bent when called upon it.

Do you need a link to the Republican Senate intel Report that came out yesterday saying that Russia DID hack the election in numerous and powerful ways in favor of Trump?

would you like a link to the Mueller Report that not only says the same thing but points out that the Trump team knew it, welcomed it, and used it in their strategy?
so what you're saying is what i expected, no proof, just smack talk and mocking the other side for calling you on it.
no proof?
The report came out yesterday.
Senate Intel's newest Russia report undermines pro-Trump conspiracy theories
This is from a republican majority senate.

Schiff had Mueller confirm his report’s most damning details in a rapid-fire question and answer session at the beginning of his committee’s hearing. While it’s hardly news that the Trump campaign welcomed Russian help during the 2016 election, it was still an important moment to have Mueller confirm it in person, and how the different pieces fit together.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

but then their opinion doesn't make it factual either.

when they back it up with documents and testimony its not opinion,,,
i'd love to see the link to a valid source saying THAT bit of shitnugget. hacked is unproven (sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself) and trump knowing would mean mueller missed it cause it certainly wasn't in his report.

people make up shit far too often and get pretty bent when called upon it.

Do you need a link to the Republican Senate intel Report that came out yesterday saying that Russia DID hack the election in numerous and powerful ways in favor of Trump?

would you like a link to the Mueller Report that not only says the same thing but points out that the Trump team knew it, welcomed it, and used it in their strategy?
so what you're saying is what i expected, no proof, just smack talk and mocking the other side for calling you on it.
no proof?
The report came out yesterday.
Senate Intel's newest Russia report undermines pro-Trump conspiracy theories
This is from a republican majority senate.

Schiff had Mueller confirm his report’s most damning details in a rapid-fire question and answer session at the beginning of his committee’s hearing. While it’s hardly news that the Trump campaign welcomed Russian help during the 2016 election, it was still an important moment to have Mueller confirm it in person, and how the different pieces fit together.
so we're back to facebook ads. i looked at a ton of 'em, bullshit.
You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

but then their opinion doesn't make it factual either.

when they back it up with documents and testimony its not opinion,,,
if they had that then they don't need to say MAY HAVE BEEN.

lord you're being a moron.
You guys are funny. So, if you call what was done by the US and our allies with respect to withholding funds until the Ukrainians got serious about fighting corruption, extortion, then isn't it extortion for the Feds to withhold California's Highway funds over EPA policy? Fact is it's not. Trumpybears criminal conduct was to used the power of the USA to insist a dependent country launch a phony investigations into the fabled DNC server and the Biden's. It is an obvious Red Herring to be used in Trumpebears fake ass ads and propaganda.

John Solomon: US officials knew in February that Ukraine was reopening Burisma case and specifically mentioned Hunter Biden
therightscoop -

yea. they should be fair with the news.

your opinion doesnt refute the facts,,,

Yeah? They were a little short on producing facts.

thanks for your opinion,,,

It's not just our opinion:

The Right Scoop - Media Bias/Fact Check

These people consistently fail fact checks, in addition to their bias.

It's not just our opinion:

The Right Scoop - Media Bias/Fact Check

These people consistently fail fact checks, in addition to their bias.
oh get off it. from the name alone you can tell who they are targeting.

It's not just our opinion:

The Right Scoop - Media Bias/Fact Check

These people consistently fail fact checks, in addition to their bias.

the RS doesnt produce news they aggregate news, so they cant be biased

but feel free to try and ignore the message and attack the messenger,,,
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.

when they back it up with documents and testimony its not opinion,,,
if they had that then they don't need to say MAY HAVE BEEN.

lord you're being a moron.

is that fear I smell???
I think it is,,,
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.
but it could never be the left is wrong and these are THEIR distractions, could it?

Extorting States with federal highway funds is a tactic used by both parties to keep the States inline. We do the same thing with foreign aid to advance the policies of the US.
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.

The images can be restored to validate CrowdStrikes findings. But then they'd still have to outsource that work.
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.

The images can be restored to validate CrowdStrikes findings. But then they'd still have to outsource that work.
but again - why not the original server? it must have been there in order to take these "exact" duplicates - so why not examine it?

if this was trump no way would the left go "exact copy, chill out" and you know it.
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.

The images can be restored to validate CrowdStrikes findings. But then they'd still have to outsource that work.
but again - why not the original server? it must have been there in order to take these "exact" duplicates - so why not examine it?

if this was trump no way would the left go "exact copy, chill out" and you know it.

That might be possible if they contracted for several dedicated servers. 40 + virtual servers could be spread out over multiple disks in a server farm. Disc imagine is a reliable source for backup and recovery of these virtual servers.

Trump wouldn't even turn over copies of the disks.
No one says Biden gets a pass. What is said is that Trump, a candidate running for office, can't solicit foreign aid to find dirt on him. Amazingly, you still can't comprehend that.

Obama did, he asked the Russians its on video and a hot mic where was your faux rage then?
He asked the Russians.... what?
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.
yet the hillary campaign paid steele. where was he from again?
And yet, she didn't. She paid Fusion GPS, an American company. There's no law against that.
so great. trump can setup a company to do this for him.

if you're gonna let one side bypass this for any stated reason, you must allow all. period. end of story. this one sided shit is killing us all and people are so quick to put the noose around their neck and kick out their own chair because they hate the other side so much they can't see they're really looking in a mirror.

As long as Trump the candidate does it, it would be fine.

When Trump the president uses the power of the Fed Govt to do it, that changes things.

Surely you can see the difference...right?
I’m not sure this is correct and if it is it makes literally no sense. How can the president be prevented from investigating corruption? Why would we even want that?
How is he preventing corruption by investigating purported corruption from years ago? If he's going to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate corruption, doesn't it make more sense to ask that president to investigate currently ongoing corruption?
sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.

The images can be restored to validate CrowdStrikes findings. But then they'd still have to outsource that work.
but again - why not the original server? it must have been there in order to take these "exact" duplicates - so why not examine it?

if this was trump no way would the left go "exact copy, chill out" and you know it.
Maybe the DNC didn't want to lose their servers? What would they use in the interim while the FBI took possession of them?

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