Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

sorry, copies to examine don't count when there is zero justifiable reason to not use the server itself)

There was no server to examine. The DNC had dozens of Servers that were infected. Even if they had access on site, to individual servers (which they didn't have btw, they were in the Cloud), the government doesn't have the capacity to or software to track all the processes from all the computers running in real time, which is the only way to track and trap the infected processes across a network.
then how do we know we had a valid copy?

you can't tell me the server was unavailable and yet, we have an exact copy anyway cause that makes zero sense.

The images can be restored to validate CrowdStrikes findings. But then they'd still have to outsource that work.
but again - why not the original server? it must have been there in order to take these "exact" duplicates - so why not examine it?

if this was trump no way would the left go "exact copy, chill out" and you know it.
Maybe the DNC didn't want to lose their servers? What would they use in the interim while the FBI took possession of them?

From what I understand, after the examination by CrowdStrike, they were shut down and decommissioned or re-provisioned. They started with new clean virtual servers.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.

Trump withheld the military aid before the phone call. That action was the threat and then he said we give you a lot of money and we want you to investigate Biden.

We don't even know who the whistleblower is and you are assigning bias. The fact is that the whistleblower's complaint has been proven. Trump is corrupt. He hires lobbyists to oversee the areas they lobbied in and sometimes the companies they worked in. Trump's rise to power and Hitler's rise to power were similar. Both scapegoated groups of people by using xenophobia.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.

Trump withheld the military aid before the phone call. That action was the threat and then he said we give you a lot of money and we want you to investigate Biden.

We don't even know who the whistleblower is and you are assigning bias. The fact is that the whistleblower's complaint has been proven. Trump is corrupt. He hires lobbyists to oversee the areas they lobbied in and sometimes the companies they worked in. Trump's rise to power and Hitler's rise to power were similar. Both scapegoated groups of people by using xenophobia.
thats not what trump said or what happened,,

and the WBers complaint has been proven wrong,,, you need to find another source for you info,,,
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.
Trump said he withheld to until he could confirm Ukraine was serious about fighting corruption.

Right? and what again was the reason Biden withheld a billion dollars from the Ukraine? he was fighting supposedly for???
To oust a prosecutor who was not fighting corruption. Who folks from several nations and several international bodies wanted removed for that very reason.

So how did that benefit Biden personally?

that will be determined. If there was really something bad about the prosecutor, then he needed to go, but if he was fired for simply protecting the company from which Biden's son received 3,000,000 dollars, then that might open an investigation. It's up to the new government of Ukraine and its their right to look into their own internal affairs to weed out corruption. If Biden and his son end up being part of that, too bad for them.

A former prosecutor says Hunter Biden was never under investigation and broke no Ukrainian laws. There is nothing to look into. To open a investigation you have to have a suspicion. Name 1 suspicious act. The Chinese government can see what is going on as they declined to open a investigation because they refused to get into US politics.
Had he done that, it would have been illegal. He cannot hire an American company to hire a foreign national.
Hillary hired Fusion GPS
Fusion GPS hired Steele

where was he from again?

is this where we go "but this is different"?
Great, all you have to do now is prove she knew, and was involved with, Fusion GPS was hiring a foreign national and you can get her charged with a crime. Just think about what a hero you will be to the right if you can do that.
great. now apply that logic to most trump attacks.

seems proof is a one way street.
Nope, we have proof Trump solicited a foreign national to investigate Biden. We also have proof that Trump withheld the $390 million in security assistance for his campaign.

That is not a foreign national, but a head of state. I am sure that means nothing to you because you are the consummate imbecile.

He is a foreign national and a head of state. Trump did solicit Ukraine to open a investigation of Trump's political opponent. The Chinese government refused to get involved in domestic politics so they see this for what it is.
I'm pretty certain it's illegal to hire a foreign national to contribute in any way to a candidate's campaign.

