Let me get this straight, liberals......

This is like Fire bitching that the "media" blamed it for burning a forest and didn't blame the water out of fairness
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

yet all the right will have to do is point out with facts the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer under this Dem administration.
you believe republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

the main problem with our media is that they are to "fair" with republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the republicans harp at the media

the media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

as a result, the media is soft on the republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

the republicans have gridlocked congress
the republicans shut down the government to kill obamacare
the republicans threatened to default on our debt
the republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

but the media spreads the blame......congress rather than republicans

until republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

if "gridlock" means stopping job-killing policies that hurt the american people, then i think gridlock is pretty popular! The gop's approvals were great in 2010 and all they were trying to do was stop obama from passing his big-government healthcare law. With regards to your 4 points, i just have to ask you 1 question.

Do you know who said
"raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure" in 2006 and "it is a sign that the u.s. Government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase america’s debt limit."

this person would've been responsible for a gridlocked congress, a default threat, and perhaps using "crisis after crisis to get their way". Do you know who his name is?

To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

Obama is considered a weak fool on the world stage too. Just ask Angela Merkel and others, but what matters in America, is which candidate can get the vote out and the progressive party is an expert at this, especially with O working for it, in one capacity or another.

However aren't there about 12 ( and counting )Dems, soon, up for reelection who are NOT supporting the H/C policy of O?
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

yet all the right will have to do is point out with facts the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer under this Dem administration.

Good...by all means lets have the Republicans point out that the rich continue to get richer and working Americans are getting poorer

Then they can explain why they insist on doing nothing about it
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

yet all the right will have to do is point out with facts the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer under this Dem administration.

Good...by all means lets have the Republicans point out that the rich continue to get richer and working Americans are getting poorer

Then they can explain why they insist on doing nothing about it

the way to do something about it is to get the govt off the back of business, shut down obamacare which is killing thousands of jobs every day, allow foreign profits to be reinvested in the US with no tax penalty. None of this is complicated---but it runs counter to the progressive agenda, and that, my little confused friend, is the real problem
yet all the right will have to do is point out with facts the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer under this Dem administration.

Good...by all means lets have the Republicans point out that the rich continue to get richer and working Americans are getting poorer

Then they can explain why they insist on doing nothing about it

the way to do something about it is to get the govt off the back of business, shut down obamacare which is killing thousands of jobs every day, allow foreign profits to be reinvested in the US with no tax penalty. None of this is complicated---but it runs counter to the progressive agenda, and that, my little confused friend, is the real problem

Didn't we try that under Bush?

We got Government of the back of business and the financial sector raped us. We slashed taxes to create jobs and all the wealthy did was keep the money and send jobs overseas

Supply side economics led us to a redistribution of wealth.....and it went in the opposite way that Republicans claimed it did
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

yet all the right will have to do is point out with facts the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer under this Dem administration.

Good...by all means lets have the Republicans point out that the rich continue to get richer and working Americans are getting poorer

Then they can explain why they insist on doing nothing about it

Dear, your party is in charge, has been for 7 years now. That is all that has to be pointed out.
Some of the OP resonates, but it fails to factor that younger, darker, feminist, techno friendly, forward looking generations who despise the far right wing.

All y'all on the far right better start being nice to the 80% that does not favor you at the moment.
Some of the OP resonates, but it fails to factor that younger, darker, feminist, techno friendly, forward looking generations who despise the far right wing.

All y'all on the far right better start being nice to the 80% that does not favor you at the moment.

That is the biggest problem for Republicans

They are dying on the vine. They have closed ranks and alienate anyone they do not consider a "real American" You know the ones who are uninformed, the ones who only look for a handout, the ones who are not white, male and Christian
Some of the OP resonates, but it fails to factor that younger, darker, feminist, techno friendly, forward looking generations who despise the far right wing.

All y'all on the far right better start being nice to the 80% that does not favor you at the moment.

That is the biggest problem for Republicans

They are dying on the vine. They have closed ranks and alienate anyone they do not consider a "real American" You know the ones who are uninformed, the ones who only look for a handout, the ones who are not white, male and Christian

You are describing the far right reactionarys. While there still are many of them, they are older and dying off in greater numbers than mainstream Republicans.

But we are going to be in the minority until at least 2024, which means national health care is a done deal.

The major issue will be the redefinition and resizing of the defense budget.
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

Lol, where do i start with you today? Where has any republican said not to help anyone? We don't think it's good to keep people uneducated and on welfare for life, all for a vote. Remember republicans give more to charity than liberals. Republicans don't call successful minorities racial slurs like liberals do.
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

Lol, where do i start with you today? Where has any republican said not to help anyone? We don't think it's good to keep people uneducated and on welfare for life, all for a vote. Remember republicans give more to charity than liberals. Republicans don't call successful minorities racial slurs like liberals do.

