‘Let them keep it!’: Trump says US shouldn’t take drone back


Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.
You're stupid. Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war? When your son's and daughters come back missing limbs and with PTSD, call Obama a pussy then you fool
the dnc is certainly missing some limbs and probably have ptsd don't they.

I remember being this cocky in 2006 and things got even better in 2008. Looked like Republicans would have to change tactics before they'd ever win another election and boy did they when they elected Trump.

But the reality is Trump isn't going to do anything for the poorly educated blue collar. NOTHING.
interesting footnote. The libs always call us retards, and dumb asses here.
We're you a trump supporter or Republican last year? If you were a trump supporter not a Republican, be prepared to be disapponted

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

Let's take Trump at his word and believe him that he doesn't believe in using military might unless absolutely necessary, his outspoken anger at Bushes war in Iraq provides some evidence of this opinion. His choices of cabinet, being generals and military underline this point also. Who knows better about the horror of war than career soldiers? They will be advising him lets not forget.

Also, let's not forget that Trump is not a hardcore Conservative. Think back to the primaries, the first debate, there was Trump talking about how bad the Iraq war had been for America and the world, how he was upset at NAFTA and various other ideas that NO Conservative would have spoken out other than maybe Rand Paul who was against the Iraq war and was an isolationist. None of the candidates would have ever have confronted NAFTA, he did, because he's not ideologically rigid. It was the largest point of contention I had with him as I consider myself laissez-faire, but he was making some strong arguments. I can't be stubborn when facts are presented, it reflects poorly on me if I become a cheerleader so I at least was willing to listen to him as he spoke a different language to me than any other Republican/Conservative had.

He is following Reagans lead; the president I think he most admires and wants to emulate. Peace through strength. I am more Libertarian and I didn't like him at first, but as he went along, chose a top notch VP in Pence, spoke about the constitution and strong rights of citizens, tossing aside PC culture with disgust, spoke about taking on China and other abusers, I said to myself, "holy cow, this guy just might have an angle here". Then good economically sound conservatives like Carson supported him, guys who were around him alot and saw him as a good man. Well. I think we have to give him a chance.

Let me turn it around for you. Do you think China wants a war with America? Do you have a clear understanding of just how far Americas reach is, WELL beyond just military might. In a minutes notice, America can have dozens of the most powerful militarys in the world onside for an offensive against a common enemy, China can rely on who as an ally? North Korea? I don't think even Russia trusts China anymore since their South Sea excursion.

Anyways the bottom line, Trump is a businessman. He knows that Chinas primary strength is its economy, America needs to tame this. No shots will be fired. If China keeps conducting such stunts as they did with stealing a probe, well, the world will respond, not just America. The world will win because as one famous man once said "they love their children too". War is the absolute last option, probably a few less appealing option for Trump than many of his predecessors.

Sorry for the rant, I type very fast and just came in from shovelling the snow :D
We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.
You're stupid. Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war? When your son's and daughters come back missing limbs and with PTSD, call Obama a pussy then you fool
the dnc is certainly missing some limbs and probably have ptsd don't they.

I remember being this cocky in 2006 and things got even better in 2008. Looked like Republicans would have to change tactics before they'd ever win another election and boy did they when they elected Trump.

But the reality is Trump isn't going to do anything for the poorly educated blue collar. NOTHING.
interesting footnote. The libs always call us retards, and dumb asses here.
We're you a trump supporter or Republican last year? If you were a trump supporter not a Republican, be prepared to be disapponted
I've vote half sometimes 3rd party and the other half gop.
I voted Romney last time because I was at BYU with Romney.
My goodness, looks like we got ourselves an even bigger appeaser than Obama.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
We won't torture you after we win the civil war.

Remember this isn't torture.

Libs are going to win a war? With what weapons? Pillows?
Stern looks? Safe spaces? ROFLMAO!!!

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed.

You mean like his fuck ups in Syria and Libya?

Those were awesome!

God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was.

Yeah, liberal weakness always works out so well.
We're still dealing with the fallout of Carter's weakness.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

Let's take Trump at his word and believe him that he doesn't believe in using military might unless absolutely necessary, his outspoken anger at Bushes war in Iraq provides some evidence of this opinion. His choices of cabinet, being generals and military underline this point also. Who knows better about the horror of war than career soldiers? They will be advising him lets not forget.

Also, let's not forget that Trump is not a hardcore Conservative. Think back to the primaries, the first debate, there was Trump talking about how bad the Iraq war had been for America and the world, how he was upset at NAFTA and various other ideas that NO Conservative would have spoken out other than maybe Rand Paul who was against the Iraq war and was an isolationist. None of the candidates would have ever have confronted NAFTA, he did, because he's not ideologically rigid. It was the largest point of contention I had with him as I consider myself laissez-faire, but he was making some strong arguments. I can't be stubborn when facts are presented, it reflects poorly on me if I become a cheerleader so I at least was willing to listen to him as he spoke a different language to me than any other Republican/Conservative had.