There are exceptions regarding foreign nationals if they volunteer; but even then, there are strict guidelines to what capacity they can participate to ensure they don't cross the line into contributing.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

Volunteer activity
Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer "exemption" as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below.​

The salient terms in all this are "contribution", and "influence". Foreigners cannot contribute, and cannot control or have significant influence over a campaign. However:

Experts told me that when it comes to campaign finance law, hiring or contracting a foreigner to do services for a campaign is allowed. “You can pay a foreign national to provide you with services, so a campaign, for instance, could have a campaign attorney who is a Canadian citizen,” Levinson said. “As long as you pay fair market rates for those services, that’s not what the federal campaign act says is prohibited. That’s just a fair exchange of money for services.”

If this kind of seems like a loophole, experts pointed out that it would be really hard to run a campaign otherwise. It would mean having to worry if the campaign signs you printed came from a foreign company, or if the catering firm you hired had foreign workers.

If a campaign is paying someone for work or services, they’re being compensated. But where that doesn’t happen, and a campaign is accepting a contribution — or “thing of value” — from a foreign government, the question then is what’s in it for them?​

It would be too funny if hiring Steele directly would be prohibited, but involving a middleman would make it all hunky-dory. That would be too obvious a loophole making the whole regulation perfectly toothless. Anyway, hiring a contractor at fair market rates is not a contribution, and as long as this subcontractor has no influence over what's done with the material, there is no campaign finance law violation - as far as I can discern. Of course, you'll probably find folks arguing the opposite, and most assuredly you can find Trumpletons screeching "foul."

Whatever, Trump's solicitation of dirt in his call to Zelensky is as clear a violation as it gets, and it is perfectly ludicrous that the sycophants at DoJ strained to find there was no violation because they couldn't determine the value of the solicited dirt. What a crock...

He didn't solicit "dirt", dumbass!

Yes he did. He asked Ukraine and later China to investigate the Bidens. He couldn't name one crime they might have committed but he wanted a investigation just to open a investigation.
Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.
Trump said he withheld to until he could confirm Ukraine was serious about fighting corruption.

Right? and what again was the reason Biden withheld a billion dollars from the Ukraine? he was fighting supposedly for???
To oust a prosecutor who was not fighting corruption. Who folks from several nations and several international bodies wanted removed for that very reason.

So how did that benefit Biden personally?

that will be determined. If there was really something bad about the prosecutor, then he needed to go, but if he was fired for simply protecting the company from which Biden's son received 3,000,000 dollars, then that might open an investigation. It's up to the new government of Ukraine and its their right to look into their own internal affairs to weed out corruption. If Biden and his son end up being part of that, too bad for them.

A former prosecutor says Hunter Biden was never under investigation and broke no Ukrainian laws. There is nothing to look into. To open a investigation you have to have a suspicion. Name 1 suspicious act. The Chinese government can see what is going on as they declined to open a investigation because they refused to get into US politics.
you really need to get a better source for your news,,,
I'm pretty certain it's illegal to hire a foreign national to contribute in any way to a candidate's campaign.

There are exceptions regarding foreign nationals if they volunteer; but even then, there are strict guidelines to what capacity they can participate to ensure they don't cross the line into contributing.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

Volunteer activity
Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer "exemption" as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below.​

The salient terms in all this are "contribution", and "influence". Foreigners cannot contribute, and cannot control or have significant influence over a campaign. However:

Experts told me that when it comes to campaign finance law, hiring or contracting a foreigner to do services for a campaign is allowed. “You can pay a foreign national to provide you with services, so a campaign, for instance, could have a campaign attorney who is a Canadian citizen,” Levinson said. “As long as you pay fair market rates for those services, that’s not what the federal campaign act says is prohibited. That’s just a fair exchange of money for services.”

If this kind of seems like a loophole, experts pointed out that it would be really hard to run a campaign otherwise. It would mean having to worry if the campaign signs you printed came from a foreign company, or if the catering firm you hired had foreign workers.

If a campaign is paying someone for work or services, they’re being compensated. But where that doesn’t happen, and a campaign is accepting a contribution — or “thing of value” — from a foreign government, the question then is what’s in it for them?​

It would be too funny if hiring Steele directly would be prohibited, but involving a middleman would make it all hunky-dory. That would be too obvious a loophole making the whole regulation perfectly toothless. Anyway, hiring a contractor at fair market rates is not a contribution, and as long as this subcontractor has no influence over what's done with the material, there is no campaign finance law violation - as far as I can discern. Of course, you'll probably find folks arguing the opposite, and most assuredly you can find Trumpletons screeching "foul."

