Let us break down what trump just said

So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.
I understand what you are trying to say but do you honestly think if “military assault weapons” were banned today the killing would stop? Yes or no?

No but the shooter would not be able to shoot and kill 22 and wound dozens more in 6 mins from when the shooting started in the parking lot and ended in the store.

It would take time to gather up assault weapons and large capacity mags, but after awhile only the cops would have assault weapons. They would leave pistols and hunting rifles, so we would still have the deaths by those.

If anyone gets caught with a assault weapon and mag there would be very strict consequences.

I mean they don't need militia anymore, if you agree with the Potus, not issue.
If you don't agree, his army would take the militias out.

There is no need for any militias anymore and haven't been for decades.
I just donated to the NRA after this ad ordered a a ar-15 in the black market.. thank you commie
Don't be stupid kid.
The weapon the Ohio shooter had enabled him to kill or injure almost 40 people in under a minute.

Why are those available to him?
Why shouldn’t it be? We have thousands of people that fully automatically they don’t kill any one..

Maybe you should focus on the people and not the gun.. focus on Americans and not foreigners ..
Maybe we should focus on both. The tool used is part of the problem.

Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.
You're wrong here.

Self-defense is not written into the Constitution. Self Defense is a natural right and the government does not give it to you. In fact, no government can give you the natural rights you enjoy as a living creature.

The Constitution is written to keep the government from taking these rights away from you.

Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
TopBuzz headline alert just popped up
"Trump Blames Everything Except Guns and Himself"

As it should be

Contrary to popular belief, there IS still such a thing as personal responsibility
He's not responsible, dick head.

You have to be a seriously stupid piece of shit to blame him for this.
Why shouldn’t it be? We have thousands of people that fully automatically they don’t kill any one..

Maybe you should focus on the people and not the gun.. focus on Americans and not foreigners ..
Maybe we should focus on both. The tool used is part of the problem.

Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.
You're wrong here.

Self-defense is not written into the Constitution. Self Defense is a natural right and the government does not give it to you. In fact, no government can give you the natural rights you enjoy as a living creature.

The Constitution is written to keep the government from taking these rights away from you.

Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
Probly not.
Maybe we should focus on both. The tool used is part of the problem.

Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.
You're wrong here.

Self-defense is not written into the Constitution. Self Defense is a natural right and the government does not give it to you. In fact, no government can give you the natural rights you enjoy as a living creature.

The Constitution is written to keep the government from taking these rights away from you.

Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
Probly not.
Hide lol
Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.
You're wrong here.

Self-defense is not written into the Constitution. Self Defense is a natural right and the government does not give it to you. In fact, no government can give you the natural rights you enjoy as a living creature.

The Constitution is written to keep the government from taking these rights away from you.

Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
Probly not.
Hide lol
Why would you hide?
You're wrong here.

Self-defense is not written into the Constitution. Self Defense is a natural right and the government does not give it to you. In fact, no government can give you the natural rights you enjoy as a living creature.

The Constitution is written to keep the government from taking these rights away from you.

Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
Probly not.
Hide lol
Why would you hide?
Lol why would I hide haha that’s funny.
Maybe we should focus on both. The tool used is part of the problem.

Indeed they are.

""""Countries with the highest gun ownership rate, per a survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva:

  1. United States: 120.5 per 100 people
  2. Yemen: 52.8 per 100 people
  3. Montenegro: 39.1 per 100 people
  4. Serbia: 39.1 per 100 people
  5. Canada: 34.7 per 100 people
  6. Uruguay: 34.7 per 100 people
  7. Cyprus: 34.0 per 100 people
  8. Finland: 32.4 per 100 people
  9. Lebanon: 31.9 per 100 people
  10. Iceland: 31.7 per 100 people
Japan and Indonesia, meanwhile, have fewer than 1 firearm per 100.""""

