Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

Assuming the NY Post story is accurate, the core issue is inflated property value is it not?
They are horrified now. They were warned about this. I'm not defending the practice only stating that it's business as usual in NY real estate. It's bound to spread now that they have set a legal precedent.
Assuming the NY Post story is accurate, the core issue is inflated property value is it not?
Nope! One can lie, brag etc all they want about their own home value in the public. One can also sell their property for what a buyer is willing to pay, as long as the seller reveals all known problems to the buyer.

The core issue is lying on a certified to be true financial asset form listing the borrower's property assets, that is required when borrowing money in the multi-million dollar range, to determine the customer risk and rate of interest.
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Actually, retard I am arguing the exact opposite. Just like you want the orange douchebag to have due process, apply the same to Jon Stewart.

Prove that he committed a crime. Go.
There's a lot of retard in your tirades.
Nope! One can lie, brag etc all they want about their own home value in the public. One can also sell their property for what a buyer is willing to pay, as long as the seller reveals all known problems to the buyer.

The core issue is lying on a certified to be true financial asset form listing the borrower's property assets, that is required when borrowing money in the multi-million dollar range, to determine the customer risk and rate of interest.
Lol.....all real estate transactions are notarized with the attached pains and penalties. The transaction does not happen otherwise.
Nope! One can lie, brag etc all they want about their own home value in the public. One can also sell their property for what a buyer is willing to pay, as long as the seller reveals all known problems to the buyer.

The core issue is lying on a certified to be true financial asset form listing the borrower's property assets, that is required when borrowing money in the multi-million dollar range, to determine the customer risk and rate of interest.
Setting a high price for a luxury property is not a "lie". That is business as usual. The entire case against Trump is a ridiculous application "the law". James and Engoron should be disbarred. You hate Trump and love Stewart so you pick and choose who was right or wrong based on that.
Lol.....all real estate transactions are notarized with the attached pains and penalties. The transaction does not happen otherwise.
Oh so now you know about real estate transactions?

Then you know that knowingly submitting false information to the banks and insurance companies is a felony.

Something tells me you are suddenly not going to understand real estate transactions anymore.
You know my IQ is as high as yours Ft. Fantasy. That's another false narrative you Trump haters have to rely on. Quite pathetic.
No, clearly your cultism has turned you into an incapable halfwit. You fold like a cheap suit the moment anyone makes a counterpoint to your unevidenced and unargued claims.
LOL Poor desperate retards. Anything to shift the focus from their orange criminal.

Sorry retards. You are stuck with this one. No amount of mudding the waters is going to help. Thoughts and prayers.
No amount of calling your opponents “retard” will negate the fact that only Trump was prosecuted for actions others have done and given a pass.

The best outcome will be for the SCOTUS to reduce his fine to $10. And they could.

Pull that taffy

Oh so now you know about real estate transactions?

Then you know that knowingly submitting false information to the banks and insurance companies is a felony.

Something tells me you are suddenly not going to understand real estate transactions anymore.

No bank is forced to accept anything. You're the one who understands nothing. Inflated claims are a common occurrence in real estate..that's what fueled the global money correction of 2008. The applicant submits, the bank verifies and then either accepts or rejects. Key emphasis here.
The BANK verifies.
Trump’s lawyers should get authorization to comb through the business records of wealthy NY Dems. Their justification is to prove there was selective prosecution.
Trust me....they will not be allowed to do that.
No bank is forced to accept anything.
Irrelevant. That's the system. The borrower submits financial statements compiled by a reputable third party and attests to their accuracy under penalty of law.

This system and the applicable laws were all in place before the orange slob slithered down the escalator. And it works fine.

Your ignorance of the system and of the laws is your problem. Guess who was NOT ignorant and knew he was committing felonies? Trump and his lawyers and his accountants.

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