let the religious exemption bullshit begin!

Anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen. Pandora's box has been opened.
Anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen. Pandora's box has been opened.

It's been open for awhile now. This is no different than all the other exemptions to ACA. They're payoffs to special interest groups to keep quiet and play along.
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Until 1990 courts interpreted the Free Exercise Clause as mandating an exemption from a generally applicable statute, ordinance, or regulation which burdened the free exercise of religion unless the law was supported by a government interest of the highest order which was effected by a legislative program which had the least possible burden on the free exercise of religion. See e.g., Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398 (1963) and Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972). In 1990, the United States Supreme Court somewhat diminished Free Exercise Clause exemptions from generally applicable laws. See Employment Div. v. Smith, 485 U.S. 660 (1988).

Congress responded by passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000. The United States Supreme Court has declared the Religious Freedom Restoration Act unconstitutional to the extent that it is applied against state and local laws. City of Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507 (1997). It has continuing force and effect against federal statutes and regulations. Many states also passed statutes which to one degree or another restore earlier protections for the free exercise of religion. Those state statutes may be found at the Lewis Roca Rothgerber Religious Liberty Archive's State Statutes.
Anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen. Pandora's box has been opened.

It's been open for awhile now. This is no different than all the other exemptions to ACA. They're payoffs to special interest groups to keep quiet and play along.
you just keep telling yourself that...

Do you think I'm wrong? How is this any different than the exemptions to unions, or business with good lobbyists, who didn't want to follow the law? This is what corporatism gets us. Everybody gets a different deal, and has to follow different laws, depending on what special class they belong to.
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It's been open for awhile now. This is no different than all the other exemptions to ACA. They're payoffs to special interest groups to keep quiet and play along.
you just keep telling yourself that...

Do you think I'm wrong? How is this any different than the exemptions to unions, or business with good lobbyists, who didn't want to follow the law? This is what corporatism gets us. Everybody gets a different deal, and has to follow different laws, depending on what special class they belong to.
what different about is that it's a religious belief not the same a currying favor or payoffs to get a deal.
it is seen by them or portrayed by them (which?) as a right...
you just keep telling yourself that...

Do you think I'm wrong? How is this any different than the exemptions to unions, or business with good lobbyists, who didn't want to follow the law? This is what corporatism gets us. Everybody gets a different deal, and has to follow different laws, depending on what special class they belong to.
what different about is that it's a religious belief not the same a currying favor or payoffs to get a deal.
it is seen by them or portrayed by them (which?) as a right...

and SCOTUS agrees----everyone else opted out with a free pass from the pres---no going to court or anything
More proof that the far left Taliban really hates when people are given real choices.

From the link that obviously the OP did not bother to read.


“For years, Michael Potter, a Roman Catholic, President and sole shareholder of Eden Foods Corporation, for religious reasons, had arranged for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance coverage he designed for his employees to specifically exclude coverage for contraception and abortifacients,” said a statement released by the center this week.

SO before Obamacare he did not cover it, but because of Obamacare was forced to do so..

“The [Health and Human Services] Mandate forced Potter to make a choice between violating a foremost tenet of his faith or face fines up to $4.5 million per year. Potter brought the lawsuit because he cannot compartmentalize his faith and his business practices.”

And since this company is like Hobby Lobby the false outrage from the far left has been exposed yet again..
More proof that the far left Taliban really hates when people are given real choices.

From the link that obviously the OP did not bother to read.


“For years, Michael Potter, a Roman Catholic, President and sole shareholder of Eden Foods Corporation, for religious reasons, had arranged for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance coverage he designed for his employees to specifically exclude coverage for contraception and abortifacients,” said a statement released by the center this week.

SO before Obamacare he did not cover it, but because of Obamacare was forced to do so..

“The [Health and Human Services] Mandate forced Potter to make a choice between violating a foremost tenet of his faith or face fines up to $4.5 million per year. Potter brought the lawsuit because he cannot compartmentalize his faith and his business practices.”

And since this company is like Hobby Lobby the false outrage from the far left has been exposed yet again..
wrong again shit head reading it was exactly why I posted it..

the ability to hold more than one idea in your brain.
you lack that ability.
as evidenced by your daily chant of far left Taliban blahblah
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More proof that the far left Taliban really hates when people are given real choices.

From the link that obviously the OP did not bother to read.


“For years, Michael Potter, a Roman Catholic, President and sole shareholder of Eden Foods Corporation, for religious reasons, had arranged for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance coverage he designed for his employees to specifically exclude coverage for contraception and abortifacients,” said a statement released by the center this week.

SO before Obamacare he did not cover it, but because of Obamacare was forced to do so..

“The [Health and Human Services] Mandate forced Potter to make a choice between violating a foremost tenet of his faith or face fines up to $4.5 million per year. Potter brought the lawsuit because he cannot compartmentalize his faith and his business practices.”

And since this company is like Hobby Lobby the false outrage from the far left has been exposed yet again..
wrong again shit head reading it was exactly why I posted it..

the ability to hold more than one idea in your brain.
you lack that ability.
as evidenced by your daily chant of far left Taliban blahblah

If you want to whine and cry because people gets a choice on how to run their business that your choice, but all it does is show that you are a programmed far left Taliban member.

And since I debunked all your far left Taliban talking points with your own article goes to show that two year olds are more grown up than you.
More proof that the far left Taliban really hates when people are given real choices.

From the link that obviously the OP did not bother to read.


SO before Obamacare he did not cover it, but because of Obamacare was forced to do so..

And since this company is like Hobby Lobby the false outrage from the far left has been exposed yet again..
wrong again shit head reading it was exactly why I posted it..

the ability to hold more than one idea in your brain.
you lack that ability.
as evidenced by your daily chant of far left Taliban blahblah

If you want to whine and cry because people gets a choice on how to run their business that your choice, but all it does is show that you are a programmed far left Taliban member.

And since I debunked all your far left Taliban talking points with your own article goes to show that two year olds are more grown up than you.
you debunked nothing !
however you are doing a fine job of showcasing your mental instability and pretentiousness...
making my job that much easier..
The government will request a stay, requiring the company to provide the services, until the judge says "this was not in HL. Stay made permanent. You will provide the services."

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