Whatever, Trump's solicitation of dirt in his call to Zelensky is as clear a violation as it gets, and it is perfectly ludicrous that the sycophants at DoJ strained to find there was no violation because they couldn't determine the value of the solicited dirt. What a crock...

He didn't solicit "dirt", dumbass!
Of course he did. He already believes Biden acted illegally. Therefore, asking Zelensky to investigate the matter is merely the formality to lead to an indictment, otherwise known in campaign terms as "dirt."

Why does Biden get a pass because he is a candidate for the Democrat nomination? It would seem that there would be a deliberate ignorance of the law in that case. putting Biden above the law.

Biden did not break any laws. Even Barr knows he doesn't have anything to base a investigation of Biden on.
I'm pretty certain it's illegal to hire a foreign national to contribute in any way to a candidate's campaign.

There are exceptions regarding foreign nationals if they volunteer; but even then, there are strict guidelines to what capacity they can participate to ensure they don't cross the line into contributing.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

Volunteer activity
Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer "exemption" as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below.​

The salient terms in all this are "contribution", and "influence". Foreigners cannot contribute, and cannot control or have significant influence over a campaign. However:

Experts told me that when it comes to campaign finance law, hiring or contracting a foreigner to do services for a campaign is allowed. “You can pay a foreign national to provide you with services, so a campaign, for instance, could have a campaign attorney who is a Canadian citizen,” Levinson said. “As long as you pay fair market rates for those services, that’s not what the federal campaign act says is prohibited. That’s just a fair exchange of money for services.”

If this kind of seems like a loophole, experts pointed out that it would be really hard to run a campaign otherwise. It would mean having to worry if the campaign signs you printed came from a foreign company, or if the catering firm you hired had foreign workers.

If a campaign is paying someone for work or services, they’re being compensated. But where that doesn’t happen, and a campaign is accepting a contribution — or “thing of value” — from a foreign government, the question then is what’s in it for them?​

It would be too funny if hiring Steele directly would be prohibited, but involving a middleman would make it all hunky-dory. That would be too obvious a loophole making the whole regulation perfectly toothless. Anyway, hiring a contractor at fair market rates is not a contribution, and as long as this subcontractor has no influence over what's done with the material, there is no campaign finance law violation - as far as I can discern. Of course, you'll probably find folks arguing the opposite, and most assuredly you can find Trumpletons screeching "foul."

Whatever, Trump's solicitation of dirt in his call to Zelensky is as clear a violation as it gets, and it is perfectly ludicrous that the sycophants at DoJ strained to find there was no violation because they couldn't determine the value of the solicited dirt. What a crock...

He didn't solicit "dirt", dumbass!

Yes he did. He asked Ukraine and later China to investigate the Bidens. He couldn't name one crime they might have committed but he wanted a investigation just to open a investigation.

no he didnt,,,
I'm pretty certain it's illegal to hire a foreign national to contribute in any way to a candidate's campaign.

There are exceptions regarding foreign nationals if they volunteer; but even then, there are strict guidelines to what capacity they can participate to ensure they don't cross the line into contributing.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

Volunteer activity
Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer "exemption" as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below.​

The salient terms in all this are "contribution", and "influence". Foreigners cannot contribute, and cannot control or have significant influence over a campaign. However:

Experts told me that when it comes to campaign finance law, hiring or contracting a foreigner to do services for a campaign is allowed. “You can pay a foreign national to provide you with services, so a campaign, for instance, could have a campaign attorney who is a Canadian citizen,” Levinson said. “As long as you pay fair market rates for those services, that’s not what the federal campaign act says is prohibited. That’s just a fair exchange of money for services.”

If this kind of seems like a loophole, experts pointed out that it would be really hard to run a campaign otherwise. It would mean having to worry if the campaign signs you printed came from a foreign company, or if the catering firm you hired had foreign workers.

