Let Me Get This Straight on SCOTUS Nomination

That's like asking the far right whether they wanted Obamacare to succeed during the Obama days. Of course they wouldn't; they are the far right! They would rather piss blood for 4 years than have a (half) black president for 8.
Actually you racist turd we didn’t care about anything more than obiecare was a total pile of shit.


And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Actually you racist turd we didn’t care about anything more than obiecare was a total pile of shit.


And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
Wow, the everyone is dumber than me rebuttal! Next will be everyone's a racist but me followed by a slick you're a homo accusation!

What else am I supposed to say? He's not making any sense.
You claimed to be the smart one. Do you not understand English?
Are we talking about the right, or the FAR right? They're not the same thing. Just like the left (the mainstream democratic party) is not the same as the far left (communists).

I think you need to get with 2018 brah, because, uh yah, you're mistaken. Many Democrats are far left Communists these days. Is that something you want to be a part of?

There's maybe 6-8 liberals on this board. I know who most of them are. I like them. Communists, notsomuch.

Does Pogo count as a liberal? Possibly. He's the one I least like, all the others are female for reasons unknown, but that's how it is.

I have a male liberal cousin. He's smart, I do not agree with him on some things.
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Name one person on the planet who thinks they had more wisdom 20 years ago than today.

Wisdom, or knowledge?

I've known some old ass people who believe some dumb ass shit. Some of whom are on these very boards.

It depends on the individual.
Answer the question.

It's a ridiculous question. First of all, you're asking me to name someone who believes a particular way about a particular question that no one asks each other.

If I had to venture, I'd say very few would propose they possess the same or a lesser amount of wisdom as they did 20 years ago.

What does that have to do with anything? As I implied, your age does not, and should not, disqualify your opinion. It should stand on its own merits. Is the right ageist now? Wouldn't surprise me. They don't do well with young voters.
Since you won't answer, I'll do the conclusion for you.

Only a moron thinks today's youth is worth listening to.

Hope you're dead before we take over, I guess. Otherwise you're going to be a very unhappy little man, I suspect.

By the time you take over, you will have showered off the bullshit.

Mind programming only lasts for so long in the truly intelligent. In the ruthlessly corrupt, they know, they just don't care.

When I was your age, I actually thought Bill Clinton told the truth, in fact, I voted for him if you can believe that.

Then I found out about Mena and that the whole Lewinsky scandal the corporate press harped on was just to keep voters from understanding the implications of the whole "Chinagate" scandal.

As a rule of thumb, if the corporate press is telling you about it, it isn't important. If the schools and colleges are teaching you about it, it is probably unimportant.
Actually you racist turd we didn’t care about anything more than obiecare was a total pile of shit.


And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Since when is opposing a shit law racist because a black guy passed it? That was the entire basis of your first post. How about you man the fuck up and defend that.
Are we talking about the right, or the FAR right? They're not the same thing. Just like the left (the mainstream democratic party) is not the same as the far left (communists).

I think you need to get with 2018 brah, because, uh yah, you're mistaken.

I'm not.

At the end of the day, the "right" and "left" mainly differ on a handful of social issues. And welfare.

Extremists are the ones who want war.

And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Since when is opposing a shit law racist because a black guy passed it? That was the entire basis of your first post. How about you man the fuck up and defend that.

I said a lot of people on the FAR RIGHT (note the word "far", as in extreme) took issue with Obama's being half black, for whatever reason. Maybe they were racist. Maybe they genuinely believed he was born in Kenya. Regardless, race definitely played a role in their dislike for him.

Do I think conservatives are all racists? No. Does that answer your question?
Actually you racist turd we didn’t care about anything more than obiecare was a total pile of shit.


And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Young people are on the left because they are immature and lack knowledge and wisdom years bring. Why do you think I use 1978 in my meme? My eyes opened then.
I'm hearing the nominee should had been of a different skin color, sex, sexual desires, color hair, uses a different toothpaste, etc etc.

All of whom would also be Hitler Jr and be blocked by the Left.

You’ll have a lot of things. Mostly the. Nominee shouldn’t be a trump sucking theocrat hack.
Like whom? Who would Trump pick who's not the anti Christ?
Donald shouldn’t have a second nominee. The first one was ours.

And he’s under investigation and decisions have to be made about what a president can be subjected to. Apparently when the president is a dem, subjecting him to civil suit and subpoena is a-ok. But not when the president gives “the base” their loony theocrat

Our what?

And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Young people are on the left because they are immature and lack knowledge and wisdom years bring. Why do you think I use 1978 in my meme? My eyes opened then.

Depends. There are a lot of older people on the left.

Personally, I do not view myself as being "on the left". I've never found a political label that fit me, so I don't apply them to myself. I've been called everything from a Nazi to a communist.
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Since when is opposing a shit law racist because a black guy passed it? That was the entire basis of your first post. How about you man the fuck up and defend that.

