Let Us Juxtapose The Tolerant Left

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council

Hillary Clinton voted to go to Iraq because there was money to be made. PERIOD.

That's the one issue both parties always agree on, let's invade SOMEONE.
How cute...

You telling posters about using talking points and lies and you and real Dave do nothing but that.

Do you have evidence Iraq was a threat when Clinton bombed them on the eve of his impeachment?

you left out years of inspections (UN? Hans Blix?) and ignore the distinctions between claiming 'weapons - wmd' exist, and 'weapons programs'

the world had to stay static for your delusions to equal a reality. no time could pass, no events happened .. everything remained the same for years

You do know what year Clinton Bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment, right?

So it happen in 1998 and how was Iraq q threat then when Desert Storm was in 1991?

Many have made it clear Clinton did the bombing to divert attention from his impeachment, so let see you explain it...

I mean it is amazing how leftist like you love war when Democrats wage it but cry when the right does it...

Also maybe you should review the reports a few years earlier from the inspectors and admit Clinton was and is a lying piece of trash...

Did you know he was once good Friends with Trump?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council


Bill Clinton left office in January of 2001 and less than two years later his wife voted for Military usage...

Hate to tell you the ex-President knew the Intel was bogus and so did his wife.


Because in 1998 Iraq was not a threat then...
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council

Yeah, after 8 years in the WH Bill and Hillary has no contacts in the CIA they could call to verify the truth.

Then Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when he left office was what, he was a Bush lover?

God, you haters are stupid.
You do know what year Clinton Bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment, right?

So it happen in 1998 and how was Iraq q threat then when Desert Storm was in 1991?

Many have made it clear Clinton did the bombing to divert attention from his impeachment, so let see you explain it...

I mean it is amazing how leftist like you love war when Democrats wage it but cry when the right does it...

Also maybe you should review the reports a few years earlier from the inspectors and admit Clinton was and is a lying piece of trash...

Did you know he was once good Friends with Trump?

This many include the make believe friends Trump is always talking about? The only people who have made the claims are conspiracy theorists and talking heads who get paid to say stupid things (which you do for free).

Clinton and Trump were never 'good' friends. Trump has never really had any friends. And Clinton was tough with Iraq long before the Impeachment Bullshit
1993 https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/clinton-punishes-iraq-for-plot-to-kill-bush
Clinton punishes Iraq for plot to kill Bush

In retaliation for an Iraqi plot to assassinate former U.S. President George Bush during his April visit to Kuwait, President Bill Clinton orders U.S. warships to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles at Iraqi intelligence headquarters in downtown Baghdad.

On April 13, 1993, the day before George Bush was scheduled to visit Kuwait and be honored for his victory in the Persian Gulf War, Kuwaiti authorities foiled a car-bomb plot to assassinate him. Fourteen suspects, most of them Iraqi nationals, were arrested, and the next day their massive car bomb was discovered in Kuwait City. Citing “compelling evidence” of the direct involvement of Iraqi intelligence in the assassination attempt, President Clinton ordered a retaliatory attack against their alleged headquarters in the Iraqi capital on June 26. Twenty-three Tomahawk missiles, each costing more than a million dollars, were fired off the USS Peterson in the Red Sea and the cruiser USS Chancellorsville in the Persian Gulf, destroying the building and, according to Iraqi accounts, killing several civilians.

1999 - "Many in Congress agreed with Republican majority leader Trent Lott that the timing of the air strikes was “suspect” and “cursory.”" -- suspect and cursoy from partisan enemies? OK

and it's about the timing, not the justification/reasons
It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council


Bill Clinton left office in January of 2001 and less than two years later his wife voted for Military usage...

Hate to tell you the ex-President knew the Intel was bogus and so did his wife.


Because in 1998 Iraq was not a threat then...

"Because in 1998 Iraq was not a threat then..." - Bruce

At the time of the air strikes, Iraq was continuing its attempts to build weapons of mass destruction including nuclear, chemical and biological agents. Fearful of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s belligerence, and his penchant for using those weapons against his own people, the U.N. sent in weapons inspectors in 1997. After repeatedly refusing the inspectors access to certain sites, Clinton resorted to air strikes to compel Hussein to cooperate.