If a campaign is paying someone for work or services, they’re being compensated. But where that doesn’t happen, and a campaign is accepting a contribution — or “thing of value” — from a foreign government, the question then is what’s in it for them?​

It would be too funny if hiring Steele directly would be prohibited, but involving a middleman would make it all hunky-dory. That would be too obvious a loophole making the whole regulation perfectly toothless. Anyway, hiring a contractor at fair market rates is not a contribution, and as long as this subcontractor has no influence over what's done with the material, there is no campaign finance law violation - as far as I can discern. Of course, you'll probably find folks arguing the opposite, and most assuredly you can find Trumpletons screeching "foul."

Whatever, Trump's solicitation of dirt in his call to Zelensky is as clear a violation as it gets, and it is perfectly ludicrous that the sycophants at DoJ strained to find there was no violation because they couldn't determine the value of the solicited dirt. What a crock...

He didn't solicit "dirt", dumbass!
Of course he did. He already believes Biden acted illegally. Therefore, asking Zelensky to investigate the matter is merely the formality to lead to an indictment, otherwise known in campaign terms as "dirt."

Why does Biden get a pass because he is a candidate for the Democrat nomination? It would seem that there would be a deliberate ignorance of the law in that case. putting Biden above the law.

Biden did not break any laws. Even Barr knows he doesn't have anything to base a investigation of Biden on.

no one has said he did,,,yet
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.

Trump withheld the military aid before the phone call. That action was the threat and then he said we give you a lot of money and we want you to investigate Biden.

We don't even know who the whistleblower is and you are assigning bias. The fact is that the whistleblower's complaint has been proven. Trump is corrupt. He hires lobbyists to oversee the areas they lobbied in and sometimes the companies they worked in. Trump's rise to power and Hitler's rise to power were similar. Both scapegoated groups of people by using xenophobia.
thats not what trump said or what happened,,

and the WBers complaint has been proven wrong,,, you need to find another source for you info,,,

You are dense.
1. Trump withholds military aid to Ukraine
2. Trump tells Ukrainian President the US gives a lot of money to Ukraine
3. Trump asks for investigation of Biden even though there is no US investigation and Hunter Biden is under no suspicion of having broken any Ukrainian laws

The threat is clear.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

You don't have to worry in any case...Pelosi ain't never gonna pull the trigger because she is scared of McCarthy and his table full of subpoenas that are just waiting for her to call that vote. Not to mention the 41 democrats that are in Trump Friendly districts who will almost certainly not vote for it.

Never remember Obama going on crazy Twitter Rants attacking members of his own party.

Never remember Obama opening concentration camps.

Never remember Obama enriching himself in the presidency by steering money to his own businesses.

Just because you're a nihilist, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be. I'm sure you'll still be miserable no matter who the president is.

Well Joey I have told you over and over, don't concern yourself with what Donny tweets. Man up son.

Obama had the same camps Donny does, you just don’t know this because you consume only MSM media. Ears deported far more people than has Donnie. Is this news to you?

Ears is doing a good job enriching himself now. His donors on Wall Street are really making him wealthy.
Nope. We just know, thru the facts of both situations, the situations were completely different during Obama vs Trump.... they are not the same, even though kids ended up in cages under both.
Obama should have been impeached and removed over Fast&Furious, arming Isis, invading both Syria and Libya, murdering an American in a drone strike, lying repeatedly over Ocare, lying about Benghazi, etc...

I’m fine with impeaching Donny, but I recognize that his predecessors should have been too.

That is so much bullshit. A similar operation to Fast and Furious was run out of the ATF under George W Bush. He did not arm ISIS. Invading Syria was justifiable and even Libya was though not as much. Killing terrorists with drone strikes is not murder. That person has no rights whatsoever. Trump and the Republicans lied in their attempts to get rid of Obamacare. if lying was a impeachable offense, there would be 1,000 or more counts of impeachment against Trump.

None of his predecessors should have been impeached.
All wrong. Stop getting your news from MSNBC.

You need to get a new script. That is your way of avoiding facts. You are the one who is wrong.
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.

You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation? WTF, that would be just like a liberal.

