Let Us Juxtapose The Tolerant Left

Whoa. I always thought Michigan folks were kind of boring. Guess not.
those arab/muslim/islamic/etc '''immigrants'' are so nice to have
Ft Hood shooting
San Bernadino shooting
Boston Bombing
Shoe Bomber
first Trade Center Bombing
9-11-second TC attack
Somalian cop shooting an innocent white woman
etc etc
Go hide in the hole where you belong, Harmonica. Rep. Tlaib is not a terrorist. Just a gutter mouth.

She is terrorizing a nation with her filthy words...

( I dare you to compare her to Trump knowing I love Trump as much as you love my mad rants at you )
Terrorizing a nation? You are definitely kidding, right? She's giving a bunch of Trumptards the vapors, where if he had said that word, they'd be standing up and cheering, and you know it so don't deny it.
the main point is she shows HATE!!
I guess you are ok with this?
I didn't vote for her, and if her attitude was evident during the campaign, I wouldn't have. Does that answer your question? I just wonder if considering the threads you DO get involved in, whether that fit you're throwing over her hatred is just a pose because she's a Muslim. I've seen you in some of those Race relations threads, and it never occurred to me that open hatred would be an issue for you. Must depend on who is getting hated, huh?
Just think of the entertainment value we are gonna get. When Trump wins in 2020!
somebody please save these types of posts

Trump wins in 2020?
I guess you said the same in 2016?
I didn't speak Russian at the time
So all of Jill Stein votes would have had to go to Hillary? No one going with Trump or staying home? OK. D'Oh!

a great discussion for those not predisposed to puke-a-ganda put forth by the likes of a Bruce_T_Laney

Jill Stein: Democratic Spoiler Or Scapegoat?

Maybe you should ask yourself why she wanted the recounts in those certain states and why she was in Russia?

Oh, I know you think I am defending John Trump but the reality is I hate his guts but I know for a fact Jill Stein is more of the issue but please pretend she was not Putin puppet along with Sanders...
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
More fake outrage by the people that had no problem with Trump use of profanity on the campaign trail.

Fighting racial slurs should be the task of all Americans.
So we can call people beaners and you’re ok with it just because The NY Times did it?

What sheeples you Leftards are.
Just think of the entertainment value we are gonna get. When Trump wins in 2020!

I’m curious, what do you think the odds are that Donnie wins a s cond term. And just to make it interesting........
If liberals keep up their shennanagans, Schumer just a few years back said we needed a wall on the border. Now he shuts the goverment down because Trump wants to build the wall. Schumer is playing politics with peoples lives. If americans can't get their tax returns on time because Schumer and Pelosi won't give the money for the wall. They will pay in 2020, one thing people won't forget about ia messing with their money.
Trump did the same when he promised that Mexico would be paying for the wall...So why is he forcing the US taxpayer not Mexico to pay for the wall?
I expect he’ll submit an invoice.
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
More fake outrage by the people that had no problem with Trump use of profanity on the campaign trail.

Fighting racial slurs should be the task of all Americans.
So we can call people beaners and you’re ok with it just because The NY Times did it?

What sheeples you Leftards are.

*personal attack deleted* I could care less what the NYT says.
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She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
The left only faux cares depending what political party they belong to.
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

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