Let us break down what trump just said

TopBuzz headline alert just popped up
"Trump Blames Everything Except Guns and Himself"

As it should be

Contrary to popular belief, there IS still such a thing as personal responsibility

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon.
Perennially proving you're stupid.
I like what he had to say. It's a start. I'm 100% behind him.

You mean like calling for universal background checks, as he's done several times before? When, right now, a House-approved bill mandating universal background checks is kept under wraps by McConnell, that wold-class asshole, because, wait for it, Trump announced he'd veto it if it ever reached his desk. These background checks, in other words, could be the law of the land, were it not for Trump. Now he's calling for that, and he really isn't bursting into flames.

Yeah, Trump is lying to you, and in your hope "something" be done, you fall for it. Lied to by a man who is infamous for nothing other than mendacity, or he would be, were it not for his vulgarity, megalomania, recklessness, misogyny, racism, unreliability, and the whole gamut of personality defects usually found in the worst of dysfunctional spoiled brats.

Don't you think you should perk up and set your mind in motion whenever you hear yourself saying, "I like what he had to say"? Because, apparently, you should, but don't.
Be calm, Olde. I support the ideas that the President outlined yesterday morning. It doesn't mean I'm going to buy a MAGA hat and vote for him. lol Not hardly.
Once I see some or all of these ideas made into Bills, if they continue to make sense to me, I will tell my legislators in Congress to support them, too.
Be calm, Olde. I support the ideas that the President outlined yesterday morning. It doesn't mean I'm going to buy a MAGA hat and vote for him. lol Not hardly.
Once I see some or all of these ideas made into Bills, if they continue to make sense to me, I will tell my legislators in Congress to support them, too.

Glad to hear it, because...

"I'm 100% behind him."​

... so she speaketh, deprived of her marbles. Or so I suspected for a moment.
Trump, much like his fiscal policy, has shown some liberal colors here.

He basically bowed down to the democrat's war on speech and agreed to persecute those who hold opinions that are unpopular.

We all can condemn hate speech, bigotry, and liberalism. That does not mean we root it out by prosecuting free thought, no matter how much we revile it.
Spreading that "free thought" on the internet to a planet's worth of viewers is not necessary though. Not when that "free thought" is dangerous to others' lives. We owe peaceful people that.
We owe people nothing of the sort.

What we owe is to ourselves to fight hate-filled rhetoric with ridicule and truth. That is why I come here to this website. To speak out against the hate of the left.

That does not mean I support silencing them or using the power of government to silence them for Me.

Either you believe in freedom of thought and speech, or you do not. There is no gray area here.
Well, then I do not.
Admitting it is the first step.

I would rather allow haters and bigots to speak freely and announce who they are, then drive them into hiding and allow them to plot in the dark with no one the wiser.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them. I can guarantee you that one day, they will disagree with you.
NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them.
I never would. Taking hate speech off the internet is not because of disagreeing. It is because it is dangerous to the people it targets. Those people also deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

I wouldn't do that either. I'm not a third grader on the playground anymore.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.
Tell that to the twenty two dead at the hands of Patrick Crusius. Words and rhetoric do indeed move mountains, move societies, move individuals. We need to be a little more careful what those words are.
You are incorrect. Words did not do that, he did. Words and rhetoric are easy to counter and only the weak-willed are influenced the intolerance of any one group. Which is why I never succumb to the hate and intolerance from the left.

The biggest problem with saying that words are dangerous, is who gets to decide? You? Some unelected bureaucrat? A bunch of people whom I may or may not agree with?

Sorry, but I'll pass on that.

When you start defining speech you disagree with as hate, that top will turn and the next thing you know, you'll be the one under the bootheel of those who dislike what you have to say.

Smart people defeat hate and intolerance with arguments and facts. Not with gags and shackles.
Maybe we should focus on both. The tool used is part of the problem.

Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.

Thanks for the info! I'm going out and buy myself another pistol. another rifle and another shotgun. I wouldn't want any of those shit hole countries to catch up with us.

Guess you don't understand percentages. One of those "white males - no college degree" types that Trump depends on?

Sure I understand percentages. Such as: 50% of liberals are just as stupid as the other 50%.

As for education, I completed the 3d grade. And you?

Then you understand that Americans own more than twice the number of guns than the most violent country in the world, Yemen, one of those "shithole" countries you're referring to.
So what does that make us?
I guess logic isn't taught until high school.
It is clear that you don't understand at all.

America has over 100 million guns. If we had a gun problem, you'd know about it. As it stands, less than 0.005% of people in this country are killed by a gun.

May want to bone up on that logic class.
A assault military weapon and a large magazine, and you know what I said. Let me repeat it.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon.
So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?
In Europe owning a weapon is very difficult but it has not prevented all the massacres committed in Europe ... for the attacks of November 13, 2015 .it was easy for the terrorists to go through Belgium armed to the tooth and do their massacre in France
TopBuzz headline alert just popped up
"Trump Blames Everything Except Guns and Himself"

As it should be

Contrary to popular belief, there IS still such a thing as personal responsibility

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon.
Still missing the point of personal responsibility.
People everywhere have more guns and more ammo but don't kill people.
Rifles and magazines don't make one a killer
Spreading that "free thought" on the internet to a planet's worth of viewers is not necessary though. Not when that "free thought" is dangerous to others' lives. We owe peaceful people that.
We owe people nothing of the sort.

