Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute

Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

29 Mar 2024 ~~ By Dabid NG

New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), radio host Andrew Wilkow, and Trump attorney Alina Habba are among those calling for “Tish” to show that no one is above the law.
Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.
Now Stewart has egg on his face, with pressure building on James to ensure the equal application of the law.

The DJT loans in questions were paid back early and never defaulted on. So the loan for the property becomes irrelevant when you are talking about valuation at time of sale…. If you are actually comparing apples to apples, John Stewart did do the exact same thing as President Donald Trump to avoid paying higher taxes. So why shouldn’t Stewart be prosecuted in the same fashion. If the New York Judical system and A.G James were honest they would probably know that this is clearly a political prosecution, but they are not, so they will probably get angry and need a coloring book and a good cry before considering their next weak argument.

Did he take out loans on the property? Or did he just offer it for sale? If he just offered it for sale, then yet again we have a Trump Fanboy apples and oranges comparison.
I say let Trump and Stewart alone. Go after the radical judges, James and Engeron. What they're doing isn't America. The totalitarian bullshit they're pulling should get them some prison time. MAGA
So when you get all liquored up and drive your car home from the bar...you're not committing a crime unless you collide with something?



Your move ex-mod.
Unlike you, I don't drive drunk. DUI is not a victimless crime, you are arrested because you can kill someone in your impaired state.

Trump defrauded no one. There were no victims. The banks all stated, under oath, that they will still do business with him because he is GOOD FOR THEIR BUSINESS.

Your move DNCCCP troll.
She didn't determine the amount, the presiding Judge did.... So she didn't get a whipping from the appellate court.

And the appellate court only reduced the bond down to $175 million, they did not reduce the +/-$450 million penalty fine.

Only if trump wins on appeal, can that happen.
You do realize that Trump WILL win on appeal...right, Care? That the charge was always bullshit and the ruling was ridiculous? That this was ALWAYS a political show trial?
LOL Poor desperate retards. Anything to shift the focus from their orange criminal.

Sorry retards. You are stuck with this one. No amount of mudding the waters is going to help. Thoughts and prayers.

LOL, poor self-serving retrograde Dems / Socialists. They insist that 'Equal protection under the law', only applies selectively.
Simply the bank could have denied the loan if they believed the assets were over valued. Instead they did their due dilligence as required by law and approved the loan. There was no law broken. If anything Stewarts penthouse was over valued for Soho property.

It was Deutsche Bank financial div. that loaned Trump the money, not the Bank part....they severed doing business with Donald Trump a few years back...

Trump got some Financial/investment arm and separate division of Deutsche Bank to loan him money.
Simply the bank could have denied the loan if they believed the assets were over valued. Instead they did their due dilligence as required by law and approved the loan. There was no law broken. If anything Stewarts penthouse was over valued for Soho property.
It says here that appraisal fraud is illegal in most jurisdictions. In Trump's case, these properties are highly specialized, so they depend on the businesses truthful appraisal. Prosecutors & judges have alot of experience with this stuff to know what is legal and not not pursue a case which can be lost in court or on appeal.
LOL Poor desperate retards. Anything to shift the focus from their orange criminal.

Sorry retards. You are stuck with this one. No amount of mudding the waters is going to help. Thoughts and prayers.
James is a Fat Pig. Funny. Seems ALL the ignorant slime going after Trump are Fat ,ugly "Women of Color". Fresh off the Welfare Gravy Train.
LOL Poor desperate retards. Anything to shift the focus from their orange criminal.

Sorry retards. You are stuck with this one. No amount of mudding the waters is going to help. Thoughts and prayers.
Not shifting focus....if anything you were warned that this would be the result. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
It says here that appraisal fraud is illegal in most jurisdictions. In Trump's case, these properties are highly specialized, so they depend on the businesses truthful appraisal. Prosecutors & judges have alot of experience with this stuff to know what is legal and not not pursue a case which can be lost in court or on appeal.
Total bullshit... There's no such thing as appraisal fraud. There is over appraisal or under appraisal based on market conditions and then there is rejection or acceptance. If they're trying to criminalize one they cannot look the other way for the other.
LOL, poor self-serving retrograde Dems / Socialists. They insist that 'Equal protection under the law', only applies selectively.
Actually, retard I am arguing the exact opposite. Just like you want the orange douchebag to have due process, apply the same to Jon Stewart.

Prove that he committed a crime. Go.
Trump supporters are so rabid. Clearly there is a difference between submitting false financial statements to banks and insurance companies -- under penalty of law -- and a sales price.
Actually, retard I am arguing the exact opposite. Just like you want the orange douchebag to have due process, apply the same to Jon Stewart.

Prove that he committed a crime. Go.
That's the point....APPLY THE SAME....

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