He is following Reagans lead; the president I think he most admires and wants to emulate. Peace through strength. I am more Libertarian and I didn't like him at first, but as he went along, chose a top notch VP in Pence, spoke about the constitution and strong rights of citizens, tossing aside PC culture with disgust, spoke about taking on China and other abusers, I said to myself, "holy cow, this guy just might have an angle here". Then good economically sound conservatives like Carson supported him, guys who were around him alot and saw him as a good man. Well. I think we have to give him a chance.

Let me turn it around for you. Do you think China wants a war with America? Do you have a clear understanding of just how far Americas reach is, WELL beyond just military might. In a minutes notice, America can have dozens of the most powerful militarys in the world onside for an offensive against a common enemy, China can rely on who as an ally? North Korea? I don't think even Russia trusts China anymore since their South Sea excursion.

Anyways the bottom line, Trump is a businessman. He knows that Chinas primary strength is its economy, America needs to tame this. No shots will be fired. If China keeps conducting such stunts as they did with stealing a probe, well, the world will respond, not just America. The world will win because as one famous man once said "they love their children too". War is the absolute last option, probably a few less appealing option for Trump than many of his predecessors.

Sorry for the rant, I type very fast and just came in from shovelling the snow :D
Good rant. I hope you are right.

Who will back China? The middle east, cuba, turkey and who knows? Arent we already spread thin? I think you overestimate us and underestimate them. And i think we just put a hot head in charge.Who would have thought Japan and Italy would join forces with Germany?

After we lied other countries into iraq, who will back us? Who will be our coalition on the willing. Lots of people warned trump didn't have the temperament. Not just us liberal. Lot different getting in a fight with Rosie o and china.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed.

You mean like his fuck ups in Syria and Libya?

Those were awesome!

God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was.

Yeah, liberal weakness always works out so well.
We're still dealing with the fallout of Carter's weakness.
Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess. It's going to be interesting. My turn to armchair qb. Obama never got 9-11ed. Bush did. Will trump? Yup. And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon. That's how trump will help the energy companies watch. And the defense contractors. The debt will double in just over 4 years and the middle class wages will not go up more than they did this year thanks Obama.

Will we continue having job growth? Will trump solve the real unemployment number?
His response depends on whether Ivanka jumped his bones the night before. Roll the Dice...
We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed.

You mean like his fuck ups in Syria and Libya?

Those were awesome!

God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was.

Yeah, liberal weakness always works out so well.
We're still dealing with the fallout of Carter's weakness.
Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess. It's going to be interesting. My turn to armchair qb. Obama never got 9-11ed. Bush did. Will trump? Yup. And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon. That's how trump will help the energy companies watch. And the defense contractors. The debt will double in just over 4 years and the middle class wages will not go up more than they did this year thanks Obama.

Will we continue having job growth? Will trump solve the real unemployment number?

Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess.

Just like Hillary.

And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon.

Not $8 a gallon, like Obama wished it would?

That's how trump will help the energy companies watch.

Trump will help the energy companies by promoting oil and gas drilling, and that will result in $4 gas?

The debt will double in just over 4 years

That would take nearly $5 trillion annual deficits.
I know you're a liberal, but that's some seriously bad math, even for you.
Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed.

You mean like his fuck ups in Syria and Libya?

Those were awesome!

God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was.

Yeah, liberal weakness always works out so well.
We're still dealing with the fallout of Carter's weakness.
Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess. It's going to be interesting. My turn to armchair qb. Obama never got 9-11ed. Bush did. Will trump? Yup. And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon. That's how trump will help the energy companies watch. And the defense contractors. The debt will double in just over 4 years and the middle class wages will not go up more than they did this year thanks Obama.

Will we continue having job growth? Will trump solve the real unemployment number?

Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess.

Just like Hillary.

And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon.

Not $8 a gallon, like Obama wished it would?

That's how trump will help the energy companies watch.

Trump will help the energy companies by promoting oil and gas drilling, and that will result in $4 gas?

The debt will double in just over 4 years

That would take nearly $5 trillion annual deficits.
I know you're a liberal, but that's some seriously bad math, even for you.
You watch, only they'll blame the Iran war for the high gas prices just like bush used the Iran war. And the American people got none of Iraq's oil the oil companies got it. Chaney said Iraq oil would pay but we paid. Member???

Ok less than 8 years. The debt will double in less than 8.

Or they will end Medicare social security and even still they'll spend on infrastructure like Obama wanted to but Paul Ryan said no
Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed.

You mean like his fuck ups in Syria and Libya?

Those were awesome!

God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was.

Yeah, liberal weakness always works out so well.
We're still dealing with the fallout of Carter's weakness.
Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess. It's going to be interesting. My turn to armchair qb. Obama never got 9-11ed. Bush did. Will trump? Yup. And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon. That's how trump will help the energy companies watch. And the defense contractors. The debt will double in just over 4 years and the middle class wages will not go up more than they did this year thanks Obama.

Will we continue having job growth? Will trump solve the real unemployment number?

Just remember like the Iraq war, you voted for this mess.

Just like Hillary.

And gas prices will go up to $4 a gallon.

Not $8 a gallon, like Obama wished it would?

That's how trump will help the energy companies watch.

Trump will help the energy companies by promoting oil and gas drilling, and that will result in $4 gas?

