Let Me Get This Straight on SCOTUS Nomination

That's nice, my coffee isn't free, I pay for it, and make it, too, every day.

Even if the power goes out. Think on that a minute, by.

Sucks to be you.

What kind of coffee will you have when the power goes out, boy?

I'm guessing none.

Luckily the water is also free. And even lunches are free a good % of the time.

That's real nice that they take care of you at your office job. How many WPM can you do?

Are you implying that I'm a ... typist?

How old are you, exactly?

BTW, I think it's somewhere around 80 - 90. Last time I checked.


Really, here's the more important question: Can you pay for your housing with 1 week's worth of work?

I'll tell you this: That was the rule I was taught when I was a young man.

I still can, can you?

The next week's pay covers utilities and food, then the next two, you choose whether to save or spend.

That was the rule when I was a young man, and it worked.

It doesn't work that way for everybody these days, sadly. It should.

That's kinda what MAGA is all about. Getting back to that.
Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

I was watching a comedians show on Netflix, a far lefty, Michelle Wolf I believe. She did a piece on honesty, and polled her audience, it was anonymous. Her audience even said, that they would rather have N. Korea remain hostile and nuclear, than have Trump have any credit for DE-escalating tensions.

Partisanship is pretty ingrained. A person's worldview and party do seem to be more important than life and death issues.

That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.

Sorry son, this IS full on Racist "How dare ANY whitey be against ANYTHING the Black man wanted".

Not at all what was said.

I said that the FAR RIGHT (aka extremists) would rather Obamacare fail (thereby hurting those who depend on it) rather than have it succeed and for Obama to score a win. And yes, I implied that an element of their dislike for him was because he was/is half-black, which is clearly supported by some of the more outrageous right wing personalities on here (such as Brokeloser), in addition to the white supremacists who align themselves with the alt right / far right groups.

Doesn't seem all that complicated, but apparently y'all are having a hard time understanding my point. Unless you're just being willfully ignorant so that you can call me a racist, which wouldn't make sense even if that were my intent (you could call me a race baiter, but not a racist).

Now, unless you guys align yourselves with the far right extremists, then why are you going so far out of your way to take offense at a very simple, and reasonable, point made from a neutral perspective?

I just quoted what you said son, it is what it is, and it IS racist.

What's racist about it? Be specific.
Sucks to be you.

What kind of coffee will you have when the power goes out, boy?

I'm guessing none.

Luckily the water is also free. And even lunches are free a good % of the time.

That's real nice that they take care of you at your office job. How many WPM can you do?

Are you implying that I'm a ... typist?

How old are you, exactly?

BTW, I think it's somewhere around 80 - 90. Last time I checked.


Really, here's the more important question: Can you pay for your housing with 1 week's worth of work?

I'll tell you this: That was the rule I was taught when I was a young man.

I still can, can you?

The next week's pay covers utilities and food, then the next two, you choose whether to save or spend.

That was the rule when I was a young man, and it worked.

It doesn't work that way for everybody these days, sadly. It should.

That's kinda what MAGA is all about. Getting back to that.

Yes. Easily. Why?
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.

You left wing nuts are just losing it on this one. This was far and away better than you would get from any Repub POTUS.

If the Dems fight this and win they will lose more seats in the senate and will get 10 times worse to them.

Politics make people so fucking stupid

This guy is not a political ideologue, that is about the best we can hope for from either side.
No matter what Trump does, the left would fight him on it. . . .


Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

Don't lie
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.

You left wing nuts are just losing it on this one. This was far and away better than you would get from any Repub POTUS.

If the Dems fight this and win they will lose more seats in the senate and will get 10 times worse to them.

Politics make people so fucking stupid

This guy is not a political ideologue, that is about the best we can hope for from either side.
No matter what Trump does, the left would fight him on it. . . .


Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

Yeah sure, some of us already know a Liberal Democrats word is BS.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.

You left wing nuts are just losing it on this one. This was far and away better than you would get from any Repub POTUS.

If the Dems fight this and win they will lose more seats in the senate and will get 10 times worse to them.