What we owe is to ourselves to fight hate-filled rhetoric with ridicule and truth. That is why I come here to this website. To speak out against the hate of the left.

That does not mean I support silencing them or using the power of government to silence them for Me.

Either you believe in freedom of thought and speech, or you do not. There is no gray area here.
Well, then I do not.
Admitting it is the first step.

I would rather allow haters and bigots to speak freely and announce who they are, then drive them into hiding and allow them to plot in the dark with no one the wiser.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them. I can guarantee you that one day, they will disagree with you.
NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them.
I never would. Taking hate speech off the internet is not because of disagreeing. It is because it is dangerous to the people it targets. Those people also deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

I wouldn't do that either. I'm not a third grader on the playground anymore.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.
Tell that to the twenty two dead at the hands of Patrick Crusius. Words and rhetoric do indeed move mountains, move societies, move individuals. We need to be a little more careful what those words are.
You are incorrect. Words did not do that, he did. Words and rhetoric are easy to counter and only the weak-willed are influenced the intolerance of any one group. Which is why I never succumb to the hate and intolerance from the left.

The biggest problem with saying that words are dangerous, is who gets to decide? You? Some unelected bureaucrat? A bunch of people whom I may or may not agree with?

Sorry, but I'll pass on that.

When you start defining speech you disagree with as hate, that top will turn and the next thing you know, you'll be the one under the bootheel of those who dislike what you have to say.

Smart people defeat hate and intolerance with arguments and facts. Not with gags and shackles.
We as a society are not obligated to give massive amounts of oxygen to hate and intolerance by allowing it free rein in the media, especially social media which is so easily and cheaply accessed by all.
Where do you think these young shooters are getting their ideas? Their parents? LOL
So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?
In Europe owning a weapon is very difficult but it has not prevented all the massacres committed in Europe ... for the attacks of November 13, 2015 .it was easy for the terrorists to go through Belgium armed to the tooth and do their massacre in France
Are you having weekly mass shootings in France, Dalia?
At a Trump rally Trumpers yell "Shoot em" and Trump chuckles
Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?
In Europe owning a weapon is very difficult but it has not prevented all the massacres committed in Europe ... for the attacks of November 13, 2015 .it was easy for the terrorists to go through Belgium armed to the tooth and do their massacre in France
Are you having weekly mass shootings in France, Dalia?
No but In Chicago, Detroit, Boston, St. Louis, Camden, Oakland.. all Democrat run towns
Last edited:
At a Trump rally Trumpers yell "Shoot em" and Trump chuckles

Liberals are always offended and have hurt feelings over words. At present, all the puke stain liberals running for president have the very same platform: having debates and town hall meetings over what Trump said and their only solution to all the problems in America is to skim over the problems and declare "Free shit for everyone."
A assault military weapon and a large magazine, and you know what I said. Let me repeat it.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon.
So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?

Not at first, but after a while they would become sparse as well as semi assault pistols.

Maybe someone was right, we should make magazines and bullets very expensive.
So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?

Not at first, but after a while they would become sparse as well as semi assault pistols.

Maybe someone was right, we should make magazines and bullets very expensive.
So blacks and poor people can’t defend them selves?? Democrats are so racist
I like what he had to say. It's a start. I'm 100% behind him.

You mean like calling for universal background checks, as he's done several times before? When, right now, a House-approved bill mandating universal background checks is kept under wraps by McConnell, that wold-class asshole, because, wait for it, Trump announced he'd veto it if it ever reached his desk. These background checks, in other words, could be the law of the land, were it not for Trump. Now he's calling for that, and he really isn't bursting into flames.

Yeah, Trump is lying to you, and in your hope "something" be done, you fall for it. Lied to by a man who is infamous for nothing other than mendacity, or he would be, were it not for his vulgarity, megalomania, recklessness, misogyny, racism, unreliability, and the whole gamut of personality defects usually found in the worst of dysfunctional spoiled brats.

Don't you think you should perk up and set your mind in motion whenever you hear yourself saying, "I like what he had to say"? Because, apparently, you should, but don't.

Trump has been through the fire about his truth, and after 3 years and 5 reports costing upwards of 50 million dollars for the lot of them, he has been found innocent.

I'm not buying what you're selling Olde Europe. Trump is a truthful man, and it doesn't please everybody to hear the truth, particularly if it inconveniences them. :rolleyes:

OMG, Tramp is a truthful man, your kidding right??
Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?
In Europe owning a weapon is very difficult but it has not prevented all the massacres committed in Europe ... for the attacks of November 13, 2015 .it was easy for the terrorists to go through Belgium armed to the tooth and do their massacre in France
Are you having weekly mass shootings in France, Dalia?
No, but you also do not have mass shooting every Week in the USA

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