Don't show me....show the voters

The best reaction for Republicans who are being accused of caring only for the rich is to show all the GOP initiatives to help working Americans and the poor

Democrats can point to many GOP policies that help the rich all you have to do is point out GOP policies that help anyone else
OK Republicans
Want to know your real liability?

The Democrats have labled you as the party that only cares about the rich. The Party of NO. The party that will not lift a finger to help struggling working Americans.

How have Republicans responded? By calling working Americans freeloaders. By saying Americans only want "free stuff". By calling those who vote against you "uninformed"

Until Republicans can convince America that they care about them....they will lose

Lol, where do i start with you today? Where has any republican said not to help anyone? We don't think it's good to keep people uneducated and on welfare for life, all for a vote. Remember republicans give more to charity than liberals. Republicans don't call successful minorities racial slurs like liberals do.

Don't show me....show the voters

The best reaction for Republicans who are being accused of caring only for the rich is to show all the GOP initiatives to help working Americans and the poor

Democrats can point to many GOP policies that help the rich all you have to do is point out GOP policies that help anyone else
Hmm, school vouchers. Reducing taxes and regulation for small business (small business people ARE working Americans, of course), reduced tariffs for both importers and exporters (working Americans work for companies that import and export stuff). Etc.
Remind me what Democrats have done, other than offer more failed programs that keep people in poverty.
Lol, where do i start with you today? Where has any republican said not to help anyone? We don't think it's good to keep people uneducated and on welfare for life, all for a vote. Remember republicans give more to charity than liberals. Republicans don't call successful minorities racial slurs like liberals do.

Don't show me....show the voters

The best reaction for Republicans who are being accused of caring only for the rich is to show all the GOP initiatives to help working Americans and the poor

Democrats can point to many GOP policies that help the rich all you have to do is point out GOP policies that help anyone else
Hmm, school vouchers. Reducing taxes and regulation for small business (small business people ARE working Americans, of course), reduced tariffs for both importers and exporters (working Americans work for companies that import and export stuff). Etc.
Remind me what Democrats have done, other than offer more failed programs that keep people in poverty.

Well, if thats the best you got.....start convincing voters that those thing are going to help them in their everyday life. That their lives will be better off because of Republicans

Good luck with that. My guess is that most Americans will view it as another GOP attempt to make the rich richer
Don't show me....show the voters

The best reaction for Republicans who are being accused of caring only for the rich is to show all the GOP initiatives to help working Americans and the poor

Democrats can point to many GOP policies that help the rich all you have to do is point out GOP policies that help anyone else
Hmm, school vouchers. Reducing taxes and regulation for small business (small business people ARE working Americans, of course), reduced tariffs for both importers and exporters (working Americans work for companies that import and export stuff). Etc.
Remind me what Democrats have done, other than offer more failed programs that keep people in poverty.

Well, if thats the best you got.....start convincing voters that those thing are going to help them in their everyday life. That their lives will be better off because of Republicans

Good luck with that. My guess is that most Americans will view it as another GOP attempt to make the rich richer

Remind me what the Dems have delivered: 5 years of stagnant growth, lower income, less household wealth, and Obamacare.
Yeah, run with that.
Hmm, school vouchers. Reducing taxes and regulation for small business (small business people ARE working Americans, of course), reduced tariffs for both importers and exporters (working Americans work for companies that import and export stuff). Etc.
Remind me what Democrats have done, other than offer more failed programs that keep people in poverty.

Well, if thats the best you got.....start convincing voters that those thing are going to help them in their everyday life. That their lives will be better off because of Republicans

Good luck with that. My guess is that most Americans will view it as another GOP attempt to make the rich richer

Remind me what the Dems have delivered: 5 years of stagnant growth, lower income, less household wealth, and Obamacare.
Yeah, run with that.

Still waiting on that Republican Healthcare plan

We can talk about 5 years of stagnant growth after we discuss the negative growth under Republicans
Well, if thats the best you got.....start convincing voters that those thing are going to help them in their everyday life. That their lives will be better off because of Republicans

Good luck with that. My guess is that most Americans will view it as another GOP attempt to make the rich richer

Remind me what the Dems have delivered: 5 years of stagnant growth, lower income, less household wealth, and Obamacare.
Yeah, run with that.

Still waiting on that Republican Healthcare plan

We can talk about 5 years of stagnant growth after we discuss the negative growth under Republicans

That plan has been posted a dozen times already.
Obama has been president for 5 years. Democrats have controlled Congress for 7 years.
Obama's recovery is worse than Bush's recession.

You deflect because I hit it squarely: Democrats offer nothing but the same failed policies that enslave people and keep them poor and miserable.
Some of the OP resonates, but it fails to factor that younger, darker, feminist, techno friendly, forward looking generations who despise the far right wing.

All y'all on the far right better start being nice to the 80% that does not favor you at the moment.

Good. Then they deserve to get the oppressive gov't they vote for. Y'all ain't seen the consequences of real bondage and servitude yet, but it'll be comin' around soon enough, so y'all hang around so you can receive it real good and real hard.

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