Politics make people so fucking stupid

This guy is not a political ideologue, that is about the best we can hope for from either side.
No matter what Trump does, the left would fight him on it. . . .


Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

Don't lie

Why would I lie about it to a bunch of strangers? If Trump cured cancer (not just took credit for someone else's work), I'd vote for him. Still wouldn't forgive all the dumb shit he's said and done, or all the people he's ripped off over the years, but shit ... it's fucking cancer.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.

You left wing nuts are just losing it on this one. This was far and away better than you would get from any Repub POTUS.

If the Dems fight this and win they will lose more seats in the senate and will get 10 times worse to them.

Politics make people so fucking stupid

This guy is not a political ideologue, that is about the best we can hope for from either side.
No matter what Trump does, the left would fight him on it. . . .


Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

Yeah sure, some of us already know a Liberal Democrats word is BS.

The right applauded Clinton's Welfare reforms.

Clinton wasn't all that recent either. Even a little before my time, one might say.

But from what I understand, he wasn't all that "liberal". So I'm not surprised.

Shit, well if Clinton isn't recent enough for you, you need to go have your political discussions with Pumpkin Row. . ..


Saying young people's opinions aren't important? Okay.

You're doing the democratic party a great service with that attitude.

YOU are the one that is doing young people a disservice. You are the one saying the history doesn't matter.


How so?
Clinton wasn't all that recent either. Even a little before my time, one might say.

But from what I understand, he wasn't all that "liberal". So I'm not surprised.

Shit, well if Clinton isn't recent enough for you, you need to go have your political discussions with Pumpkin Row. . ..


Saying young people's opinions aren't important? Okay.

You're doing the democratic party a great service with that attitude.

YOU are the one that is doing young people a disservice. You are the one saying the history doesn't matter.


How so?

So, cartoons?

Just get to the point dude. What is it?

Fact of the matter is, the intense level of political polarization we have right now is quite recent. More like Trump recent than Clinton. Stop trying to act like conservatives are somehow more gracious and open-minded toward their political opponents. It' can't be proven and any such conclusion is just your opinion.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
You don't mean that Hitler Jr does not fit your standard. WowView attachment 204030
MLK quotes always nail the Left of today, thanks.

Always comical to see far right extremists claiming MLK as one of their own.
No matter what Trump does, the left would fight him on it. . . .


Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

I was watching a comedians show on Netflix, a far lefty, Michelle Wolf I believe. She did a piece on honesty, and polled her audience, it was anonymous. Her audience even said, that they would rather have N. Korea remain hostile and nuclear, than have Trump have any credit for DE-escalating tensions.

Partisanship is pretty ingrained. A person's worldview and party do seem to be more important than life and death issues.

That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.
Let’s review when John Shaw went full racist. I think he forgot.

"And you claimed anyone against obies stupid law was racist because he is black"

Where is this part again, genius?
A post or two later. You’re the best fucking lawyer I’ve ever had. You’re proving my point with every post.
i will be waiting for the week when all looks good for Kava,and then the left will create a new lie that Brett was once a leader in the KKK
Funny meme, but absurd. If Trump somehow cured cancer, I'd even vote for him.

I was watching a comedians show on Netflix, a far lefty, Michelle Wolf I believe. She did a piece on honesty, and polled her audience, it was anonymous. Her audience even said, that they would rather have N. Korea remain hostile and nuclear, than have Trump have any credit for DE-escalating tensions.

Partisanship is pretty ingrained. A person's worldview and party do seem to be more important than life and death issues.

That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.
Let’s review when John Shaw went full racist. I think he forgot.

"And you claimed anyone against obies stupid law was racist because he is black"

Where is this part again, genius?
A post or two later. You’re the best fucking lawyer I’ve ever had. You’re proving my point with every post.

It was never said, is the correct answer.

I laid out my thoughts, my intentions, and my points very clearly a page or two ago. If you STILL can't understand it, then I'm sorry, but you actually have a learning disability, with which I cannot help you. Otherwise, you're just a partisan idiot desperately strawmanning in order to win a fight on a forum board, which I couldn't care less about.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
You don't mean that Hitler Jr does not fit your standard. WowView attachment 204030
MLK quotes always nail the Left of today, thanks.

