Let me get this straight, liberals......


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

I'll grant that the GOP should get some of the blame, but in the end, the GOP gave Obama everything he wanted. Obama and the Democrats refused to compromise an inch. Harry Reid refused to take up the House's bills to stop the shutdown or lessen its effects.

I'll give you 1/2 and 1/2 for the blame, but it wasn't just the GOP's fault.

Besides, even if they were, the Dems still have plenty of liabilities, as I described in my first post.
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

I'll grant that the GOP should get some of the blame, but in the end, the GOP gave Obama everything he wanted. Obama and the Democrats refused to compromise an inch. Harry Reid refused to take up the House's bills to stop the shutdown or lessen its effects.

I'll give you 1/2 and 1/2 for the blame, but it wasn't just the GOP's fault.

Besides, even if they were, the Dems still have plenty of liabilities, as I described in my first post.

The GOP gave Obama a government that is operating the way it is supposed to (for four more months) and agreeing to pay our bills
Not much of a concession
the GOP is nowhere near doomed, the liberal spew is nothing but whistling past the grave yard :up:

in my OPINION the liberdems are so scared shitless that they are in fear of losing everything in 2014, then in 2016 they will be climbing all over each other to get out of the hole they keep :dig:
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

The main problem with our media is that they are too "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue
Last edited:
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

The main problem with our media is that they are to "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

Poor Republicans.

They're getting blamed for everything they do.
:badgrin:And Romney's gonna win in a landslide

The Dems may not take the House in 2014, but the GOP will lose seats on the basis of what their idea of government is. And if the ACA gets up and running, and people like it, things may take a bad turn for you 'Conservatives'.
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

You do understand feigned outrage with fake "scandals" by Republicans does not equal votes?
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

I'll grant that the GOP should get some of the blame, but in the end, the GOP gave Obama everything he wanted. Obama and the Democrats refused to compromise an inch. Harry Reid refused to take up the House's bills to stop the shutdown or lessen its effects.

I'll give you 1/2 and 1/2 for the blame, but it wasn't just the GOP's fault.

Besides, even if they were, the Dems still have plenty of liabilities, as I described in my first post.

The GOP gave Obama a government that is operating the way it is supposed to (for four more months) and agreeing to pay our bills
Not much of a concession

In your mind, the GOP "gave " them Trillions more to spend, and Obamacare that is running so smoothly. Now, when the Trillions more are all spent, and Obama care isn't running oh so smoothly, it's going to be the Republicans fault again!

The Republicans are going to say, "We can't keep turning on the spigot of spending money we just don't have and people are not happy with Obamacare.... some things have to be changed! And Reid will turn his back and claim it is the Republicans that want to close down government. Do you see what's wrong with that picture? Do you?
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

The main problem with our media is that they are to "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

If "gridlock" means stopping job-killing policies that hurt the American people, then I think gridlock is pretty popular! The GOP's approvals were great in 2010 and all they were trying to do was stop Obama from passing his big-government healthcare law. With regards to your 4 points, I just have to ask you 1 question.

Do you know who said
"Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure" in 2006 and "It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."

This person would've been responsible for a gridlocked Congress, a default threat, and perhaps using "crisis after crisis to get their way". Do you know who his name is?
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame
No, dear. The media was picked by Democrats in the Universities who programed them to go along with the :lalala: baloney the Democrat Party would be dishing out in order to communize America (redistribute wealth from people who own property to all do-nothing have nots), in order for the Royalty in the DNC to impose cushy benefits on themselves, free keys to the Treasury for plunder, and a happytalk leader skilled in damaging others while obfuscating the truth like a Rasputin.

Republicans are fighting the DNC tooth and nail over having this Republic a free and prosperous nation over being a Democrat serfdom so poor it will wipe out the society's security in less than a decade, leaving America vulnerable to the world predators who are presently feathering DNC Royalty's nests like you wouldn't believe unless you saw their numbered Swiss accounts.

Quit being a swine for the Third Reich Democrats are creating by buddying up to every anti-Israel enemy they can who just so happen to have copies of Mein Kampf spilling from every good home in other Middle East countries than the nation of Israel.

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

The main problem with our media is that they are to "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

If "gridlock" means stopping job-killing policies that hurt the American people, then I think gridlock is pretty popular! The GOP's approvals were great in 2010 and all they were trying to do was stop Obama from passing his big-government healthcare law. With regards to your 4 points, I just have to ask you 1 question.

Do you know who said
"Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure" in 2006 and "It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."

This person would've been responsible for a gridlocked Congress, a default threat, and perhaps using "crisis after crisis to get their way". Do you know who his name is?

Gridlock is still gridlock

The Conservative right celebrates the concept of no government. Since Government is evil, no government has to be good

We are going through disasterous economic times, the middle class is evaporating, our world standing is falling

And Republicans celebrate that they can force the government to do nothing
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose
The main problem with our media is that they are to "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

If "gridlock" means stopping job-killing policies that hurt the American people, then I think gridlock is pretty popular! The GOP's approvals were great in 2010 and all they were trying to do was stop Obama from passing his big-government healthcare law. With regards to your 4 points, I just have to ask you 1 question.

Do you know who said
"Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure" in 2006 and "It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."

This person would've been responsible for a gridlocked Congress, a default threat, and perhaps using "crisis after crisis to get their way". Do you know who his name is?

Gridlock is still gridlock

The Conservative right celebrates the concept of no government. Since Government is evil, no government has to be good

We are going through disasterous economic times, the middle class is evaporating, our world standing is falling

And Republicans celebrate that they can force the government to do nothing

Gridlock takes two sides.
But the Dums own Obamacare, shitty website and all. That is a pocketbook issue. And people vote their pocketbooks.
Look out below!
October of 2008, our economy crashed. Millions of people lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands of familys lost their homes. And the reaction of the GOP was to tell these Americans what a bunch of lazy ass welfare bums they were. Recovery was and is slow, and the Teabaggers promised better ideas to get jobs back as the #1 priority. Instead, they fought and derailed every bill that would have created jobs save those that created jobs in the fossil fuel sector.

Then they shut down the government in a futile effort to defund the ACA. And nearly forced a default. As long as the GOP is letting the Teabaggers call the shots, it is going to lose. May well lose the House in 2014, and certainly the Presidency in 2016.
If "gridlock" means stopping job-killing policies that hurt the American people, then I think gridlock is pretty popular! The GOP's approvals were great in 2010 and all they were trying to do was stop Obama from passing his big-government healthcare law. With regards to your 4 points, I just have to ask you 1 question.

Do you know who said
"Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure" in 2006 and "It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."

This person would've been responsible for a gridlocked Congress, a default threat, and perhaps using "crisis after crisis to get their way". Do you know who his name is?

Gridlock is still gridlock

The Conservative right celebrates the concept of no government. Since Government is evil, no government has to be good

We are going through disasterous economic times, the middle class is evaporating, our world standing is falling

And Republicans celebrate that they can force the government to do nothing

Gridlock takes two sides.
But the Dums own Obamacare, shitty website and all. That is a pocketbook issue. And people vote their pocketbooks.
Look out below!

And you are so good at predicting how Americans will vote:lol: Is President Romney living up to your expectations?
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal-blame bush
Benghazi-blame bush/cheney
Fast and Furious-bush
NSA scandal-bush
IRS scandal -bush
AP scandal-blame glenn beck
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth -blame bush
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law-blame ted cruz


To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

If it is a mentally stable republican running in 2014 there is a fighting chance. Run a Tea Party wacko and your basically handing it all over on a silver platter..:lol:

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