You have no idea what a liberal is. To open up a investigation you have to see signs of suspicious activity. Without that you cannot open a investigation. Even is the US, Barr cannot open up a investigation just to open one. What are the charges? What is the suspicious activity? Until you can answer that then you cannot open a legitimate investigation. Law enforcement officials in the US and Ukraine are not Trump's personal gestapo.

Suspicious activity....yes, I do know what a liberal is, they're the ones that use wording that can be interpreted to accommodate your fricken agenda...dumbass. So, blow it out your fundamental rear.

You have no clue what a liberal is. A liberal is not someone who holds Trump accountable for his actions. The fact that Barr has not opened a investigation because there is no evidence of any illegal activity by Biden. Stick that up your Trump ass asshole.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Where was military aid mentioned by Trump in the phone call? Or did the second hand whistle blower read between the lines because being a partisan enemy of the president, he was looking for the slightest thing he could use for the Democrat party to rally around?

If the whistle blower so called, was just a random person without bias there would never have been a report on something so slight, and if the call was such a big deal, why didn't the person who handed off the incorrect information to the whistle blower make the report himself? Why? because this is the game the democrats like to play to get what they want. Trump is an outsider who is upsetting things for corrupt democrats and republicans alike, which is why he was made into Hitler by the Dems from the very beginning, he has to go by any means necessary.

Trump withheld the military aid before the phone call. That action was the threat and then he said we give you a lot of money and we want you to investigate Biden.

We don't even know who the whistleblower is and you are assigning bias. The fact is that the whistleblower's complaint has been proven. Trump is corrupt. He hires lobbyists to oversee the areas they lobbied in and sometimes the companies they worked in. Trump's rise to power and Hitler's rise to power were similar. Both scapegoated groups of people by using xenophobia.
thats not what trump said or what happened,,

and the WBers complaint has been proven wrong,,, you need to find another source for you info,,,

You are dense.
1. Trump withholds military aid to Ukraine
2. Trump tells Ukrainian President the US gives a lot of money to Ukraine
3. Trump asks for investigation of Biden even though there is no US investigation and Hunter Biden is under no suspicion of having broken any Ukrainian laws

The threat is clear.

when did he ask for an investigation into the bidens??? and how would you know if the US is investigating anyone let alone hunter???
and so far no one has accused hunter of committing any crimes,,,
and he is withing his authority to withhold money,,and it never came up in the phone call because thats not why he did,,

you have to broaden your sources ,,,
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.
If you weren't a lying sack of Shiff you'd back up your bogus claim.
The prosecutor was corrupt, he was a Russian appointee.
When you say Shokin was corrupt you are implying that he violated a law. Could you cite any particular law that he allegedly violated, or are you simply full of shit?

Even Ukrainians knew.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.

You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation? WTF, that would be just like a liberal.

You have no idea what a liberal is. To open up a investigation you have to see signs of suspicious activity. Without that you cannot open a investigation. Even is the US, Barr cannot open up a investigation just to open one. What are the charges? What is the suspicious activity? Until you can answer that then you cannot open a legitimate investigation. Law enforcement officials in the US and Ukraine are not Trump's personal gestapo.

charges come after the investigation you stupid fuck,,,

No they don't. You have to have some kind of suspicious activity to open a investigation. Barr is Trump's toady AG and he can't find a reason to open a investigation.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
A candidate is not allowed by law to solicit foreign aid for their campaign. Trump cannot hide behind the Executive branch to violate the law.

as potus its his responsibility to fix corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that

A criminal investigation is not started because a President wants one. There has to be a suspicion of a crime. The prosecutor who succeeded Shokin says Hunter Biden broke no laws in Ukraine. There is no US investigation in the US of Hunter Biden. Even a political hack like Barr knows you have to have a modicum of suspicion to open up a investigation. What would be the charges against Hunter Biden? I never though the Chines communists would have more integrity than the President of the United states. You are corrupt. You want to open a investigation just to open a investigation.
the bidens were secondary in his request and that was most likey due to joes admission of extorting the ukrainians for a billion dollars,,,the real thing he was looking for is the DNC colluding with former ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

So how much money did Biden get?

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