January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
More fake outrage by the people that had no problem with Trump use of profanity on the campaign trail.

Fighting racial slurs should be the task of all Americans.

I think you missed that he is pointing out the hypocrisy...

And major hypocrisy, too!
That alone was worth electing him, especially since Dems have felt for decades that they have the high moral ground, bolstered by a biased US media.
It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council

Yeah, after 8 years in the WH Bill and Hillary has no contacts in the CIA they could call to verify the truth.

Then Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when he left office was what, he was a Bush lover?

God, you haters are stupid.

See the Intel community is correct when Democrats use it but it is wrong when Republicans use it.

Intel community claims our elections were compromised but not one vote was altered, so the left goes with how fake news caused the issue but was it really fake news or Wikileaks leaking information on Hillary Clinton and the DNC along with James Comey eleventh hour comments...

See the DNC and Clinton never denied their hate for Sanders but the mud was already on their face.

So they get their paid shills to come on boards like this to tell everyone Russia stole the election and that the American voter has to be stupid, why?

They claim fake news from Russia caused it.

It reminds me of the news story that claimed twenty million Amish will vote for Trump when there is less than a Million Amish, so only a moron would believe fake news like that.

Now as for Wikileaks and Comey, well life sucks for the DNC and Clinton but the reality is the DNC and Clinton played dirty and it cost them...
Last edited:
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.

The NYT is a racist News Paper.
People should not buy it because people will think that they are racist

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

Hillary Clinton's Iraq war speech on the Senate floor in October 2002. Hillary Clinton explains why she is voting to go to war in Iraq. -- She went with what the WH was feeding the Senate. She believed lies. But working to rebuild things never equated having those things.

I supported invading Iraq, but not because of bogus wmd arguments, or because of war hysteria


Full text: Hans Blix's briefing to the UN security council


Bill Clinton left office in January of 2001 and less than two years later his wife voted for Military usage...

Hate to tell you the ex-President knew the Intel was bogus and so did his wife.


Because in 1998 Iraq was not a threat then...

"Because in 1998 Iraq was not a threat then..." - Bruce

At the time of the air strikes, Iraq was continuing its attempts to build weapons of mass destruction including nuclear, chemical and biological agents. Fearful of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s belligerence, and his penchant for using those weapons against his own people, the U.N. sent in weapons inspectors in 1997. After repeatedly refusing the inspectors access to certain sites, Clinton resorted to air strikes to compel Hussein to cooperate.


Try again because I know for a damn fact there were reports out in 1995 saying something different and you damn well know Clinton bombed Iraq to wag the dog because of his damn impeachment.

You also did not answer why Hillary voted for the war when her own Husband could have told her the Intel was old and outdated and incorrect...

Funny how you forget that part...
Now as for Wikileaks and Comey, well life sucks for the but the reality is the DNC and Clinton played dirty and it cost them...
together, they are helping to put Trump campaign people in jail

Comey because he's a loyal American and loves the law.

Wikileaks because they are so sleazy anyone who touches them gets hit with shit...ask Trump's campaign people
Try again because I know for a damn fact there were reports out in 1995 saying something different and you damn well know Clinton bombed Iraq to wag the dog because of his damn impeachment.

You also did not answer why Hillary voted for the war when her own Husband could have told her the Intel was old and outdated and incorrect...

Funny how you forget that part...
The wag the dog bullshit would have been grounds for impeachment. Instead you people went after a blow job between two consenting adults
You also did not answer why Hillary voted for the war when her own Husband could have told her the Intel was old and outdated and incorrect...
Because of Bush/Cheney admin massaging of intel

was answered
So Bill and Hillary lies for Bush?

You’re nuttier than a fruitcake.
no one ever accused you of a skill set that includes reading and comprehension.

And I will not be the one to go there first
You also did not answer why Hillary voted for the war when her own Husband could have told her the Intel was old and outdated and incorrect...
Because of Bush/Cheney admin massaging of intel

was answered
So Bill and Hillary lies for Bush?

You’re nuttier than a fruitcake.
no one ever accused you of a skill set that includes reading and comprehension.

And I will not be the one to go there first
Says the dumbass who thinks the Clintons lied for Bush.

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