I said a lot of people on the FAR RIGHT (note the word "far", as in extreme) took issue with Obama's being half black, for whatever reason. Maybe they were racist. Maybe they genuinely believed he was born in Kenya. Regardless, race definitely played a role in their dislike for him.

Do I think conservatives are all racists? No. Does that answer your question?
Not really. You’re a weasel **** trying to dance out of your original racist post.
Actually you racist turd we didn’t care about anything more than obiecare was a total pile of shit.


And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
I'm talking about people with extremist views

No one who loves something wants to fundamentally transform it.

Let that sink in.
Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Since when is opposing a shit law racist because a black guy passed it? That was the entire basis of your first post. How about you man the fuck up and defend that.

I said a lot of people on the FAR RIGHT (note the word "far", as in extreme) took issue with Obama's being half black, for whatever reason. Maybe they were racist. Maybe they genuinely believed he was born in Kenya. Regardless, race definitely played a role in their dislike for him.

Do I think conservatives are all racists? No. Does that answer your question?
Not really. You’re a weasel **** trying to dance out of your original racist post.

If you actually think that, you're as dumb as I indicated earlier.

Go back and actually read what was written word for word, instead of just assuming your memory is good.

You're using the word "racist' incorrectly, by the way.
Are we talking about the right, or the FAR right? They're not the same thing. Just like the left (the mainstream democratic party) is not the same as the far left (communists).

I think you need to get with 2018 brah, because, uh yah, you're mistaken.

I'm not.

At the end of the day, the "right" and "left" mainly differ on a handful of social issues. And welfare.

Extremists are the ones who want war.

If I was to try to pigeonhole ya, you'd be be in the "leftard" category. Son, you are derp.

When's the last time you did a day of work? I'll guess never.
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
Young people are on the left because they are immature and lack knowledge and wisdom years bring. Why do you think I use 1978 in my meme? My eyes opened then.

Depends. There are a lot of older people on the left.

Personally, I do not view myself as being "on the left". I've never found a political label that fit me, so I don't apply them to myself. I've been called everything from a Nazi to a communist.
The only older people on the left are milking it for money, power, or social status. Period.

And did you just call yourself "far right"? Lol. You know that's like, basically, some Richard Spencer shit, right?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
I'm talking about people with extremist views

No one who loves something wants to fundamentally transform it.

Let that sink in.

Trouble is, time changes. The rest of the world changes. The nature of life is change. If you don't adapt, you die. That's why I find religious fundamentalism absurd. And that's why the constitution can be amended.
Are we talking about the right, or the FAR right? They're not the same thing. Just like the left (the mainstream democratic party) is not the same as the far left (communists).

I think you need to get with 2018 brah, because, uh yah, you're mistaken.

I'm not.

At the end of the day, the "right" and "left" mainly differ on a handful of social issues. And welfare.

Extremists are the ones who want war.

If I was to try to pigeonhole ya, you'd be be in the "leftard" category. Son, you are derp.

When's the last time you did a day of work?

Yeah, sure. And you've called me a faggot before on other threads. Why would I care about your opinion, might I ask?
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
I'm talking about people with extremist views

No one who loves something wants to fundamentally transform it.

Let that sink in.

Trouble is, time changes. The rest of the world changes. The nature of life is change. If you don't adapt, you die. That's why I find religious fundamentalism absurd. And that's why the constitution can be amended.

Then amend it.
Well you racist little bitch if far right means I can tell when someone of any race comes up with a stupid fucking idea... I guess I’m far right. Here’s what I don’t get you racist prick. How come you can’t grasp judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Sigh ** ... what are you blathering about?

Why do I have to deal with people like this? I'm amazed people of your intellect can actually use a keyboard. So many letters. It must be taxing for your underdeveloped brain. Maybe that's why you can't think clearly; thinking and typing at the same time is too much of a challenge.
And yet after all of your impressive intellect punching away at a keyboard you under developed a coherent yet reasonable reply.

Good job dipshit.

You are not making sense. What are you talking about? Are you conflating the right with people like Richard Spencer? That's the only way I can see your logic working out.

I'm talking about people with extremist views, not your typical small government conservative. Which, if you're paying attention, you'll note I conflated with the typical Michelle Wolf audience.
I'm talking about people with extremist views

No one who loves something wants to fundamentally transform it.

Let that sink in.

Trouble is, time changes. The rest of the world changes. The nature of life is change. If you don't adapt, you die. That's why I find religious fundamentalism absurd. And that's why the constitution can be amended.
Straight out of 1936 Soviet Union quote.

Now go look up what occurred there, because I know your professors never told you.
Yeah, sure. And you've called me a faggot before on other threads. Why would I care about your opinion, might I ask?

Maybe you should stop being a faggot, then. :dunno:

But how 'bout that last day of work you did? What did you do?

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