Let Us Juxtapose The Tolerant Left

She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
Were Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders really trying to weaken Hillary Clinton?

and here I thought they were running against her in an election process

go figure
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
Actually, intelligence had evidence that Iraq might have a nuclear program & evidence they did not. Don't blame them because your buddy Bush cherry picked the intel he was provided.

And furthermore, shit for brains, they can influence voters without hacking the vote itself.

Quit being a fucking idiot.
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
Actually, intelligence had evidence that Iraq might have a nuclear program & evidence they did not. Don't blame them because your buddy Bush cherry picked the intel he was provided.

And furthermore, shit for brains, they can influence voters without hacking the vote itself.

Quit being a fucking idiot.

Oh, the influence story, so you are saying that those like you were trick into voting for Jill Stein that cost Hillary key states...

It is not my fault you were stupid enough to believe in the Propaganda...

Oh, I was against the Iraq invasion, and never voted for Bush, but thanks for showing the board how you are just another trolling liar.
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
Were Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders really trying to weaken Hillary Clinton?

and here I thought they were running against her in an election process

go figure

Yeah, Jill Stein was in Russia when Flynn was there and wanted the recounts in those key states, but hey keep on thinking Trump was the puppet and not Stein.

I swear the left can be as dumb as the right...
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
She was verbally reprimanded for her outburst, yet Trump continues to threaten everyone in the US over his border wall he said Mexico would pay for...

Wait snowflake, I can’t let that one go ...”threaten everyone in the US over his border wall....”. I don’t feel threatened, in fact, I don’t know anybody who has even noticed the shutdown, or maybe that isn’t what you find so threatening, so tell us. What about the wall is threatening to you?
Many people in the US are more threatened by the invaders than the wall.
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
There is no tolerant right.
They don't even hate equally. The right wing has a "hate scale" with gays at the top and then blacks, then Hispanics and Muslims, then liberals and so on.
The right isn't even equal opportunity.
those arab/muslim/islamic/etc '''immigrants'' are so nice to have
Ft Hood shooting
San Bernadino shooting
Boston Bombing
Shoe Bomber
first Trade Center Bombing
9-11-second TC attack
Somalian cop shooting an innocent white woman
etc etc
Go hide in the hole where you belong, Harmonica. Rep. Tlaib is not a terrorist. Just a gutter mouth.

She is terrorizing a nation with her filthy words...

( I dare you to compare her to Trump knowing I love Trump as much as you love my mad rants at you )
Terrorizing a nation? You are definitely kidding, right? She's giving a bunch of Trumptards the vapors, where if he had said that word, they'd be standing up and cheering, and you know it so don't deny it.
why do want people with destructive cultures making laws??
that is stupid
but he DIDN'T say that word
AND as stated before--huge difference:
she OBVIOUSLY shows HATE!!
and in front of her KID!!!!
the Pals and the blacks have self destructive cultures
no wonder even their own kind doesn't want them
Black September - Wikipedia
She is an American born in Detroit, for pity's sake. What does Middle East terrorism or politics have to do with this woman? She is not a Palestinian. She is an A M E R I C A N as much as Trump is an A M E R I C A N, not a Scot like his mother was.

I never realized how badly cuss words affect you. I'll try to be careful in your presence from now on.
You know who else is an American? Major Nidal Hasan. Is that name familiar?

America is broken and fractured. There is no longer an American family.
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Last edited:
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?

How cute...

You telling posters about using talking points and lies and you and real Dave do nothing but that.

Do you have evidence Iraq was a threat when Clinton bombed them on the eve of his impeachment?
How cute...

You telling posters about using talking points and lies and you and real Dave do nothing but that.