The debt will double in just over 4 years

That would take nearly $5 trillion annual deficits.
I know you're a liberal, but that's some seriously bad math, even for you.
You watch, only they'll blame the Iran war for the high gas prices just like bush used the Iran war. And the American people got none of Iraq's oil the oil companies got it. Chaney said Iraq oil would pay but we paid. Member???

Ok less than 8 years. The debt will double in less than 8.

Or they will end Medicare social security and even still they'll spend on infrastructure like Obama wanted to but Paul Ryan said no

You watch,

I will. Then I'll laugh when you're massively wrong.
I think Trump has a few ideas, primarily to boost the economy as it hasn't been boosted in some time. He is focusing on revenue side economics based on much higher growth, couple with fiscal responsibilities and renegotiating and America can then hopefully in a surplus.

A surplus from what we see today is a massive step, and it doesn't happen unless he can handle the disturbing trade deficit with China.
Why would you ask such a question? Is it some sort of tactic to pretend that an idea you disagree with is so "beyond the pale" that you can't believe someone would dare speak it?
Because he clearly knows no such thing because China has agreed to hand it back.

I'm surprised that he was prepared to give up so easily.
The Chinese will be looking forward to his presidency if that is going to be his standard reaction to provocation.

He didn't want to play a weak hand. Better to walk away than put your self at a disadvantage by making demands you are in no position to enforce.

THe Chinese are terrified of Trump being president, because they know that they have an incredible weak hand when it comes to trade.
why do you believe that? trade is trade; how will Mr. Trump improve trade with China?

If "Trade is Trade" then there is no reason to not give US what we want.
who says we are not getting it?

Trump and America that voted him into power.

Did you really miss that?
We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy. Patience is a strength which Trump should learn.

Lots of people are going to test Trump during his presidency but he has got to learn to keep his cool.

Showing restraint and patience isn't being a pussy.

I agree, but if you only show restraint and patience, because you're too much of a pussy to do anything else, then you're still a pussy.
You Republicans would love for him to have made a move that you could have arm chair qbed. God bless Obama and bill Clinton for not being "brave' like bush was. How many soldiers regret Bush's braveness?

How many fast and furious' will you forgive trump for BTW?

Let's take Trump at his word and believe him that he doesn't believe in using military might unless absolutely necessary, his outspoken anger at Bushes war in Iraq provides some evidence of this opinion. His choices of cabinet, being generals and military underline this point also. Who knows better about the horror of war than career soldiers? They will be advising him lets not forget.

Also, let's not forget that Trump is not a hardcore Conservative. Think back to the primaries, the first debate, there was Trump talking about how bad the Iraq war had been for America and the world, how he was upset at NAFTA and various other ideas that NO Conservative would have spoken out other than maybe Rand Paul who was against the Iraq war and was an isolationist. None of the candidates would have ever have confronted NAFTA, he did, because he's not ideologically rigid. It was the largest point of contention I had with him as I consider myself laissez-faire, but he was making some strong arguments. I can't be stubborn when facts are presented, it reflects poorly on me if I become a cheerleader so I at least was willing to listen to him as he spoke a different language to me than any other Republican/Conservative had.

He is following Reagans lead; the president I think he most admires and wants to emulate. Peace through strength. I am more Libertarian and I didn't like him at first, but as he went along, chose a top notch VP in Pence, spoke about the constitution and strong rights of citizens, tossing aside PC culture with disgust, spoke about taking on China and other abusers, I said to myself, "holy cow, this guy just might have an angle here". Then good economically sound conservatives like Carson supported him, guys who were around him alot and saw him as a good man. Well. I think we have to give him a chance.

Let me turn it around for you. Do you think China wants a war with America? Do you have a clear understanding of just how far Americas reach is, WELL beyond just military might. In a minutes notice, America can have dozens of the most powerful militarys in the world onside for an offensive against a common enemy, China can rely on who as an ally? North Korea? I don't think even Russia trusts China anymore since their South Sea excursion.

Anyways the bottom line, Trump is a businessman. He knows that Chinas primary strength is its economy, America needs to tame this. No shots will be fired. If China keeps conducting such stunts as they did with stealing a probe, well, the world will respond, not just America. The world will win because as one famous man once said "they love their children too". War is the absolute last option, probably a few less appealing option for Trump than many of his predecessors.

Sorry for the rant, I type very fast and just came in from shovelling the snow :D
Good rant. I hope you are right.

Who will back China? The middle east, cuba, turkey and who knows? Arent we already spread thin? I think you overestimate us and underestimate them. And i think we just put a hot head in charge.Who would have thought Japan and Italy would join forces with Germany?

After we lied other countries into iraq, who will back us? Who will be our coalition on the willing. Lots of people warned trump didn't have the temperament. Not just us liberal. Lot different getting in a fight with Rosie o and china.

Liberals, always accepting of the anti-american spin.

THose other nations had their own intelligence services, and they all believed that Iraq had WMDs.

Because it made sense that he would. His actually actions were so stupid that no one found them credible.
i think we need modular probes that can survey our geology or our solar system, depending on configuration.

Rail-gun launch capable is a plus.

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