Always comical to see far right extremists claiming MLK as one of their own.
You mean that guy who said to judge people upon their character and not the color of their skin? :cheers2:
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
Like whom? Who would Trump pick who's not the anti Christ?
Donald shouldn’t have a second nominee. The first one was ours.

And he’s under investigation and decisions have to be made about what a president can be subjected to. Apparently when the president is a dem, subjecting him to civil suit and subpoena is a-ok. But not when the president gives “the base” their loony theocrat
I can't wait until Ginsburg is replaced by the greatest President in modern history.
That sure isn’t Donald ijit
Shit, well if Clinton isn't recent enough for you, you need to go have your political discussions with Pumpkin Row. . ..


Saying young people's opinions aren't important? Okay.

You're doing the democratic party a great service with that attitude.

YOU are the one that is doing young people a disservice. You are the one saying the history doesn't matter.


How so?

So, cartoons?

Just get to the point dude. What is it?

Fact of the matter is, the intense level of political polarization we have right now is quite recent. More like Trump recent than Clinton. Stop trying to act like conservatives are somehow more gracious and open-minded toward their political opponents. It' can't be proven and any such conclusion is just your opinion.
How many masks do you bring to your riots?
I was watching a comedians show on Netflix, a far lefty, Michelle Wolf I believe. She did a piece on honesty, and polled her audience, it was anonymous. Her audience even said, that they would rather have N. Korea remain hostile and nuclear, than have Trump have any credit for DE-escalating tensions.

Partisanship is pretty ingrained. A person's worldview and party do seem to be more important than life and death issues.

That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.
Let’s review when John Shaw went full racist. I think he forgot.

"And you claimed anyone against obies stupid law was racist because he is black"

Where is this part again, genius?
A post or two later. You’re the best fucking lawyer I’ve ever had. You’re proving my point with every post.

It was never said, is the correct answer.

I laid out my thoughts, my intentions, and my points very clearly a page or two ago. If you STILL can't understand it, then I'm sorry, but you actually have a learning disability, with which I cannot help you. Otherwise, you're just a partisan idiot desperately strawmanning in order to win a fight on a forum board, which I couldn't care less about.
Your thoughts, intentions and points were purely racist. Why are you trying to run from that?
That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.
Let’s review when John Shaw went full racist. I think he forgot.

"And you claimed anyone against obies stupid law was racist because he is black"

Where is this part again, genius?
A post or two later. You’re the best fucking lawyer I’ve ever had. You’re proving my point with every post.

It was never said, is the correct answer.

I laid out my thoughts, my intentions, and my points very clearly a page or two ago. If you STILL can't understand it, then I'm sorry, but you actually have a learning disability, with which I cannot help you. Otherwise, you're just a partisan idiot desperately strawmanning in order to win a fight on a forum board, which I couldn't care less about.
Your thoughts, intentions and points were purely racist. Why are you trying to run from that?

Okay, Missouri Mike. Farm on. Best of luck to you with that strawman. Ill remember you as a non-serious person in the future.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
You don't mean that Hitler Jr does not fit your standard. WowView attachment 204030
MLK quotes always nail the Left of today, thanks.

Always comical to see far right extremists claiming MLK as one of their own.
You mean that guy who said to judge people upon their character and not the color of their skin? :cheers2:
According to this guy your entire healthcare system should be based on what the black guy told you it should be. To oppose it is racist.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
Like whom? Who would Trump pick who's not the anti Christ?
Donald shouldn’t have a second nominee. The first one was ours.

And he’s under investigation and decisions have to be made about what a president can be subjected to. Apparently when the president is a dem, subjecting him to civil suit and subpoena is a-ok. But not when the president gives “the base” their loony theocrat
I can't wait until Ginsburg is replaced by the greatest President in modern history.
That sure isn’t Donald ijit
So the less than the best completely owns you?

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