Let me get this straight, liberals......

IOW, you admit that RF is right. The House passed a bill funding the gov't. The Senate refused to consider it. Obama declared he would veto it.
The executive branch is overseen by the president. He is ultmately responsible, desptie what Sebelius says. He is responsible for the shut down.
If you have some evidence to the contrary, produce it. Show us the bill the Democrats introduced to fund the gov't.

Rabbi is a liar. Lies by omission are as mendacious as lies of commission. Maybe that's too abstract for Rabbi, but ignorance is no defense.

In fact I doubt very much ignorance played a part in his post, since much of what the Right Wing (RW) Fringe whines about is - at the very best - a bubble shy of a half-truth. A fact out of context framed solely in partisan rhetoric, and usually only an echo of what the RW propaganda machine has produced.
Do you have anything substantive here, or just the same old shit that is always fact-free?
The truth is as I laid it out. The GOP passed many funding measures and Reid killed them all before obama could veto them.
Do you maintain that is not what happened? Do you lvie in some alt. universe?

You have no shame or smarts. It's been pointed out ad nausea that every bill passed by the Radical Republicans had unacceptable riders, i.e. poison pills. That's a fact. You, and the rest of the echo chamber continued to post what I nicely called a bubble shy of a half-truth.

Maybe you don't understand, maybe you're dumber than I thought (hmm, do you dress as a women and post under the name of Stephanie?).
1. then why did Reid refuse to have a vote in the senate or call for a conference committee to come up with a compromise?
2. why didn't the senate come up with a budget bill?
3. why didn't obama try to do his job and mediate the issue?
4. who besides the white house has the authority to barricade national monmuments?
5. whgo besides the white house has the authority to lay off govt workers?

Obama caused the shut down because he thought it would help him politically---he was wrong once again.

4 & 5 are cop outs...if you can't answer them, we'll take that as your capitulation...it's okay we all knew how this would end; the same way we knew how the shutdown would end; with the GOP grabbing it's ankles.

You appear to be the cop-per here. Who gives orders to the Parks Dept? To whom is that dept ultimately responsible?
Hint: It isn't John Boehner.

If you can't fund the Parks dept...it's Boehner's fault.

You lose...again. Don't you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?:lol:
Rabbi is a liar. Lies by omission are as mendacious as lies of commission. Maybe that's too abstract for Rabbi, but ignorance is no defense.

In fact I doubt very much ignorance played a part in his post, since much of what the Right Wing (RW) Fringe whines about is - at the very best - a bubble shy of a half-truth. A fact out of context framed solely in partisan rhetoric, and usually only an echo of what the RW propaganda machine has produced.
Do you have anything substantive here, or just the same old shit that is always fact-free?
The truth is as I laid it out. The GOP passed many funding measures and Reid killed them all before obama could veto them.
Do you maintain that is not what happened? Do you lvie in some alt. universe?

You have no shame or smarts. It's been pointed out ad nausea that every bill passed by the Radical Republicans had unacceptable riders, i.e. poison pills. That's a fact. You, and the rest of the echo chamber continued to post what I nicely called a bubble shy of a half-truth.

Maybe you don't understand, maybe you're dumber than I thought (hmm, do you dress as a women and post under the name of Stephanie?).

The fact remains: the House passed bill after bill. The Senate did not pass a single bill. Nor did it attempt to negotiate. It was always NO NO NO. And if they didnt, Obama threatened to veto them.
That included bills for child cancer research. That included bills to allow the Treasury to prioritize payments, averting default. That included bills to fund most of gov't.
The Democrat response was simply NO.
So we know who did his job and who simply sat back and said NO.
4 & 5 are cop outs...if you can't answer them, we'll take that as your capitulation...it's okay we all knew how this would end; the same way we knew how the shutdown would end; with the GOP grabbing it's ankles.

You appear to be the cop-per here. Who gives orders to the Parks Dept? To whom is that dept ultimately responsible?
Hint: It isn't John Boehner.

If you can't fund the Parks dept...it's Boehner's fault.

You lose...again. Don't you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?:lol:

You didnt answer the question.
Who gives orders to the Parks Dept?
Why didnt Clinton order the parks closed under his shutdown?

Do you ever get tired of being the low information poster on this site?
You appear to be the cop-per here. Who gives orders to the Parks Dept? To whom is that dept ultimately responsible?
Hint: It isn't John Boehner.

If you can't fund the Parks dept...it's Boehner's fault.

You lose...again. Don't you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?:lol:

You didnt answer the question.
Who gives orders to the Parks Dept?
Why didnt Clinton order the parks closed under his shutdown?

Do you ever get tired of being the low information poster on this site?

The Parks?

Who gives a fuck about the parks? Why is it that the only government function that republicans give a rats ass about is the parks?

Parks are a non essential government service

Why aren't Republicans whining about loss of child care services? Why didn't they care about programs that provide meals to shut ins? why didn't they care about veterans programs?
When a left wing polls can't even cover up the troubles for Democrats
it is bad. This is before the whole Papa Obamacare troubles could be fully factored into the poll

Right Wing
Mother Jones : 'New Poll Shows Democratic Incumbents in Big Trouble'

In Democratic districts, net incumbent approval has plummeted by 11 points, from +8 approval to +3 disapproval.
In Republican districts, incumbent approval has
gone down only 4 points. You see the same results when
they ask a question about warmth of feeling toward incumbents: It's down 7 points in Republican districts and 9 points in Democratic districts.

This isn't good news for Democrats. It's true that attitudes toward the Republican Party have taken a bigger hit than attitudes toward the Democratic Party,
but attitudes toward actual incumbents are exactly the opposite. And in elections, that's what matters.
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Fact remains:

Obama's creed was "my way or the highway".

And, as he said when he finished lying TWICE about your health care coverage, "PERIOD".

Here is a twist on the same lie

Obama in 2010 – Insurance Premiums Will Decrease By 3,000 Percent


it must be Bush's fault

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