The U.S. has an "astronomical" number of guns compared to other countries

The 2nd Amendment is being badly abused. It was written into the Constitution as the original "stand your ground" law, literally meaning you could own a gun TO PROTECT yourself, against tyranny, another invasion of Brits, whatever.

Thanks for the info! I'm going out and buy myself another pistol. another rifle and another shotgun. I wouldn't want any of those shit hole countries to catch up with us.

Guess you don't understand percentages. One of those "white males - no college degree" types that Trump depends on?

Sure I understand percentages. Such as: 50% of liberals are just as stupid as the other 50%.

As for education, I completed the 3d grade. And you?

Then you understand that Americans own more than twice the number of guns than the most violent country in the world, Yemen, one of those "shithole" countries you're referring to.
So what does that make us?
I guess logic isn't taught until high school.

I didn't go to high school. I went from the third grade to post-graduate school and started working on my Masters. Finished that sucker in 6 weeks.
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Try to overcome the government. I'd like to see it. Go ahead, try very hard. Get together with all the militia groups and storm the Gov. when they try to take assault weapons away.
Go right ahead.
77% of the military will be the ones storming the government lol and you haha
Probly not.
Hide lol
Why would you hide?
Lol why would I hide haha that’s funny.
Doesn't answer the question though.
TopBuzz headline alert just popped up
"Trump Blames Everything Except Guns and Himself"

As it should be

Contrary to popular belief, there IS still such a thing as personal responsibility
He's not responsible, dick head.

You have to be a seriously stupid piece of shit to blame him for this.

I don't think hortysir was blaming Trump.
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A magazine shot someone now? Lol I think we have some who needs some serious mental health counseling haha

A assault military weapon and a large magazine, and you know what I said. Let me repeat it.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon.
So a PERSON shot people not the gun?

Do you not understand the difference between a pistol and an assault weapon.

No its the rifle and the magazine which both shooters had and ability to mow a lot of people down a several seconds. Think of the cops apprehending someone with a military assault weapon
Do you have a video of a gun that assaulted some one? I’d love to see it

Only stupid people do not understand what I said.

stupidity has nothing to do with being an imbecile/fukwad ..
Trump's going to support a Red Flag law after he and a GOP House and Senate repealed a smaller-scale regulation aimed at denying some mentally-ill persons the ability to buy a gun. The administration, the NRA, and the ACLU argued it violated the rights of mentally-ill persons without due process. They argued further that the regulation stigmatizes the mentally ill as perpetrators of gun violence, when, in fact, they are much more likely to be the victims. The regulation they repealed applied to people with such severe conditions they were unable to hold a job or make decisions about their own affairs.

I suppose the points about due process and stigmatization are no longer operational, in light of the need to put a fig leaf on gun violence.
Lindsey Scarlett Graham is proposing the new Red Flag law. He voted to repeal the previous red-flag type regulation, which passed on a near party-line vote (3-D's supported it), and was signed by Trump when he had been in office fewer than 6 weeks.

Regarding the El Paso shooter, I'm unaware of any previous signs of mental illness that would have triggered a Red Flag, indicating such a law wouldn't have affected him. OTOH, an assault weapons ban may have reduced his firepower. It's no mystery which the Republicans will pass.
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I like what he had to say. It's a start. I'm 100% behind him.

You mean like calling for universal background checks, as he's done several times before? When, right now, a House-approved bill mandating universal background checks is kept under wraps by McConnell, that wold-class asshole, because, wait for it, Trump announced he'd veto it if it ever reached his desk. These background checks, in other words, could be the law of the land, were it not for Trump. Now he's calling for that, and he really isn't bursting into flames.

Yeah, Trump is lying to you, and in your hope "something" be done, you fall for it. Lied to by a man who is infamous for nothing other than mendacity, or he would be, were it not for his vulgarity, megalomania, recklessness, misogyny, racism, unreliability, and the whole gamut of personality defects usually found in the worst of dysfunctional spoiled brats.