Do you have evidence Iraq was a threat when Clinton bombed them on the eve of his impeachment?

you left out years of inspections (UN? Hans Blix?) and ignore the distinctions between claiming 'weapons - wmd' exist, and 'weapons programs'

the world had to stay static for your delusions to equal a reality. no time could pass, no events happened .. everything remained the same for years
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

You mean the same intelligence agencies that spied on Trump and tried to use a fake dossier to destroy him?
Those agencies?
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

You mean the same intelligence agencies that spied on Trump and tried to use a fake dossier to destroy him?
Those agencies?

Spied on Trump? :21:

So to protect Trump you want to go back and demand the LE and Intel communities should not have followed up on spies and foreign agents surrounding Trump's campaign?
She cost Hillary enough votes in certain states...

I know you will blame Trump but Stein strong showing to take votes from Hillary is why you are now with Trump...
where do you go to make this shit up?

Where do you guys get that Russia really cost Hillary the 2016 election unless you want to admit the truth Stein was part of it?

Can you explain why she was in Russia with Flynn?

Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin

Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

You mean the same intelligence agencies that spied on Trump and tried to use a fake dossier to destroy him?
Those agencies?

So to protect Trump you want to go back and create a make believe world in order to protect Trump's campaign?

Fake Dossier? :21:

OKAY: Dec 14, 2018 - Not all of the material in the dossier has been proven. But none has been disproven. As a raw intelligence document, the Steele dossier holds up well. ... The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the ...

Our interest in revisiting the compilation that has come to be called the “Steele Dossier” concerns neither of those topics, at least not directly. Rather, we returned to the document because we wondered whether information made public as a result of the Mueller investigation—and the passage of two years—has tended to buttress or diminish the crux of Steele’s original reporting.

The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

l The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
More fake outrage by the people that had no problem with Trump use of profanity on the campaign trail.

Fighting racial slurs should be the task of all Americans.
HUGE differences
1, Trump's remarks are not hate [ I've been over this a lot of times on USMB ]
2. Trump's remark was not as a government official/to the public
3. he did not do it in front of his kids
your argument is ridiculous

Don't think I heard him call any Dem a mother fucker either.

That Tlaib has no class whatsoever.
January 2019 – Newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday night that President Donald Trump was going down, promising Democrats would “impeach the motherfucker.”

January 2019 – The New York Times apologized for including a racial slur “beaner” in crossword puzzle on Tuesday.

I look forward to what today will bring in the Lefts implosion.
More fake outrage by the people that had no problem with Trump use of profanity on the campaign trail.

Fighting racial slurs should be the task of all Americans.
HUGE differences
1, Trump's remarks are not hate [ I've been over this a lot of times on USMB ]
2. Trump's remark was not as a government official/to the public
3. he did not do it in front of his kids
your argument is ridiculous

Don't think I heard him call any Dem a mother fucker either.

That Tlaib has no class whatsoever.
stop defending the Short-fingered Vulgarian
Our intelligence organizations said Russia interfered in the favor of Trump. Pull your head out of your stupid ass.

Well Dave they also once said Iraq was a threat, so ya know our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong.

I know you believe them now because it support your theory, so tell me which state did Russia hack to change the votes?

Also seeing Jill Stein was in Russia and her and Bernie did their best to weaken your candidate maybe I am correct but of course you will never admit Stein was the puppet...

Fact is when all this is done you and your side screaming about Trump will discover he did nothing with the Russians that would be consider collusion but then you will just scream Mueller is lying...

Now why is it you are always using profanity against those that you disagree with?
our Intelligence Community sometimes get it wrong? when was that?

So they got it right when Bush and Powell presented their case why we should invade Iraq?

Funny how it is perfect now when it suits your interest!

It is my understanding that Cheney and co., massaged the data and cherry picked things, that the intelligence community did not say things he and his co. said it did.

try and be honest here. Do you know for a fact the intelligence community told Cheney Iraq was a threat?

Prewar Iraq Intelligence: A Look at the Facts

Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Is that why Hillary said we needed to invade and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez?
try and be honest and try to keep up.

why would you distort and use lying talking points? do you even care you are misrepresenting the loss of America's blood?
You are either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Or both.
Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004


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