Don't you think you should perk up and set your mind in motion whenever you hear yourself saying, "I like what he had to say"? Because, apparently, you should, but don't.
I like what he had to say. It's a start. I'm 100% behind him.

You mean like calling for universal background checks, as he's done several times before? When, right now, a House-approved bill mandating universal background checks is kept under wraps by McConnell, that wold-class asshole, because, wait for it, Trump announced he'd veto it if it ever reached his desk. These background checks, in other words, could be the law of the land, were it not for Trump. Now he's calling for that, and he really isn't bursting into flames.

Yeah, Trump is lying to you, and in your hope "something" be done, you fall for it. Lied to by a man who is infamous for nothing other than mendacity, or he would be, were it not for his vulgarity, megalomania, recklessness, misogyny, racism, unreliability, and the whole gamut of personality defects usually found in the worst of dysfunctional spoiled brats.

Don't you think you should perk up and set your mind in motion whenever you hear yourself saying, "I like what he had to say"? Because, apparently, you should, but don't.

Trump has been through the fire about his truth, and after 3 years and 5 reports costing upwards of 50 million dollars for the lot of them, he has been found innocent.

I'm not buying what you're selling Olde Europe. Trump is a truthful man, and it doesn't please everybody to hear the truth, particularly if it inconveniences them. :rolleyes:
Trump, much like his fiscal policy, has shown some liberal colors here.

He basically bowed down to the democrat's war on speech and agreed to persecute those who hold opinions that are unpopular.

We all can condemn hate speech, bigotry, and liberalism. That does not mean we root it out by prosecuting free thought, no matter how much we revile it.
Spreading that "free thought" on the internet to a planet's worth of viewers is not necessary though. Not when that "free thought" is dangerous to others' lives. We owe peaceful people that.
We owe people nothing of the sort.

What we owe is to ourselves to fight hate-filled rhetoric with ridicule and truth. That is why I come here to this website. To speak out against the hate of the left.

That does not mean I support silencing them or using the power of government to silence them for Me.

Either you believe in freedom of thought and speech, or you do not. There is no gray area here.
Well, then I do not.
Admitting it is the first step.

I would rather allow haters and bigots to speak freely and announce who they are, then drive them into hiding and allow them to plot in the dark with no one the wiser.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them. I can guarantee you that one day, they will disagree with you.
NEVER, and I mean NEVER, silence people because you disagree with them.
I never would. Taking hate speech off the internet is not because of disagreeing. It is because it is dangerous to the people it targets. Those people also deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Please, feel free to denounce them, ridicule them, point at their tiny dicks and laugh.

I wouldn't do that either. I'm not a third grader on the playground anymore.

Words and rhetoric cannot hurt you if you are taught the truth early and live it.
Tell that to the twenty two dead at the hands of Patrick Crusius. Words and rhetoric do indeed move mountains, move societies, move individuals. We need to be a little more careful what those words are.
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Trump's going to support a Red Flag law after he and a GOP House and Senate repealed a smaller-scale regulation aimed at denying some mentally-ill persons the ability to buy a gun. The administration, the NRA, and the ACLU argued it violated the rights of mentally-ill persons without due process. They argued further that the regulation stigmatizes the mentally ill as perpetrators of gun violence, when, in fact, they are much more likely to be the victims. The regulation they repealed applied to people with such severe conditions they were unable to hold a job or make decisions about their own affairs.

I suppose the points about due process and stigmatization are no longer operational, in light of the need to put a fig leaf on gun violence.
ERPO laws first require a judge to approve the seizure and then there needs to be a full hearing within ... two weeks, I believe.
I don't know the law that the GOP turned down, but ERPO laws are NOT blanket laws to take guns from people with certain mental illnesses. Anyone can have a psychotic break or just plain get so goddamned mad that they lose their balance wheel. None of the mass shooters last week would have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or anything like it. There is no reason to call ERPO laws "stigmatizing" to the mentally ill.

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